在 5 公里內有 1,250 個地點
在 10 公里內有 328 個地點
10 則評論
義大利維羅納24 則投稿
2021年11月 • 好友旅行
La scortesia è di casa.. Non basta il cibo.. E la location carina.. Pessima accoglienza.. Da evitare...
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
mörschwil, Switzerland14 則投稿
kleines verschlafenes Dorf in der Nähe vom Zentrum von Verona. Ruhig gelegen und ein paar Kilometer weiter in die Höhe erlebt man einen herrlichen Ausblick auf die Stadt
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Simo Ne
Verona105 則投稿
2017年7月 • 夫妻情侶
The nice thing about this small hamlet is that it has its own identity, square, little streets with the flavour of a little village up the hills.
Once a village on its own , now integrated into the city, and well connetted to town centre through regular city bus service.
It has streets with pretty and oldfashioned buildings, its local church, square and it's all surrounded by beautiful green hills.
From the centre of the village you can follow the path which takes you up the hill (the mount Cavro) to the San Rocchetto Eremitage, a lovely little church where you can enjoy a stunning view of the city from above and it has space and place to sit and a fountain, perfect to bring your own meal or have a picnic on the grass in the garden of the church or in the free land where you can walk around.
This place is also good for travelers with dogs.No cars up here and well-behaved dogs can run free in the green; be respectful and have it safely leashed if your dog is big and you come across families with children.
On top of the hill, you can immerse yourself in the green feeling completely out of town in the countryside in just 5 minutes walk admiring on one side a beautiful view of Verona and on the other side the landscape facing the Valpolicella area and the hills around lake Garda.
For tradition, this is where the locals come for a picnic on Easter Monday.
Down in the village, you can dine in a well-known pizzeria right in the square and have a drink in a cosy bar, the Ongarine Caffè right in front of the church.
Find also imagery of this place on the Instagram profile "QuinzanoVerona"
Nearby, 15 mins walk there is a nice swimming pool called Piscine Santini, in via Santini, actually if you decide to stay in Verona for a few days and want to take a few hours break from the heat of town centre, you can relax by the pool and enjoy its garden.
The ticket is a little less than €6 and it's usually open until the 1st week of September.
Once a village on its own , now integrated into the city, and well connetted to town centre through regular city bus service.
It has streets with pretty and oldfashioned buildings, its local church, square and it's all surrounded by beautiful green hills.
From the centre of the village you can follow the path which takes you up the hill (the mount Cavro) to the San Rocchetto Eremitage, a lovely little church where you can enjoy a stunning view of the city from above and it has space and place to sit and a fountain, perfect to bring your own meal or have a picnic on the grass in the garden of the church or in the free land where you can walk around.
This place is also good for travelers with dogs.No cars up here and well-behaved dogs can run free in the green; be respectful and have it safely leashed if your dog is big and you come across families with children.
On top of the hill, you can immerse yourself in the green feeling completely out of town in the countryside in just 5 minutes walk admiring on one side a beautiful view of Verona and on the other side the landscape facing the Valpolicella area and the hills around lake Garda.
For tradition, this is where the locals come for a picnic on Easter Monday.
Down in the village, you can dine in a well-known pizzeria right in the square and have a drink in a cosy bar, the Ongarine Caffè right in front of the church.
Find also imagery of this place on the Instagram profile "QuinzanoVerona"
Nearby, 15 mins walk there is a nice swimming pool called Piscine Santini, in via Santini, actually if you decide to stay in Verona for a few days and want to take a few hours break from the heat of town centre, you can relax by the pool and enjoy its garden.
The ticket is a little less than €6 and it's usually open until the 1st week of September.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
瑞士琉森18 則投稿
2017年4月 • 夫妻情侶
Mit dem Bus nach Quinzano fahren und von dort nach Avesa oder nach Parona wandern. Das lohnt sich und die Aussicht ist fantastisch.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
俄羅斯哈巴羅夫斯克924 則投稿
2016年5月 • 好友旅行
Это небольшая деревенька, расположенная на холме недалёко от Вероне. Тихо, спокойно, " вкусный" воздух, в целом производит приятное впечатление, хотя, по большому счету, ничего особенного.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
義大利維羅納114 則投稿
2016年5月 • 夫妻情侶
Uscendo da nord verso Trento, le colline di Verona che precedono la Valpolicella nascondono due bellissime vallate profonde occupate da paesini bellissimi:Avesa e Quinzano.
Si è a tre chilometri da Verona, ma sembrano trenta. L'aria fresca e le passeggiate sono meravigliose. Quinzano ha una parte antica con due o tre ville padronali e un cestro storico piccolo ma bello e poco toccato dall'urbanizzazione moderna, con ottimi ristorantini e pizzerie, ed agriturismi appena fuori dal paese. Ci sono cave di tufo che sono diventate rifugi antiaerei e ora sono fungaie, pendici scoscese molto belle e lunghissime passeggiate rilassanti. salendo le pendici delle colline ( due, trecento metri, a volte meno ci sono viste mozzafiato ed alcune chiesette con la bellissima Pieve di San Rocchetto.
Soprattutto col caldo estivo una gita meravigliosa e inaspettata
Si è a tre chilometri da Verona, ma sembrano trenta. L'aria fresca e le passeggiate sono meravigliose. Quinzano ha una parte antica con due o tre ville padronali e un cestro storico piccolo ma bello e poco toccato dall'urbanizzazione moderna, con ottimi ristorantini e pizzerie, ed agriturismi appena fuori dal paese. Ci sono cave di tufo che sono diventate rifugi antiaerei e ora sono fungaie, pendici scoscese molto belle e lunghissime passeggiate rilassanti. salendo le pendici delle colline ( due, trecento metri, a volte meno ci sono viste mozzafiato ed alcune chiesette con la bellissima Pieve di San Rocchetto.
Soprattutto col caldo estivo una gita meravigliosa e inaspettata
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
俄羅斯新西伯利亞497 則投稿
2015年5月 • 夫妻情侶
Небольшой городок, который находится на возвышенности по отношению к Вероне. Тихий, зеленый, спокойный. Красивые выды Вероны оттуда
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
俄羅斯新西伯利亞255 則投稿
2015年6月 • 商務型
Кинзано - это небольшой городок на севере Вероны (положение на карте TripAdviser указано неверно). Тихое место для спокойного отдыха среди маленьких домиков на небольшом возвышении относительно самой Вероны. Если вы в Вероне впервые и/или ненадолго, то есть более стоящие места для посещения.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
義大利帕多瓦668 則投稿
2014年6月 • 家庭式
Hoje é um bairro de Verona, mas já foi uma cidadezinha. E seu charme está justamente na manutenção dessa esfera. Ainda é possível ver que existe uma identidade de interior, no bom sentido, com um jeitinho de cidade-burgo. Conheço porque já estive hospedado muito próximo! Não recomendaria para quem vai apenas passar um ou dois dias em Verona! Para uma segunda ou terceira viagem, reservem um dia para dar um passeio em Quinzano. Para visitarem a colina, a igreja de San Rocco e também a de San Rocchetto.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。