什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
沿著庫克山和韋斯特蘭國家公園(Westland National Park)參加這個55分鐘的滑雪飛機景區體驗,享受獨一無二的空中旅行。飛行路線就在庫拉(Aoraki MT)庫克山(MT Cook)附近,可欣賞到福克斯(Fox),弗朗茲·約瑟夫(Franz Josef)和塔斯曼冰川(Tasman Glaciers)。觀看南阿爾卑斯山(包括冰川降落)的終極方式!遺願清單項目!
0-99 歲,每團最多 18 人
所需時間: 1 小時 5 分鐘
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
- 酒店接送服務
- 專業指導
不提供- 紀念照片(可購買)
- 出發地點:
- Mount Cook Airport, Mount Cook Road, Canterbury 7999, New Zealand機場位於80號州際公路上的Aoraki庫克山村之前3分鐘。
結束:此活動將回到集合地點結束。 - 有無障礙通行設施
- 附近有大眾交通
- 幼兒必須由成人抱著
- 有幼兒座位
如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:22551P7- 預訂時將收到確認
- 兒童必須由成人陪同
- 雙重著陸受雪況影響,可以代替一次較長的著陸
- 由於天氣原因,航班可能會被取消
- 航班起飛前,每航班最少2人
- 大多數旅客可參與
- 在航班起飛前45分鐘辦理登機手續
- 此體驗必須有良好的天候。 如果因天候不佳而取消,則將改期或全額退款
- 此遊覽/活動有最多 18 名旅客的人數限制
- 如需獲得全額退款,請至少於體驗開始日期前 24 小時取消。
- 如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:22551P7
- 159charlottem0 篇投稿直升机和雪上飞机观光之旅是对的选择!!在这个世界的非凡的角落度过了令人惊奇的一天!如果你足够幸运可以到这里旅游,这是一定你要做的第一件事。虽然有点贵,但值得。(我相信有航班行程适合大多数200美元以上的预算开支)这里有彬彬有礼,乐于助人和满脸笑容的员工和真正的一生难忘的经历(或者一生中两次的经历如果你选择直升机和雪上飞机观光组合)万分感谢你们!發表日期:2019年7月26日
- Wanderer300631826260 篇投稿大圆环我们乘坐了一架滑雪飞机(大圆环)进行了55分钟的风景优美的飞行体验,然后降落在了塔斯曼冰川上。这是一生难忘的经历,我们真的是超级喜欢的!!这趟旅程有着美丽的风景和优质的客户服务。我真的是超级推荐的。發表日期:2019年6月28日
- vairydia0 篇投稿不用徒步就能到达山顶!如果你想毫不费力地登上山顶,那么这就是答案。乘坐15分钟左右,你就可以环绕这座雄伟的大山,然后到达山顶,接近它。發表日期:2019年5月19日
- Anne W0 篇投稿绝对是正确的选择我们无法乘坐原定的航班,只能换乘直升机前往塔斯曼冰川。这绝对超出了我们的舒适范围,但我们因此所看到的景色、所到达的地方、所收获的丰富知识以及飞行员的杰出能力,都使我们惊叹不已。發表日期:2019年4月28日
- Jmarnold930 篇投稿一个必去的体验!这是一次终身体验,当然也是我在新西兰度过的最精彩的部分。我强烈推荐给大家。非常棒的员工,飞行员见多识广且很迷人。景点令人叹为观止,值得这个钱。發表日期:2019年4月2日
- Michael J0 篇投稿飞跃库克山愉快的旅行。库克山的景色真是太美了。在塔斯曼冰川上来了漂亮的着陆,这是拍一些超棒照片的绝佳机会。飞行员肖恩提供了很多增长见闻的信息,这是直升机在冰川上飞行的特别节目。很感谢。發表日期:2019年3月12日
- spagent130 篇投稿库克赫利山和雪上飞机——旅行的亮点!不管你选择什么方式来征服库克山:在山谷里漫步或者爬山,都会是一次很棒的体验。然而,如果有能力能够到达冰川顶上,你将会收获另一番壮丽的景色。發表日期:2019年3月2日
- davidsbrother80 篇投稿太棒了,你一定要来这里进行一次参观旅游我们选择了直升机和雪上飞机的组合,绝对是非常划算的。我们乘坐直升飞机降落在塔斯曼冰川上,然后乘飞机返回,这是一次不可思议的经历,我们看到了周围冰川和山脉最壮观的景色。工作人员和飞行员都非常友好和知识渊博,我强烈推荐这次旅行,这是我们这次观光的亮点。發表日期:2019年1月7日
- m1s5e0 篇投稿55分钟一大圈雪山飞机观光之旅这是欣赏宏伟景观最好的方式,在飞机上你会被美景震惊;能看见美丽的山谷,飞驰过奥拉基山,然后降落在冰川。这是我和妈妈在新西兰5周旅程的亮点,谢谢Hannah,感谢她的杰出服务,将我们照料的很好,还有我们旅程的飞行员也很棒:)發表日期:2018年12月12日
- Relax2698970 篇投稿一个我永远不会忘记的冒险! 史诗我走进去的那一刻,我感到非常受欢迎,并受到接待处的可爱工作人员Jess和Hannah的赞赏!我的航班由于天气原因被推迟了,我的车出了问题,所以Hannah允许我借用她的自行车,以便绕过村庄。她非常善良,我确定我会把自行车带回来的,哈哈。那天下午晚些时候我遇到了我的飞行员莫里斯,他是一位非常好的绅士,经过坚定的握手和见面,我们进入飞机并起飞。景色非常壮观,一路顺风顺水!降落在冰川之上真是太酷了。到目前为止,我已经在生活中做了很多令人惊奇的事情,但这种体验最好!非常感谢Inflite的每个人!發表日期:2018年12月3日
- Gabrielle J0 篇投稿很棒的公司,壮丽的风光我们一行12人得到了参加雪上飞机观光之旅的机会,可以观赏10分钟的塔斯曼冰川美景。库克山雪上飞机和直升机的工作人员都很热情,我们这一团人都度过了美妙的时光!我超级推荐你跟随他们一起飞上天空去观光,无论是10分钟还是几个小时都很棒。它的风光值得你来一睹风采!感谢你们为我们所做的一切!發表日期:2018年10月19日
- CherieD1120 篇投稿完美!在新西兰自驾游,欣赏它的美景实在太赞了。但飞翔在空中,从空中俯瞰这片美丽的土地更棒!我们参加了Inflite组织的飞行,两次飞过了冰川,我们没有失望!我们的飞行员很友好,很轻松,业务很熟练。如果你喜欢飞机的话这是个加分项。我们第一次的飞行是在今年一月,夏天参加的大循环之旅让我们欣赏到了库克山最美的景色,看到了Ouest海岸线的美景。我们最后一次飞行是一次组合飞行(直升机和雪上飞机),能体验两种不同的飞机实在太棒了!雪上飞机的着陆不可思议,一点点的激动总是很棒的:)Inflite团队很热情,很乐于助人。如果不是有如此棒的Inflite团队,我们不会有如此赞的体验!完美!發表日期:2018年9月4日
- trudihayde0 篇投稿拍的照片很完美,感谢Muzz和6月29日的好天气我们这两个来自科罗曼德的新西兰人在这里留下了终身难忘的回忆。谢谢这次旅行给的美好回忆,我们拍了很棒的照片,感谢Muzz和库克山直升机&雪上飞机观光之旅(Mount Cook Ski Planes & Helicopters)。我们对热情和专业服务充满了敬佩和感激。發表日期:2018年7月5日
- Joanna1280 篇投稿直升机-徒步——我们旅行中最令人惊喜的部分!我和丈夫在蜜月旅行中体验直升机-徒步,度过了一段令人难以置信的时光。谁知道冰河上到处都是冰洞,而且一天天地在变化?我们的导游汤姆对冰川非常了解,这也使我们的旅行更愉快。强烈推荐——这真的太令人难以置信了。發表日期:2018年3月25日
- Vin V0 篇投稿令人感到失望的预订了35分钟的直升机飞行伴随雪山降落,3个星期前从澳大利亚起飞。我们有2名乘客通过电子邮件确认15:30的推荐航班,以满足我们的旅行安排。我们在10:00到达机场的当天到达机场,一切正常,我们被要求在15:00返回我们的航班。我和我妻子14:30到达,被告知滑雪飞机取消了,所有的顾客都被送上了直升飞机。我们被推迟到了16:30的飞行。这是完全不合适,这不符合我们的其他安排。破烂和冲突的借口是由工作人员给我们…没办法办生意……我们很不高兴,因为我们10:00的时候一切都好。發表日期:2017年9月23日
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13 則評論
11 則投稿
We want to give 10 STARS! We did the Grand Circle Helicopter flight with Pilot Mark. Where do I begin......the day was clear and the weather gods were on our side. Mark was extraordinary! He was calm, and has a wealth of knowledge, and not once did I feel uneasy. We saw Mt Cook, flew over Franz Josef and Fox glaciers and landed on the Tasman glacier. This flight was phenomenal and the BEST scenic flight I have ever been on. Thank you Mark for keeping us all safe, and the team at Inflite, we cannot stop raving about our wonderful experience with you.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Wellington11 則投稿
On 18th January 2023 my party of 2 adults and 2 children (all Kiwis) did an amazing flight on a ski plane that took about an hour and flew us from Mt Cook airport in a big loop around Mt Cook itself then landing on Tasman Glacier before returning to the airport. Basically, it was amazing. Like once in a life time wow factor to see the scenery of the Southern Alps and the West Coast and to land on the glacier. Words fail to describe how good it was. We had an 0830 flight but it was delayed, due to clouds, for about an hour and a bit. But the company dealt with this smoothly. One of the adults (not me!) was a reluctant flier but Dan, our pilot, was exceptionally good at managing all of us including the nervous one amongst us. That he has decades of experience helps. These flights are not cheap, cost us about $NZ2k. So I wasn't sure if I would get a sense of value for money. But I needn't have worried, it certainly was value for money because the experience was for all of us so, so amazing. The best two grand I ever spent!!! If I could rate it 11 out of 10 I would.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
哥倫比亞特區華盛頓 (哥倫比亞特區)256 則投稿
Echoing the many great reviews. Absolutely fabulous, felt very safe in the hands of Dan and the ski plane though I'm a timid flyer. Great sights. We couldn't land because of wind, but the company went out of their way to accommodate a landing later or refund. Great customer service, friendly, clean facility, great plane, great piloting. Highly recommend.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
紐西蘭奧克蘭58 則投稿
There is no scenic flight in New Zealand which matches the awesomeness of the flight around the glaciers including landing on a glacier. If you were to choose one scenic flight to do in New Zealand, this is the one. Make sure you put it high on your bucket list as you won't regret it.
The staff are very friendly, helpful, skilful and knowledgeable.
The experience takes you so close to the Southern Alps; in particular Aoraki Mount Cook itself. You feel as though you could reach out and touch it. The manouevrability of the Pilatus PC-6 is amazing. The magic happens when you land on the glacier in a plane - the landing is so smooth you don't even know you've touched down - the only way of knowing you've touched down on the glacier is by looking at the snow/ice spray from the skis. Whichever glacier you end up landing on, it will be extraordinary experience. Paying a little extra for a view of the West Coast glaciers and the chance of landing on the Fox or Franz Josef Glaciers if conditions are suitable is worth it in my view.
Even if it's overcast (if the cloud ceiling is above the mountains), it'll be worth it.
Don't forget your sunglasses and even sunscreen as the glacier reflects everything back onto you from all angles.
I'd do it again in a heartbeat, no doubt about it.
The staff are very friendly, helpful, skilful and knowledgeable.
The experience takes you so close to the Southern Alps; in particular Aoraki Mount Cook itself. You feel as though you could reach out and touch it. The manouevrability of the Pilatus PC-6 is amazing. The magic happens when you land on the glacier in a plane - the landing is so smooth you don't even know you've touched down - the only way of knowing you've touched down on the glacier is by looking at the snow/ice spray from the skis. Whichever glacier you end up landing on, it will be extraordinary experience. Paying a little extra for a view of the West Coast glaciers and the chance of landing on the Fox or Franz Josef Glaciers if conditions are suitable is worth it in my view.
Even if it's overcast (if the cloud ceiling is above the mountains), it'll be worth it.
Don't forget your sunglasses and even sunscreen as the glacier reflects everything back onto you from all angles.
I'd do it again in a heartbeat, no doubt about it.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you so much for flying with us Nicholas and for taking the time to review us. Our skiplanes are so special we agree, as we are the only company here in NZ to operate them, and sounds like you had a great day for flying We hope to see you again soon!
Tag your photos #myINFLITE
Instagram @mtcookskiplanesandhelis
Facebook @Mt Cook Ski Planes
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
英國韋茅斯544 則投稿
Absolutely the best thing we did on the whole trip of both islands in NZ - without doubt! As we had to get to Christchurch by 3pm we just booked the shortest helicopter flight (Tasman Glacier only) from the activity centre at the Hermitage Hotel in Mt Cook. We were told on arrival at the airport we couldn't go until lunchtime as they needed another couple. We explained we had to be flying nowish then away so after a brief conflab they upgraded us to a plane which did the whole mountains & glaciers circuit AND landed on the Tasman Glacier itself - in other words the cheapest/shortest flight w/o landing to the longest with landing! Btw the views were stunning, the walking about in shorts & T-shirts on a glacier was surreal and the Aussie pilot a fun & knowledgeable guide. THANK YOU SO MUCH to INFLITE! Don't leave Aoraki/Mt Cook w/o doing a flight - any flight!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
What great weather you had! Thank you so much for flying with us and the great review, Tag your photos #myINFLITE
Instagram @mtcookskiplanesandhelis
Facebook @Mt Cook Ski Planes
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
2 則投稿
This experience was absolutely magical. Weaving our way up and around the glaciers onto the West coast with a landing high up on Fox Glacier. Stunning views, exceptional customer service. Highly recommend a visit and an experience on any of there flights. Mt Cook Ski Planes and Heli's happily catered for our team of 35-40 members of the Canterbury Aero Club across many of their flight experiences making it a highly enjoyable and unforgettable memory.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you so much for flying with and the review Ryan, and we hope to see you again soon as was a pleaure to host a large group and to have pilot yarns with everyone!
Tag your photos #myINFLITE
Instagram @mtcookskiplanesandhelis
Facebook @Mt Cook Ski Planes
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Neill B
紐西蘭約德赫斯特33 則投稿
Absolutely magnificent flight and landing on the Franz Josef glacier. Very knowledgeable pilot and outstanding service from all the staff.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
What a day for you and trip. Thank you so much for flying with us and for the great review NeillB_12
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
加拿大納奈莫2 則投稿
I was absolutely BLOWN away by the views and the scenery this flights covered. From the Mt. Cook Village over to the west coast soaring over the Fox and Franz Joseph glacier I was speechless!!! The views were great and everyone who was apart of the experience made it all that much better as I was always greeted with a smile. Pete the pilatus porter plane pilot panned picturesque panoramic places.
So far my favorite experience in New Zealand, definitely a must do, must see!!!!!!!
So far my favorite experience in New Zealand, definitely a must do, must see!!!!!!!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you so much for flying with us and for the great review!
Tag your photos #myINFLITE
Instagram @mtcookskiplanesandhelis
Facebook @Mt Cook Ski Planes
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Jean L
澳洲雪梨83 則投稿
Amazing life time experience! Before booking this, I have searched a lot and so glad to make this. Here are a couple of things that I wanted to know before my bookings.
- 55min grand circle vs 45min ultimate alpine:
I did 55 min the grand circle which covers both Mt cook and Franz Josef. It was great to have lots of time to see in the sky, but I guess covering Mt cook would be enough. It is difficult to listen pilot's explanation due to engine noise, so not easy to recognize where I am.
- Flight company : There are other companies with a little bit of cheaper price. I booked this company because of snow landing and it was perfect choice. It was definitely worthy to try. Landing time was around 10min and I've got plenty of good photos.
- Discount : I have booked via bookme website which offers cheaper price depending on the booking date.
- Service : My concern was cancellation after reading some reviews. Luckily, the weather in my flight day was so good (even hot) without worrying for cancellation. All staff and pilot were so kind and nice.
If your budget allows, highly recommend.
- 55min grand circle vs 45min ultimate alpine:
I did 55 min the grand circle which covers both Mt cook and Franz Josef. It was great to have lots of time to see in the sky, but I guess covering Mt cook would be enough. It is difficult to listen pilot's explanation due to engine noise, so not easy to recognize where I am.
- Flight company : There are other companies with a little bit of cheaper price. I booked this company because of snow landing and it was perfect choice. It was definitely worthy to try. Landing time was around 10min and I've got plenty of good photos.
- Discount : I have booked via bookme website which offers cheaper price depending on the booking date.
- Service : My concern was cancellation after reading some reviews. Luckily, the weather in my flight day was so good (even hot) without worrying for cancellation. All staff and pilot were so kind and nice.
If your budget allows, highly recommend.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you so much for flying with and for the great review! The Grand circle is our favourite for those reasons! We hope to see you again soon
Tag your photos #myINFLITE
Instagram @mtcookskiplanesandhelis
Facebook @Mt Cook Ski Planes
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
澳洲雪梨2 則投稿
2018年4月 • 夫妻情侶
I was privileged to be able to take the tour in a fantastic aircraft designed for the Swiss Alps and perfect for the task. Landing on the snow and then flying through the valleys and around the mountain tops was an experience I will never forget. Being a 16,000 hour pilot and Aircraft Engineer myself, I can only rate the pilot and the company as first class and very professional. A tour I would recommend to anyone and definitely a bucket list item in one"s life.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
A very special skiplane experience here in NZ, and thank you for the review and for flying with us, we hope to see you again soon!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
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