Cattedrale di San Gerardo
Cattedrale di San Gerardo
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96 則評論
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義大利那不勒斯877 則投稿
2024年8月 • 家庭式
St Gerard's Cathedral is a church that impressed me a lot. The exterior of the structure has bare exposed bricks and without any grout. Inside are visible various alterations made in various eras. Well, despite all the various overlaps of styles imaginable, you never lose sight of the primitive Romanesque style; the baroque is there but like the late Prince Philip, it remains...three steps back!
Even the colors of the frescoes are soft, the poses of the subjects are not theatrical, as can be seen in other churches. To see: a baptismal font that is placed in a side chapel, next to a plaque commemorating the pastoral visit of Pope John Paul II. Unlike many other mass tourism Superstar cathedrals. In this temple, you can make your visit in absolute silence.
Even the colors of the frescoes are soft, the poses of the subjects are not theatrical, as can be seen in other churches. To see: a baptismal font that is placed in a side chapel, next to a plaque commemorating the pastoral visit of Pope John Paul II. Unlike many other mass tourism Superstar cathedrals. In this temple, you can make your visit in absolute silence.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
摩納哥68,589 則投稿
2023年12月 • 夫妻情侶
Dedicated to the Patron Saint of the city, the Cathedral of San Gerardo di Potenza has very ancient origins and stands on the remains of an early Christian basilica, in one of the highest points of the city.
The current neoclassical appearance dates back to the end of the 18th century by the architect Antonio Magri, a pupil of Vanvitelli, but the construction of the cathedral dates back to 1197.
The main façade of the Cathedral is noteworthy: it is embellished by a valuable portal with two bronze doors created in 1978 by the sculptor Giovanni Niglia, while on the tympanum stands a small rose window which probably belonged to the oldest church, dedicated to the Assumption until the mid-13th century.
The current façade is covered with stone slabs and is divided by pilasters with capitals on two orders, underlined by a large string course bearing the coat of arms of Bishop Bonaventura Claverio inserted in the center of the tympanum of the entrance portal.
Externally the building is characterized by a very simple structure and a gabled main façade.
The cathedral has a Latin cross shape with a single nave, 50 meters long and approximately 7 meters wide and houses 9 chapels distributed between the right side (three) and the left side (four) and 2 on the sides of the transept.
To the right of the main portal is the secondary door, with a small staircase and a tympanum supported by various columns.
The latter has images sculpted in bronze depicting the Assumption of the Virgin, Saint Gerard, the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Death, the Resurrection, the coat of arms of the Bishop and that of the Pope.
The secondary door was created by the artist Marco Santoro from Potenza in 2004.
Once inside the Cathedral of San Gerardo , it is a must to stop inside the chapel of the transept on the right, dedicated to St. Gerardo La Porta of Piacenza, patron saint of Potenza, and in the fourth chapel from the left, which houses the remains of bishops Bertazzoni and Vairo.
The left chapel of the transept houses the Blessed Sacrament.
When you enter this splendid temple your attention is attracted by the valuable frescoes that decorate the vault created by the painter Mario Prayer.The dome is frescoed with images of the people of Potenza who accompany the Bishop San Gerardo in a procession that ends with the presentation of the people to the Madonna and to the figure of God the Father.
Also noteworthy is the crypt located next to the main altar.
The remains of San Gerardo were initially kept in a sarcophagus of Roman origin. Since 1919, the eighth centenary of the Saint's death, it has been preserved in a precious silver and crystal urn, placed under the altar, dedicated to the Saint.
It is worth a visit.
The current neoclassical appearance dates back to the end of the 18th century by the architect Antonio Magri, a pupil of Vanvitelli, but the construction of the cathedral dates back to 1197.
The main façade of the Cathedral is noteworthy: it is embellished by a valuable portal with two bronze doors created in 1978 by the sculptor Giovanni Niglia, while on the tympanum stands a small rose window which probably belonged to the oldest church, dedicated to the Assumption until the mid-13th century.
The current façade is covered with stone slabs and is divided by pilasters with capitals on two orders, underlined by a large string course bearing the coat of arms of Bishop Bonaventura Claverio inserted in the center of the tympanum of the entrance portal.
Externally the building is characterized by a very simple structure and a gabled main façade.
The cathedral has a Latin cross shape with a single nave, 50 meters long and approximately 7 meters wide and houses 9 chapels distributed between the right side (three) and the left side (four) and 2 on the sides of the transept.
To the right of the main portal is the secondary door, with a small staircase and a tympanum supported by various columns.
The latter has images sculpted in bronze depicting the Assumption of the Virgin, Saint Gerard, the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Death, the Resurrection, the coat of arms of the Bishop and that of the Pope.
The secondary door was created by the artist Marco Santoro from Potenza in 2004.
Once inside the Cathedral of San Gerardo , it is a must to stop inside the chapel of the transept on the right, dedicated to St. Gerardo La Porta of Piacenza, patron saint of Potenza, and in the fourth chapel from the left, which houses the remains of bishops Bertazzoni and Vairo.
The left chapel of the transept houses the Blessed Sacrament.
When you enter this splendid temple your attention is attracted by the valuable frescoes that decorate the vault created by the painter Mario Prayer.The dome is frescoed with images of the people of Potenza who accompany the Bishop San Gerardo in a procession that ends with the presentation of the people to the Madonna and to the figure of God the Father.
Also noteworthy is the crypt located next to the main altar.
The remains of San Gerardo were initially kept in a sarcophagus of Roman origin. Since 1919, the eighth centenary of the Saint's death, it has been preserved in a precious silver and crystal urn, placed under the altar, dedicated to the Saint.
It is worth a visit.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
義大利那不勒斯269 則投稿
discreta chiesa neobarocca non particolarmente affascinante.bellissima la statua lignea a grandezza naturale di s gerardo del XV secolo.interessante la settecentesca cappella del SS sacramento.bella la piazza anistante la chiesa.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
義大利Potenza12 則投稿
La Cattedrale è qualcosa di meraviglioso, quando si entra si rimane a bocca aperta.
Abbiamo scelto di sposarci qui e di battezzare il nostro bambino per la sua maestosità e per i suoi parroci.
Abbiamo scelto di sposarci qui e di battezzare il nostro bambino per la sua maestosità e per i suoi parroci.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Marcello A.
義大利維羅納19 則投稿
Bellissima basilica del Sud Italia, imponente con bellissime opere d'arti all'interno, colpisce il silenzio dentro, ben tenuta, suggestionante, ottima per pregare e fuggire dal caos dela città, Grazie1
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
tony b
5,251 則投稿
2021年9月 • 好友旅行
Chiesa ubicata nel centro della città.
Architettura semplice ma ammaliante e suggestiva .
Il campanile è molto bello.
All'interno opere di grande pregio.
Da vedere!
Architettura semplice ma ammaliante e suggestiva .
Il campanile è molto bello.
All'interno opere di grande pregio.
Da vedere!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
8 則投稿
Nel centro di Potenza, oltre le piazze e il teatro, merita una visita la Cattedrale di San Gerardo. L'accoglienza del vescovo in persona è qualcosa di unico, mai accaduto nel resto d'Italia. Lo stile non è affascinante come chiese antiche ben più note, ma la possibilità di ricavare uno spazio di preghiera e silenzio all'interno della città, è un pezzo di cielo. Visita che ha completato una giornata di conoscenza del capoluogo lucano.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
德國柏林1 則投稿
Non avevamo aspettative alte visitando la citta' ed alla fine e' stato cosi: limitatissimo centro strorico (praticamente una via ed una piazzetta), la cattedrale nulla di speciale, almeno personalmente non mi ha trasmesso nulla..citta' fondamentalmente scomoda, salite, discese, incroci mal gestiti che rasentano la pericolosita'...insomma se si e' di passaggio ci si puo farmare un oretta ma non di piu...
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
義大利9,687 則投稿
2020年8月 • 夫妻情侶
Fu costruita nel XII-XIII secolo. Molto bello il Campanile. Notevole il portone di ingresso.
Ricca di opere, contiene anche le spoglie di San Gerardo.
*mi scuso per la recensione postdatata*
Ricca di opere, contiene anche le spoglie di San Gerardo.
*mi scuso per la recensione postdatata*
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Mariano G
義大利Castelfiorentino1,492 則投稿
La Cattedrale di San Gerardo di fatto rappresenta l'unico luogo degno di nota del centro storico di Potenza, sempre che quello di Potenza si possa definire "centro storico", dal momento che assomiglia di più ad una anonima periferia di una qualsiasi città a caso. La cattedrale di per sè è bella ma non vale la pena fermarsi a Potenza solo per questo luogo, dal momento che per il resto il capoluogo lucano, da un punto di vista turistico, non offre veramente altro.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
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