提供者:Bali Sun Tours
什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
12-60 歲
所需時間: 8-10 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
- 從七個Sambangan瀑布跳躍和滑行,包括Aling-Aling
- 有經驗的教練和救生衣,更安全地冒險
- 在私人旅行中拍攝盡可能多的照片:只有您和您的團隊
- 避免長途跋涉前往巴厘島北部:遊覽包括2路私人接送服務
- 酒店接送(以下所述)
- 私人交通
- 跳躍和滑動教練
- 安全救生衣
- 無限跳躍和滑動
- 地方稅
- 保險
- Sambangan Waterfall 門票
- Aling-Aling Waterfall 門票
- 坦布林根湖 門票
- Wanagiri Hidden Hills 門票
不提供- 午餐
- 可選費用
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每名成人 (價格可能依團體人數而有所不同)
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- 4途經Ubud Traditional Art MarketSeminyak BeachKuta Beach - BaliNusa Dua BeachSanur
- Journey236993563510 篇投稿非常nice司机Owen非常热情,ATV行程很棒,强烈推荐!!!有田野有瀑布地貌非常丰富,司机带着我们从kuta到ubud很到位,一直耐心等待,活动导游也帮忙免费摄影,甚至不需要单独去买此项服务發表日期:2024年9月26日
- Companion242949862890 篇投稿朋友初次漂流朋友之前没有尝试过漂流,适合初试者,和三个韩国人一个船,这里的人也很好,上山下河,腿会有点累,但感受热带雨林值得。發表日期:2024年11月10日
- Excursion563218626810 篇投稿乌布梯田圣猴漂流一日游这趟旅途非常棒,向导Gungras会说一些中文,时间行程安排地也非常合理且到位,梯田风光和圣猴森林公园时间虽然较短,但是也不错,漂流更是值得体验。發表日期:2024年10月5日
- 844yant0 篇投稿巴厘岛乌布之旅这两天的巴厘岛之行很愉快,刺激的漂流,美丽的海滩…太多好玩的好吃的地方了。 我们的司机Lila很尽心尽责,带我们去了很多地方。我一点英语都不会,司机一直通过翻译软件与我交流,很好。 期待下次再来这个美丽的地方發表日期:2023年7月31日
- Getaway045939315050 篇投稿必玩项目ATV这个必须预定,虽然是雨天,但跟晴天绝对是不一样的体验,接送我们的司机ADY非常的好,人很热心,给我们推荐了很多好吃的好玩的! 主要是车技很好! 还祝我们旅途愉快!發表日期:2022年10月24日
- StaceyL15930 篇投稿热爱秋千的民族认识各种峇里岛的手工艺和传统寺庙,以及好喝的咖啡和享受自然的秋千XDDD 感谢Astika先生又开车又兼导游。他解惑了我们一路上许多的问题,非常的热情😄😄發表日期:2020年2月11日
- robin w0 篇投稿行程很棒putu astika是我们这次的导游,他稍微调整了一下行程,让整个行程比较顺,而且他对行程中所有古迹的了解很多,可以从他的介绍了解非常深入,另外梯田也很棒,湖神庙也很值得一看,最后的海神庙也很美,中间餐厅的安排也很好,强烈推荐要参加旅程的人可以参考putu astika!發表日期:2020年2月7日
- n6963950 篇投稿Good trip in Bali行程安排流畅,司机兼导游PUTU ASTIKA,讲解认真,每到一个地方会详细介绍当地风土民情,我们中途增加了一个景点,Putu也非常愿意配合,开车技术很好,推荐给大家。發表日期:2020年1月27日
- WesleyLin0 篇投稿非常棒的一日游行程我们订了巴厘岛世界遗产一日游,司机兼导游Astika 先生非常帮忙,整个行程都很顺利,天气也非常棒,一天的4个行程,意犹未尽!發表日期:2020年1月12日
- elisemomo0 篇投稿非常棒的一次旅行!我和父母一行三人,从Jimbaran出发去浮潜。路程稍微有点长,但是我们的司机OKTA全程非常的耐心,活泼和热情。一路上都在给我们介绍巴厘岛。水下非常多的鱼,水也比较清澈,就是水温有点凉。浮潜的时候,没有提供毛巾,需要给老板说才会给拿。总体来说,非常不错的一段旅程!發表日期:2019年12月15日
- jesschihchih0 篇投稿Thanks suparta超级好的司机suparta, 在峇里岛介绍我们很多好玩的好吃的,专业导游,下次来还要给他服务,人超棒超和善,来峇里岛一定要选他發表日期:2019年11月23日
- alice08100 篇投稿Thanks suparta第一次来玩,帅哥司机很热情带我们在Bali 到处走走玩 ,人很好、亲切、健谈我们玩得很高兴,希望下次还能在来这里玩。發表日期:2019年11月23日
- sendmethatstuff0 篇投稿从机场接机从何说起呢!Troy带着灿烂的笑容出现在机场,巴厘岛的所有人都面带微笑,但他的笑容却像太阳一样灿烂。总是乐于帮我们把行李送到车上,我们以前已经去过巴厘岛了,所以这次只想休息一下吃个午饭,但他还是建议我们去一个地方,我们丝毫没有失望,司机也非常安全,对巴厘岛的生活方式了解很多。我们很乐意去了以后再打电话联系他,也愿意把他推荐给其他人。谢谢你Troy,这是我们的荣幸。有缘再会。發表日期:2019年10月31日
- bungeejon0 篇投稿悬崖跳跃和知识渊博的导游!我和我的两个女性朋友去了阿林加林瀑布,我们非常喜欢那里的瀑布和附近的悬崖。导游们很随和,救生衣质量也很好。景点并不拥挤,这使得整个旅程更加愉快。虽然我们没有勇气在10米和15米的悬崖上纵身一跃,但看着其他胆大的人冒险尝试还是很令人兴奋的。特别想大声告诉我们的私人司机潘杜,他很有礼貌,对巴厘岛及其所有的历史和景点都很了解。非常感谢您回答我们所有的问题!發表日期:2019年10月29日
- JoanneB15520 篇投稿在乌布的私人旅行刚刚从一个很有爱(很热)的地方回来,准备要去游览乌布附近的一些地方,来一场自然、文化和历史遗迹之旅。通过发信息线下沟通的巴厘岛的阳光之旅太棒了,我们的司机朋友Juna来接我的时候给我打了电话,人很好很专业,他根据我的需求调整行程,省去了很多费劲的沟通。特别感谢他想的这么周到。谢谢你Juna。他给我讲了很多有关巴厘岛的习俗、信仰等等,我感觉和他一起很有安全感。他真的很照顾我,但是又不会妨碍我。很聪明。巴厘岛和我24年前来的时候变化很大。但是当地人对我们的友好和尊重始终如一。我太爱这里了。發表日期:2019年10月27日
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法國巴黎2 則投稿
2024年7月 • 家庭式
Hello we decided to take this guide company which is really very professional I want to thank you DEKGUS for your PROFESSIONALISM you knew how to take us to the places we wanted to go everything was perfect a very clean comfortable car and you were really discreet very respectful and very polite really good JOB!!! I will not hesitate to come back to Bali and contact you again to do a road trip on Bali.
See you soon DEKGUS!!!!! 👍💪🙌🤙🤙🤙😀🫡
See you soon DEKGUS!!!!! 👍💪🙌🤙🤙🤙😀🫡
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Jack L
1 則投稿
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侶
Met at our hotel by Kohar. Who was very friendly and helpful. we had an awesome day and really enjoyed the day. The waterfalls were stunning and it was a great memories
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Joseph K
1 則投稿
2024年2月 • 好友旅行
Our driver and guide was so good. Mas agus was so friendly and helpful. The waterfalls was absolutely beautiful! This trip make our day
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Ben H
3 則投稿
2023年7月 • 單獨旅行
Had a wonderful time. My driver Lisa picked me up at 8 am and brought me to the water fall jumps. I did the 5m, 10m, and 15m and there was also a water slide. Lisa then brought me to swings with a great view, and he was very attentive throughout.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Janica S
17 則投稿
Great tour! Exciting jumps and slids! beautiful waterfalls! Kadek Gun is a very. good drivers and nice person who talks very good English. At the waterfall you get a guide to guide you trough your jumps of 5, 10 or 15 meter and your slides. My kids age 13 and 15 jumped everything, i only did the 5 meter and the glides and you can watch al of the jumps or go without jumping into the water. Afterwards to a foto location were the Bali guys take great pics from you on a swing or other things. Nice lunchspot nearby. We had a great day!!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
印尼Kerobokan Kelod1 則投稿
Driver name was wuyan (Lisa)). Excellent driver with heaps of knowledge regarding activities we booked, in addition very kind and respectful.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
2 則投稿
2022年12月 • 夫妻情侶
Have had a fantastic service from Wayan and Made from start to the end of the whole entire trip starting 8am to 10pm. Their selfless offering and suggestions for newbies like us was so heartwarming. Ensuring us not to miss all the important spots and not to mention including helping us on some Intuitive requests.
From the Waterfalls to Jungle Swings and the exciting fun of 2 hours ATV ride over many different types of terrain, they were so full of smiles and loads of patience in almost everything.
From the Waterfalls to Jungle Swings and the exciting fun of 2 hours ATV ride over many different types of terrain, they were so full of smiles and loads of patience in almost everything.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Awesome Client,
Luminous Greetings from Bali Sun Tours.
We would like to thanks for taking your time to share your experienced with us here. We will always strive to provide the best service for all of you. Look forward to catch up for another awesome trip soon.
Best Regards,
Max | Bali SUN Tours
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Jo Ann
新加坡新加坡2 則投稿
2022年9月 • 好友旅行
Everything was very good especially the tour guide Kardy that was bringing us around! I enjoyed the trip and the scenery was fantastic!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Awesome Client,
Luminous Greetings from Bali Sun Tours.
We would like to thanks for taking your time to share your experienced with us here. We will always strive to provide the best service for all of you. Look forward to catch up for another awesome trip soon.
Best Regards,
Max | Bali SUN Tours
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Chintan Suthar
2 則投稿
2022年7月 • 夫妻情侶
We had a great driver nymonDana, he is very kind, helpful and jolly person …he made our day..great!!!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Katrina N
5 則投稿
2020年2月 • 好友旅行
We met our driver Uliantara at our hotel and hopped in for a terrific tour of northern Bali. He was knowledgeable about everything and pointed various things out along the way. We met up with our next guide Joe to do the waterfalls slide and jump. It was an amazing time and an adrenaline-packed day. Then we hopped back in the car with Uliantara and went to a fabulous lunch. It was cash only and the ATM was not working and Uliantara was nice enough to pay for our lunch until we got back. Such a great guy! We had a blast and could not have asked for a better tour. Thank you so much! -Katrina
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Hello, is there pickup/drop off from Seminyak? If yes, how long is the journey?
Hi, are you able to pick up from Ubud? Kano Sari Ubud Villas (Jl. Jero Gadung no. 98 A, Kutuh Kelod
80571 Ubud). Coming end of this week and trying to plan a little ahead. Many thanks!
Hello there me and my friend are interested in this tour. Though we live in Canggu at the moment. At Jalan Pantai Batu Balong. Is it possible to also get picked up and dropped of there? Thank you for your time,
Will you be able to pickup from Ubud and Drop off at Karangasem? or Pickup at Karangasem and drop off at Ubud?
Hi is this advisable to do this trip as a solo traveller?
Is iT possible for pick up in canggu and drop off in Ubd?
I have booked the tour but haven’t got any confirmation. Do you have a phone number so I can call you?
we would like to book the tour with 7 people. One of us is afraid of heights though, so she won’t jump from the high cliffs. Is it still possible that she comes? Are there another way down except jumping?
Kind regards
Its definitley do-able, but she wont have the best time i can guarantee that.
Hi there, we have 3 boys, 7,5 and 2. Do you offer a service which includes them?
Hi there, my hotel is Biyahan, Wanagiri, Selemadeg. Does the pickup go there?
顯示第 1-10 筆搜尋結果,共 21 筆
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