Hi dear Lenna Leung, thank you for sharing your experiences during your stay at our hotel. We thank you for your positive feedback, and we want you to know that we, as the AREN CAVE family, will be honored to welcome you again at our hotel as soon as possible. Kind regards, Furkan
我們與好朋友在這家非常棒的酒店(Aren cave Hotel And Art Gallery)住了 4個晚上,超級漂亮和乾淨的設施,寬敞且舒適的房間,陽台看出去有很好的風景,令人開心。,我們喜歡這裡的風景,喜歡老闆所提供給我們的一切是那麼的舒服,可以在這裡盡情地開放及放空自己與好朋友分享,喜歡這裡也愛上這裡。捨不得離開這裡,這是一個非常有溫度且非常有家庭氛圍和所有的工作人員。謝謝你們的付出!