地點便利! 粵式點心非常地道、口味一流。服務態度非常認真友善、用膳環境乾淨衛生、裝修堂皇。自助點心cp值非常高、值得推介!、
是否擁有或管理此物業? 免費領取您的清單,即可回應評論、更新個人檔案和更多。
地點便利! 粵式點心非常地道、口味一流。服務態度非常認真友善、用膳環境乾淨衛生、裝修堂皇。自助點心cp值非常高、值得推介!、
Dear Yu Chung Leo M,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with such a kind review of Hall of Golden Chimes.
I will share your positive comments with the rest of our team.
Thank you again for dining with us, we look forward to welcoming you back soon!
Best regards,
Senghak Lim, Restaurant Assistant Manager
1 - 5 則評論,共 368 則
Dear Mobile27879702066,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with such a kind review of Hall of Golden Chimes.
I will share your positive comments with the rest of our team.
Thank you again for dining with us, we look forward to welcoming you back soon!
Best regards,
Senghak Lim, Restaurant Assistant Manager
這裡的港點雖然貴,但真的是有功夫且真材實料。 我們常點的乾炒牛河味道很棒,已經是我們每次來必點的菜。 其他的也都做的很不錯,就看各自的喜好還點,這裡不會讓人失望。
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for providing us with such a kind review for Hall of Golden Chimes.
I will share your positive comments with the rest of our team.
Thank you again for dining with us, we look forward to welcoming you back soon!
Yours Faithful,
Socheata Sy
環境優美清淨 食物不錯 食品很多 可以多項選擇 建議份量可以少一點 這樣 一兩個人來也可以多點其他品種 就是服務員少了點
Dear MaggieT958,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with such a kind review for Hall of Golden Chimes.
I will share your positive comments with the rest of our team.
Thank you again for dining with us and we are looking forward to welcoming you back here soon!
Yours Faithfully,
Chetha Sorm