什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
從西雅圖出發,乘維多利亞快船遊覽英屬哥倫比亞省的維多利亞,進行為期一天的旅行。 這是一艘只供乘客乘坐的遊船,沿途經過普吉特灣和聖胡安群島,風景優美。在水上旅行時,您可以避免長時間開車去加拿大旅行,在返回西雅圖之前,您有時間探索維多利亞歷史悠久的市中心、港口和花園,乘船旅行時享有舒適的座位、咖啡館和免稅商店。
1-99 歲,每團最多 25 人
所需時間: 12 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
- 乘坐遊船遊覽溫哥華島,避開長途陸上旅行
- 遊船進入聖胡安群島和胡安 · 德富卡海峽
- 乘客專用遊船,提供座椅、咖啡館和免稅店
- 直接在維多利亞內港上岸,步行即可到達頂級景點
- 從西雅圖到維多利亞的往返遊船交通
- 燃油附加費
- 港口費
- 保險費
- 隨身行李
- 經濟座椅
不提供- 在維多利亞遊船 V 上購買本地採購的食物和飲料
- 行李托運費用
- Comfort&Vista Class升級 - 致電Clipper假期定價和可用性。
- 在清晨前往西雅圖 69 號碼頭,帶著您的美國護照、護照卡、加強型駕駛執照或加強型身份證前往加拿大。 坐在舒適的座椅上,當您航遊溫哥華島時,欣賞普吉特海灣的美景,沿途觀賞鯨魚、海豹和鳥類。船上有一家免稅商店,還有咖啡廳和室外甲板。抵達維多利亞內港後,您可以開始一天的行程,獨自探索歷史悠久的城市——英屬哥倫比亞省首府。 您可以瀏覽市中心的商店,去皇后飯店喝下午茶,或者前往城外廣闊的布查特花園。 一天結束時,回到內港返回西雅圖,當您沿著聖胡安群島的小路折返時,享受傍晚的陽光。
- 出發地點:
- 2701 Alaskan Wy, Seattle, WA 98121, USA
結束:此活動將回到集合地點結束。 - 有無障礙通行設施
- 可使用嬰兒推車
- 允許服務性動物進入
- 附近有大眾交通
- 幼兒必須由成人抱著
如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:5113_W0040- 預訂時將收到確認
- 大多數旅客可參與
- 這是只供乘客乘坐的遊船服務。汽車等是不被允許上船的。
- 限制自行車和狗上船;如果您需要攜帶自行車或狗到船上,必須在預訂時告知
- 需要有美國護照、護照卡、加強型駕駛證或增強型身份證( EDL/ID )才能在美國 / 加拿大邊境陸地和海洋之間通行。航空旅行需要護照。護照卡或 EDL/ID 對航空旅行無效。
- 有重罪者可能被禁止進入加拿大。在加拿大,酒後駕車被認為是重罪。
- 乘客可攜帶 1 件小件隨身行李。托運行李單程每件行李 20.00 美元。
- 如果您需要輪椅,請提前告知,我們將安排您提前登船。
- 如果您攜帶11個月或以下的嬰兒旅行,請在預訂時註明其姓名和出生日期
- FRS Clipper 的 Comfort 和 Vista Class 座位可供升級。請致電旅遊供應商了解價格和供應情況。
- 您必須在預訂時在“特殊要求”框中告知您的公民身份。還請告知護照上出現的所有乘客的全名和出生日期。沒有這些細節,您的預訂將無法確認。
- 請計劃在出發時間前1小時到達
- 出發時間根據星期幾和一年中的時間略有不同。
- 此體驗必須有良好的天候。 如果因天候不佳而取消,則將改期或全額退款
- 此遊覽/活動有最多 25 名旅客的人數限制
- 如需獲得全額退款,請至少於體驗開始日期前 24 小時取消。
- 如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:5113_W0040
- Jaywing180 篇投稿非常灵活和友好的员工,不错的周末旅行我们选择了游览布查德花园、入住酒店和乘坐渡轮的度假之旅。这艘快艇很不错,而且非常适合航行。预订的酒店干净舒适,布查德花园之旅组织有序。维多利亚是一座迷人的城市,有美丽的风景、丰富的文化、悠久的历史,还有许多公园和可以骑自行车的地方。这是周末出游的不错选择,强烈推荐给大家。發表日期:2019年9月15日
- JMCSTL0 篇投稿12个小时的旅程,但不管是从时间上还是金钱上来说都非常物有所值TA公司的成员Lois T和其他人在星期五港(Friday Harbor)为期一天的圣胡安快船寻鲸和探险之中做得非常好。所以我将添加一些我妻子和我在9月初非周末时间的旅行照片,并为未来的旅客朋友们提供以下建议。第一,门票可以在线购买,也可以在西雅图快船码头地址69号的地方购买。这里是旅客们聚集在一起等候检票以及 登上圣胡安快船的地方。如果你没有时间在等候室或去等候室的路上吃点东西,等候室里的快船咖啡馆是出发前一个不错的早餐选择。第二,当天晚些时候从西雅图码头出发和从星期五港口出发登船由票上的号码决定 (就像商业航空旅行一样), 是在购买时分配的。我们邮轮上的许多组乘客似乎倾向于直接前往上层 (室外和室内),以便在漫长的乘船过程中看到更好的景色。我妻子和我选择在主甲板上呆一段时间,我们可以在摊位旁边的靠窗的位子上看到海岸线的风景。但是坐在顶层甲板上就没有窗户了,这可能是在天气有利的日子里观看和拍摄野生动物的更好选择。当快船第一次到达星期五港口时 (在观鲸行程之前),一些快船乘客可能会下船, 所以你可能有一个短暂的机会去到更高的甲板,然后拥有更好的视野。第三,自带零食和非酒精点心,或者准备为船上典型的“游客价”食品和饮料(不含现金,仅限信用卡)付费吧。不过你将会有一些机会在限定时间内从当地商店购买午餐和其他消耗品。邮轮会在星期五港口停留2个小时。不过你需要根据对海上浪潮的适应能力来调整自己一天的饮食,这是我们在从星期五港回西雅图的路上所遭遇到的情况。第四,保持双手手指交叉,留心在旅游中可能看到鲸鱼和其它海洋哺乳动物的机会。带上你自己的望远镜,或者你可以在船上租。我们可以在看到很远地方以外在南部普吉特湾海岸线晒太阳的海豹,沿途的港口有几只海豚浮出水面, 最终,在加拿大水域用餐时看到了游过的一群约8只虎鲸 (又名 “Bigg 鲸鱼” 或 “吃哺乳动物的杀手鲸”)。好消息是,快船船员每天都定期与游轮网络保持联系, 所以,如果季节条件有利,你会得到长途旅行的最终奖励,观鲸的机会非常好。第五,享受邮轮,观赏风景,享受海洋生活,享受星期五港湾。带上一本书、一副牌或一个充满电的智能设备,用于消磨两者之间的一段时间。發表日期:2019年9月14日
- chjames910 篇投稿到圣胡安的舒适的游艇快船的特点是一个信息博物学家,舒适的座位,并提供戏剧!从西雅图到圣胡安(尽管有点长)很舒服,也很顺畅。享受旅途中的美景!發表日期:2019年9月7日
- Monavahid0 篇投稿极好的服务我们从西雅图乘坐用快船队到维多利亚旅行。他们都非常专业且乐于助人。 他们照顾我们旅行的方式和他们提供给我们的选择是很棒的。我们强烈推荐跟着他们来一次放松和精心计划的旅行。我们给A+++评分。M和V發表日期:2018年12月19日
- HikingGal19610 篇投稿水面波涛起伏,但工作人员非常棒我本来是坐在船中部的座位,我和朋友决定升级到二层甲板上的“舒适舱”。当船起航之后,我们很高兴地能够欣赏到两侧和前方的风光。水面开始波澜起伏,渐渐形成了10英尺高的波浪。还是有一点吓人的。船长决定前往比较平静的水域,这样我们的行程就延长了一个半小时。我们并不介意,这样感觉很好。船上的工作人员非常热情,我们也很喜欢他们赠送的饮品(不含酒精)。还有一些小吃(比如苹果、香蕉之类的)。回程比去的时候稍显风平浪静,我们也没有延误。我希望将来有一天能够再次乘坐维多利亚快艇号在水上飞驰。發表日期:2018年11月6日
- Sami2travel0 篇投稿安全又舒适的旅程我是需要从西雅图回到温哥华回香港,中间去了西雅图3天,刚好让我找到clipper,本身我又plan了去victoria玩,这样我节省了1天的时间,从西雅图直接去victoria然后住一晚,再回到温哥华去,是一个不错又顺畅的行程。船很稳定,职员也很nice,因为我拿bno,他们不是很多经验处理这样的护照,但他们一直跟我聊天然后一边找方法处理我的护照,反而担心让我担扰护照有问题。發表日期:2018年11月4日
- la9010 篇投稿非常舒服维多利亚快艇号上的旅行速度很快,还非常舒适。终点处和船上的工作人员对乘客的关心照料非常熟练。他们的效率很高,非常友好,也很热心。上下船的通关和入境都很快,程序并不复杂。發表日期:2018年10月26日
- PBSpeakeasy0 篇投稿在Clipper号的一次愉快的旅行我们预订的是Clipper号的周末团,对这次的结果很满意。很开心的轮渡之旅(自己带吃的可以省钱),刚到就给我们安排了很好的交通,酒店也很好(住在亨廷顿庄园,就在轮渡码头的街对面),而且员工也都很友好。很难再要求其他了。發表日期:2018年10月20日
- Alli R0 篇投稿很快,从西雅图市区前往维多利亚的好方式我们选择的这个前往不列颠哥伦比亚维多利亚市的方式非常不错。那天天气很好。虽然船上提供了晕船药和呕吐袋,由于我们位置也位于船的前面,所以也没有晕船。我们很快就抵达了维多利亚,而且下船的地方就在维多利亚市区,所以我们可以步行前往酒店。我希望我可以早点办理登船手续,如果你提前办理,船上同行的人素质可能会好些。發表日期:2018年10月2日
- schwartzsusanna0 篇投稿他们提前一个半小时通知我们取消了计划我非常期待看到逆戟鲸,有一艘船离开西雅图是很惊人的。这艘船正在维修中,他们承诺将在9月21日之前投入使用。9月24日上午7点,他们给我发了短信,说取消了。我只好仓促地留下来,租了一辆车,从阿纳科特斯订了一条船。电话里的女人回答非常抱歉,但他们可能知道船前天晚上就已经不工作了,所以我会有更多的时间重新安排。發表日期:2018年9月24日
- tamhjoy0 篇投稿很不错的快艇假期。我们利用维多利亚度假网站预订了维多利亚三天之旅。在维多利亚快艇上的旅程非常顺利非常舒适,员工十分友好,乐于助人。我们升级了舒适舱,舒适舱视野很好,有宽敞的皮座椅,可以提前登船,还有不含酒精的免费饮料和小吃供应。服务员会为那些想要点餐的乘客点餐。通过网站预订酒店也很方便,所以我们的行程都是提前预定好的。我们很高兴,因为我们可以在办公室提前托运行李,然后用剩下的时间去探索和游览。总的来说,这是一次很好的经历,我们还会再来的。發表日期:2018年9月12日
- aliciadawnp0 篇投稿一定要坐船从维多利亚到西雅图很棒的出行选择。Clipper号能搭载约500人,但签到、海关和上下船都很顺利。座位舒适而且不挤。对晕船者的小建议:在主甲板(底层)选座位,面对船的尾部,这样晃动会少。如果你没有做好准备(对晕船),他们会提供免费晕船药,还卖蛋白质棒。發表日期:2018年9月2日
- Gail4040 篇投稿尽管情况有点复杂,但这次旅行很棒由于船舶发生了机械故障,我们本该坐圣胡安快艇巡航的,结果变成了坐大巴车去阿纳科特斯,然后坐渡轮去圣胡安岛。虽然我们比较失望,但整个巴士之旅非常愉快,我们的司机/导游Trudie是个开心果。快艇的工作人员帮了很多忙,护送我们一行人往返西雅图。我们在Friday Harbor预定的住宿正合适,感谢快艇Desiree的帮助。除非我在退款时遇到一些问题,否则我会说快艇号在遇到困难的情况下做得最好。 如果将来有机会,我肯定会预订另一次旅行。發表日期:2018年8月24日
- Lisa M0 篇投稿他们在最后一刻取消了!与以前的评论员遇到的情况相似。我们提前几个月订了机票,但在旅行前不到24个小时才被通知他们公司因“机械故障”而取消了行程。他们显然只有一条船。在拖延了一段时间后,我们被告知,这个问题应该在第二天可以解决,但他们不能给我们提供住宿。(当时想预订别的公司也太晚了)太令人失望了。發表日期:2018年7月26日
- Kathleen B0 篇投稿做维多利亚快艇号快艇到西雅图总的来说,从维多利亚到西雅图的旅程还不错,但感觉有点乏善可陈。排着长队办理登船手续,然后通过海关然后赶到一个挤满了人的等候室。感觉很像航空旅行,但不是很好。虽然窗户很脏,但座位还不错(见图)。考虑到风景,他们可能需要更加注意窗户的日常清洁。食物是预先包装的,非常普通。服务很好,但没什么可大书特书的。到达后半小时,托运行李才准备好。几天前我们乘坐了V2V(温哥华到维多利亚的)客运渡轮,与之相比简直相形见绌,并且这次航行更昂贵(虽然公平地说,我们必须越过边界,所以这可能是原因)。發表日期:2018年7月2日
這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。
145 則評論
claire k
1 則投稿
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侶
We booked this well in advance from the UK via the website. We had read some reviews that were not so good about boats not sailing due to weather problems and staff being unsympathetic to the loss of the fare. We found none of this it was Great! The process of boarding, border control etc was all fine. Staff courteous and professional. The Clipper V Boat was clean, tidy and comfortable. The booking conditions are clear, its non refundable if boat cannot go out in bad weather, that's the chance you take booking in advance. Its a 3 hour trip and the scenery is tremendous. Not cheap but a really good day out; a great opportunity to sample a bit of Canada.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. Our team works hard to provide a great experience for all our guests, and we appreciate your kind words. We hope to welcome you aboard again soon!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
華盛頓州Ferndale3 則投稿
Comfortable ride. Easy to navigate the boarding process. The ferry ride added to the fun of our day trip/adventure. Highly recommend.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. Our team works hard to provide a great experience for all our guests, and we appreciate your kind words. We hope to welcome you aboard again soon!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
喬治亞州Jefferson1 則投稿
2024年10月 • 家庭式
Trip was great. Staff was overly helpful as we were traveling with a walker. Recommended the excursion that best suited our needs in Victoria.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. Our team works hard to provide a great experience for all our guests, and we appreciate your kind words. We hope to welcome you aboard again soon!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
加州洛杉磯2 則投稿
We missed our ferry back home. The coast guard told us the ferry is going back at 8:30PM, but when we arrived at the ferry around 6:50PM it is already closed. And also the Clipper crew should announce what time will they go back to Seattle. We should deserve a refund from that trip ( August 19, 2024). We have a same day round trip.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
1 則投稿
Emily sold us a tour to Butchart Gardens and told us we needed to take the 3 pm so we didn’t miss the return trip. When we got back found out the clipper did not leave until 7pm. On the future you might want the staff to know the schedule
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Holly R
1 則投稿
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侶
We did not go on the day trip to Victoria because the only return trip on Thursdays is at 1:30, leaving only 1/2 hour of time to visit Victoria. We are requesting a refund of our day trip.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
加州聖地牙哥12 則投稿
2024年7月 • 家庭式
Comfortable seating. Good breakfast food options. Wonderful crew/customer service.Our Alaska cruise was scheduled to make a 4 hour stop in Victoria on our last night from 8pm to midnight. But we wanted to really experience Victoria, so we booked this day trip the day before our cruise began.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. Our team works hard to provide a great experience for all our guests, and we appreciate your kind words. We hope to welcome you aboard again soon!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
1 則投稿
2024年6月 • 家庭式
Approximately one month ago, my mother and I embarked on a trip to Victoria, BC for a weekend getaway, only to find ourselves abandoned by the FRS Clipper. Despite the enjoyable time spent in Victoria itself, the entire experience was ruined by the utter failure of the FRS Clipper team to communicate effectively and take responsibility for stranding us. The night before our scheduled return, our hotel displayed a Victoria Clipper advisory indicating a sailing advisory was in effect. The concierge vaguely mentioned technical issues without providing further details, raising immediate concerns. We hoped these would be resolved by morning.
Regrettably, they were not. At 9:30 AM, hours before our scheduled 6 PM departure, my mother received an email (which apparently not all passengers received) informing us that our return trip was canceled. Shockingly, the email offered no alternatives for getting back to Seattle, focusing solely on only refunding the boat fare. Consequently, our final vacation day was consumed by stress and wasted time as we scrambled to find a way home. We even had a high-tea reservation at the Empress that was also tainted, since we spent the entire hour looking at viable options to get home.
Ultimately, the most direct and less time consuming option we found was an $800 flight back to Seattle, plus the additional expense of an Uber to reach Victoria Airport. Upon our return, our attempts to engage with FRS Clipper for empathy or accountability were met with further disappointment. The company showed no willingness to reimburse us or any other affected customers for the substantial extra costs incurred due to their cancellation. Had the initial email from the Clipper provided viable return options (such as bus routes, ferry alternatives, etc.), we could have salvaged the remainder of our trip and adjusted our plans accordingly. Once again, the flagrant lack of accountability, communication, and customer service displayed by this company was utterly disgraceful.
While Victoria remains a charming destination, I strongly advise exploring alternative travel methods such as driving, or carefully considering other routes. Otherwise, you risk being stranded and forced to shell out hundreds of dollars unexpectedly—funds that could have been better spent elsewhere.
Regrettably, they were not. At 9:30 AM, hours before our scheduled 6 PM departure, my mother received an email (which apparently not all passengers received) informing us that our return trip was canceled. Shockingly, the email offered no alternatives for getting back to Seattle, focusing solely on only refunding the boat fare. Consequently, our final vacation day was consumed by stress and wasted time as we scrambled to find a way home. We even had a high-tea reservation at the Empress that was also tainted, since we spent the entire hour looking at viable options to get home.
Ultimately, the most direct and less time consuming option we found was an $800 flight back to Seattle, plus the additional expense of an Uber to reach Victoria Airport. Upon our return, our attempts to engage with FRS Clipper for empathy or accountability were met with further disappointment. The company showed no willingness to reimburse us or any other affected customers for the substantial extra costs incurred due to their cancellation. Had the initial email from the Clipper provided viable return options (such as bus routes, ferry alternatives, etc.), we could have salvaged the remainder of our trip and adjusted our plans accordingly. Once again, the flagrant lack of accountability, communication, and customer service displayed by this company was utterly disgraceful.
While Victoria remains a charming destination, I strongly advise exploring alternative travel methods such as driving, or carefully considering other routes. Otherwise, you risk being stranded and forced to shell out hundreds of dollars unexpectedly—funds that could have been better spent elsewhere.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Unionville VA5 則投稿
Took clipper to Victoria for day trip. All of the crew was very nice and helpful. Left on time and returned early due to weather. Captain kept us informed as to location of ship and the surrounding areas. Would recommend to anyone going to Victoria. But a day trip isn’t long enough to see and do everything in Victoria.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
1 則投稿
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侶
We booked our day trip ticket for the Clipper through trip advisor. When we arrived, we were told we did NOT have a reservation. We received “confirmation” from trip advisor days prior that our ticket had been paid and booked. My credit card was charged. Thankfully the Clipper team was able to fix the issue. Unfortunately, we did not have the livery of having assigned seats. Will not be booking through trip advisor again.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
I seem to recall it was around 8:30 pm. Have a great trip.
Soy mexicano, con pasaporte mexicano. Quiero realizar un viaje de Seattle a victoria y de victoria a Vancouver, se puede? Que documentos son necesarios?
We have one in our group that would only be carrying a birth certificate with a state ID. There’s not enough time for her to get a passport card due to the last minute trip. Online “Travel Canada” states that this is permissible. Has anyone else booked this trip with just a BCert and ID??
How long is the actual ferry ride? How long did you have in Victoria once you got through customs?
You definitely want to get on the red bus to be able to hop on and off of it as it takes you site seeing in Victoria. I felt ideally that you probably need to stay over night because the bus only comes around every hour and after arriving, you will need to leave an hour early so you don’t miss the ferry. Without the bus it would be impossible to see a good percentage of Victoria unless you take the cab route , and then you would have to be familiar with the area.
How can you get to Butchart gardens from where the ferry drops you off?
You can arrange as a package when you purchase trip. We did this option. Got off ferry, identified luggage/customs then boarded bus to gardens. Was about an hour bus ride to gardens. Rode bus back to terminal. Our hotel was nearby. Was very easy process via phone when purchasing ferry tickets.
Hi! I would just like to know the restrictions when bringing a small dog aboard the ferry. What are the requirements needed if any. Also, would this be available in December 27 or 28? Thank you and hoping for your immediate response
You should contact the tour company on their website with these questions. They'll get back to you quickly.
From my understanding, Singaporean only need to apply Eta visa if arriving by air to Canada.
From Seattle to Victoria by sea , I do not need any visa, only showing passport will do just like UK citizens, is it correct?
Can anyone advise me on that, thank you
i Think you do need a visa we had already applied for a visa as we were travelling to Canada as part of our trip I would check with Clipper to make sure
Travelling from Australia for a tour departing from Victoria. Can you travel one way (with luggage) from Seattle and if so, what is the cost?
Yes, you can travel with luggage. Not sure if there is an additional cost with luggage.
The clipper left at 7:30am from Seattle and left Victoria at 7pm to return to Seattle.
It was a great trip! Rent bikes and ride around the island if you can. Beautiful!
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