提供者:Piazzolla Tango
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Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
0-99 歲,每團最多 15 人
所需時間: 3 小時 30 分鐘
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即時指南:英語, 西班牙語
- 在這個城市最負盛名的場地之一的探戈表演中獲得一席之地
- 從多個選項中進行選擇以滿足您的預算
- 升級至包括3道菜晚餐和酒店接送服務
- 短暫的演出時間使其非常適合時間緊迫的旅行者
- 探戈秀
- 晚餐(如果選擇了選項)
- 貴賓晚宴(如果選擇了選項)
- 共享酒店接送(如果選擇了選項)
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- 瓶裝水
- 酒精飲料
- Piazzolla Tango 門票
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- TillK9770 篇投稿非常糟糕的体验,再也不会来了!我邀请了一对智利夫妇来观看探戈表演。他们受到了歧视…首先,在有更多选择的情况下,他们得到了一张距离很远的桌子,然后他们在超过30分钟的时间里没有人上前服务,对他们葡萄酒选择的回答是他们是否看到了价格。对他们食物选择(他们点了同一种食物)的回答是他们是否不愿意分享。而且他们被要求在那之后马上付账。奇怪的事情:他们和另一组人一起进来,而另一组人得到了一张很好的桌子,并且立即有人上前服务,不需要提前付款。这件事破坏了我们客人的周末旅行。请不要去!!!!發表日期:2019年5月25日
- Pantherboy0 篇投稿欢度绝妙的一晚我从未见过探戈的现场表演,所以一开始也不怎么期待。我看过太多野蛮抨击布宜诺斯艾利斯探戈表演的评论,但最终还是决定去这家。从我到场的那一刻起,就赞叹不已。我用了晚餐,有三道菜,提供不同的选择,还有酒水供应。我点了牛排,味道好极了,要知道我可是来自出产牛肉的国家。整顿晚餐很美味,侍应生也很友好,要知道他们可忙了。我西班牙语讲得不太好,他们很耐心,也乐于提供帮助。舞蹈演员、歌手和音乐演奏者们也都棒极了。整场表演是在一个特定的历史背景下演绎,从探戈的起源开始。表演服装很美。总的来说,这真是一个绝妙的夜晚。發表日期:2019年4月17日
- Ronald H0 篇投稿精彩的演出和晚餐我和妻子十分喜欢探戈表演,晚餐比我们预想的还要好很多。演出前的培训很好,让参与者对探戈的基础舞步有一个了解。晚餐很美味,有丰盛的主菜和葡萄酒可供选择。这个节目非常棒,不仅有节奏感强的舞蹈动作和表演,还有两个非常好的歌手和一个很棒的伴唱乐队。绝对物超所值。發表日期:2019年3月1日
- WillM300 篇投稿很棒的乐队买,食物,舞蹈很有趣。这是一次很棒的体验表演非常棒,我们结束之后去了除夕派对,玩的很开心。不管Grayline Tours或者Viator 中介的价格是多少,都不要定,而是直接跟这个地方订票。我们几天前通过Viator 的APP定了票,是由 Grayline Tours承办的。但是并没有顺利拿到票,全家人都来了却被拒之门外真是丢死人了。负责人联系了Grayline Tours,说是让我们取消,会给我们退款。但是不是真的,因为已经过了1周了,发了10封邮件打了好多电话,他们还是没有返还退款,我们不得不通过美国运通提起退款申请。發表日期:2019年1月5日
- Paola9210 篇投稿阿斯托-皮亚佐拉会高兴的Astor Piazzolla的探戈音乐是我最喜欢的。这场晚宴表演绝对精彩。安排是极好的;晚餐很完美,节目很棒!这是在布列诺斯埃利斯必须做的事。我们酒店帮忙预订的。你只需要到的时候付钱。享受吧。發表日期:2018年9月26日
- David A0 篇投稿周边环境非常值得这个包含酒店接送,气氛很好,还有优秀的舞蹈演员和音乐家。总的来说,对于游客来说,这是一场很好的表演,但对纯粹主义者来说可能不是!对我们来说,食物和饮料是可以的,我们的工作人员很细心,没有任何问题。跳了探戈课!总之,是一个美好的夜晚,娱乐的价格也很合理。發表日期:2018年9月19日
- POC-CW0 篇投稿探戈秀我们在没有食物和交通的情况下预定了广场探戈表演。这意味着票价非常实惠,也让我们在选择当晚吃什么上更有弹性。说句公道话,我们到达的时候,食物看起来不错,但正如其他人所说的那样,它很贵。我比想象中更喜欢这个节目。舞蹈令人印象深刻,歌声充满戏剧性!我们的座位很好,尽管我认为所有的景色都很好。90分钟刚好能让你避免感觉时间过长。我唯一的不满是,饮料服务在展会期间继续进行,所以服务员有时会挡住你的视线。总之,我们以合理的价格享受一个愉快的夜晚。發表日期:2018年7月21日
- Karen3boys0 篇投稿很有趣,食物不错我们预定了一个露台的位置,并且准时到达,可以赶上30分钟的探戈课程。这简直太有趣了。一开始,舞池里面的人真的特别多,不过随着舞步略微变得复杂,人们纷纷坐下来,空间就变大了。晚餐相当不错—往好处说已经达到婚宴的档次了,葡萄酒和服务也非常好。表演非常有趣,时间比我们预计的要长一点。绝对值得推荐。發表日期:2018年6月18日
- Lisa B0 篇投稿绝妙的探戈表演这个表演怎么推荐都不够!我们也在这儿预订了晚餐,很好吃。和之前约定的一样,有一辆迷你巴士准时过来接我们。当我们到达这个漂亮的建筑的时候,有2个舞者过来教我们跳探戈舞,大概半个小时的样子--这期间真的充满乐趣,他们短时间内就让我们学会了基本的无不。我们点了3道菜的餐食还有红酒,都非常卓越,牛排也确实很好吃。整个表演在现场乐队的伴奏和史无前例的舞蹈表演中很快就过去了。这儿的舞者极其的棒,他们的舞步真的是惊艳到我们了。赶快预定吧,你们肯定会喜欢的!發表日期:2018年4月5日
- mbemall0 篇投稿游客很多,不过我感到有些遗憾演出还算可以,但是他们没有讲解关于歌曲、舞蹈或者乐器的历史。我们没在那吃晚餐吃饭,但是听我们邻桌的人说并不好吃。这的酒水很一般,是我近10天里觉得最难喝的酒。發表日期:2018年2月20日
- william c0 篇投稿迷人又美好的夜晚我们已经是皮亚佐拉探戈的粉丝了,但是在这之前我们不知道在我们的英国航空酒店里接机时可以期待什么。这是我们最难忘的夜晚……运输车准时而且干净,剧院很神奇,食物一流,演出超出我们的预期。我们还在哼唱着“再见诺尼诺”和“自由探戈”。我们肯定会再去一次,强烈推荐皮亚佐拉探戈。發表日期:2018年1月30日
- Justyna M0 篇投稿很棒的晚上!我们在剧院度过了一个晚上——里面装修漂亮,我们选择了w.o晚餐——70美元一位,十分值得一试!里面的现场音乐演奏很棒——水平很高,歌手演唱给力,舞者姿态漂亮!推荐哦。發表日期:2017年12月5日
- Caderman570 篇投稿很普通我们上了课,吃了饭和看了表演。这节课的内容非常有趣,晚餐很普通,探戈的部分很好。我们的桌子在包厢里,起初看起来很不错,但这意味着我们不能看到这个乐队与钢琴演奏者,而且我们觉得被女服务员忽略了。整个节目持续了一个多小时,只有大约30到35分钟的探戈舞蹈,剩下的部分是由我们看不到的乐队的演唱和乐器组成的。大剧场没有坐满,缺少气氛。如果这是你想去的,建议你只上课和看表演。發表日期:2017年11月29日
- juliet h0 篇投稿一次旅行体验这里有很棒的舞者,但是我看过别的舞者的舞蹈,我更喜欢那种的,不过这里的风格也是很特别的。这里是在一个很老的戏院里,缺失了一种氛围,而且没有那种探戈的舞蹈质量。这里的歌唱家和舞者都是很年轻也很棒的,不过我还是很喜欢老辈的人们去舞蹈和演奏。在这里的门票是175法郎一个人,一晚上这个价钱太贵了,我个人还是更加喜欢街上的免费探戈表演,喜欢一般的食物。不过对于这里的新鲜的表演偶尔体验下也是很不错的。我个人更加喜欢先生探戈和中式的舞蹈。發表日期:2017年11月14日
- Eva S0 篇投稿欣赏探戈舞:就是这个地方场馆位于一个华丽的老大剧院,它给整个事件带来了很大的共鸣。我们很快就坐在中心。晚餐非常好,包括美味的南瓜汤…其次是生活的香肠和甜点,伴随着良好的阿根廷红酒马尔贝克…然后节目开始,这在我看来是最好的…现场音乐,探戈舞者,歌手和主持人都是一流的…多么难忘的探戈之夜!!發表日期:2017年9月7日
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Vitoriano Ferrero Martin Jr
巴西Londrina196 則投稿
Nice place, with tourist tango and ok food. I visited in late June with family, and we got a good package (premium). Apparently the transfer is made from a specific hotel/meeting point, so it doesn't search where you are. Reception and initial service was ok, but after half an hour our attendant no longer returned to the table, it was difficult to ask for something, I had to go to the hallway to wait for someone to call. You can the entrance, main dish and dessert at once only, my entrance (empanada) is good in part, came one of delicious meat, but another of ham and cheese, which did not need to come. From the main dish I ordered the meat, it was ok but without taste and did not come hot, and the potatoes that accompanies dry. The dessert was good, but ok.
The Tango show, it's beautiful, but I realized (my opinion) that it was a lot of show, if you are looking for Tango tourist ok, but if you are looking for Tango root traditional maybe not a good indication. That said, it's beautiful for those who don't know.
The Tango show, it's beautiful, but I realized (my opinion) that it was a lot of show, if you are looking for Tango tourist ok, but if you are looking for Tango root traditional maybe not a good indication. That said, it's beautiful for those who don't know.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Alessandra M
巴西皮拉西卡巴4 則投稿
2024年6月 • 好友旅行
Incredible show. Worth knowing . Beautiful theater. I just didn't have dinner there, because we had dinner at another restaurant. But everything was very beautiful.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
德克薩斯州奧德薩67 則投稿
The theatre was lovely and the show itself was fantastic, the waitress kept the drinks coming…BUT the food was terrible!!! Like old dried out salmon that’s been sitting on a buffet for hours…hubby had ordered crepes and took one bite and couldn’t take another…coming from a guy that eats any and everything! The next day our tour guide said never get dinner at tango show and now we know! Would have been 5 stars if not for the terrible food! Definitely see the show but eat first!!!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Carla D
伊利諾州Streamwood5 則投稿
2024年4月 • 家庭式
We really liked the show in general, the dance class was very entertaining, the teachers were very good. Impeccable service. Just improve the dinner that was not to our liking.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Rodrigo Meirelles
巴西卡布弗里烏40 則投稿
We bought the show looking for something that wasn't a Broadway show, that was real. The theater location is excellent, its size, from the entrance, photographs, bathrooms, etc. A spectacle, performed with dancers, and band, all, all immersed in perfection, in choreography, in attention! Without a doubt, it was a highlight of our trip! I asked my girlfriend to marry you and I would like to express my sincere thanks to the band, the organization, the singer, you made it something magical for us!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Random Traveler
賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡123 則投稿
Words cannot express what a total waste of money and tourist trap and dump this “theater” is. The food was completely inedible, the fish was basically leather. The dance lesson was comically absurd. The service was awful and the show is now 45 minutes late. All for the low low price of $240 USD.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
喬治亞州亞特蘭大103 則投稿
The Tango show was way more than we expected! The music and singing added to a completely amazing show. The venue was beautiful and much more intimate than we had expected. The Tango lesson before dinner was fun and doable for most anyone. The food service was professional, but the quality only fair. We were told to be waiting 10 minutes before our pick up time if 7pm for an 8pm program start. We must have been the last stop since the can did not arrive until 7:48. We arrived in time, but silent an hour of our vacation standing outside our hotel with the mosquitos ! We would have appreciated a more accurate pick up time in consideration of our time. Transportation home was seem less
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Robert L
俄克拉何馬州俄克拉何馬城9 則投稿
2024年3月 • 單獨旅行
The theatre was perfect for the show. It was small and intimate. The dinner was suburb. I had Chilean salmon tartare, rare Argentinian beef and panna cotta with Patagonian berries. The show is an interpretation of the classical tango. I liken it to "tango on steroids!" It was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience - dinner & show!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Hamilton6 則投稿
2024年2月 • 夫妻情侶
Venue was underground and smelled a bit musty. Food was above average BUT after tango lessons the mains (meat and fish) were dry when brought out. Food was warm rather than hot. Tango lessons were good. Tango show was excellent with a variety of acts. Show was about an hour. This seems short but there was a lot packed into it. We got picked up at 7.00 and the show didn’t start until 10. So, it was a long wait about an hour after the meal finished. Worth a visit for the dancing but you might want to give the meal a miss.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Hi I have booked and paid for Skip the line dinner and transfers on March 2nd and I have a booking reference BR-764471792. I have not informed them of pick up hotel as it wasn't asked so can you tell me when - the hotel is Bisonte Liberate, Down Town or do we phone 541143448200 on the 1st as we do not arrive until then.
Apologies .. I’ve been away in Iceland !! Hope you managed to get sorted ...
A compra do ingresso pelo site, tem transfer ida e volta? Com quem combina o local que o transfer passará?
Bom dia!
Também tínhamos opção de transfer. Nosso hotel também era perto e fomos a pé.
Mas lembro que o receptivo fez contato por email, para que informássemos o endereço do hotel em que estávamos hospedados.
I have a group of 10 people for tomorrow Friday 13th and I need to confirm what time exactly the pick up will be so I can buy the tickets. My friends are arriving at 7pm
Paulo V
Estou viajando no próximo final de semana pra Bs as e faço 20 anos de casado no dia 16/9, qdo fui a primeira vez em esquina Gardel, era meu aniversário e houve uma atenção toda especial, inclusive mesa, no piazzola, tem alguma situação parecida?
Nós também não notamos atendimento para ocasião especial, mas tente o whats. São muito atenciosos. Boa viagem :D
Hola, me interesa asistir a este evento con un grupo entre los días 7 al 9 de diciembre
Do you have a pick up at the docks for Cruise ship customers? We will be on the Viking Jupiter.
They only pick up from Centro - downtown hotels. I believe that you will need to take a taxi to/from the docks, but I suggest that you email them directly and ask..
O salão é pequeno e as mesas são poucas. Existem 2 salões e nós ficamos no menor, mas o show é espetacular e a comida é excelente. Iremos muitas vezes mais.
For the Show only option , at what time do we need to be at the theather ?
They recommended we get there 30 mins prior to the show, ~9:30pm and that worked out nicely!
顯示第 1-10 筆搜尋結果,共 15 筆