

提供者:Egypt Tours Portal
96% 的旅客推薦
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        6 站
        第 1 天
        我們從您的酒店接您,與我們一起享受私人 2 日遊。
        第 2 天
        • Egypt Tours Portal
        • Roving29887305163
          0 篇投稿
          5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        • Roving29887305163
          0 篇投稿
          5.0 分 (共 5 分)
          导游Ahmed hassan Aswan 解说非常仔细和生动,对历史解说丰富,认真负责,为人友善,解说流利.我们非常满意。我们非常喜欢这次旅行。
        • Curacao B
          0 篇投稿
          5.0 分 (共 5 分)
          和Omar Khalifa还有Reham一起,超棒地在埃及游13天
          我们的周年旅行原本想去纳米比亚的,但是没有成行,所以决定去埃及了。可以和这个公司一起准备埃及的行程很不错。我们的交流很快速很灵活。导游很棒,带我们去开罗,阿斯旺,Edfu,卢克索和Hurghada。我们在开罗的陪游的埃及古物学者叫Reham。在阿斯旺、Edfu,卢克索和尼罗河陪游的叫Omar Khalifa。他长得很帅,也引起了我们的两孩子的兴趣(他们分别14岁和12岁)。谢谢你们公司。也谢谢Omar和Reham。是一个很好地庆祝25周年结婚纪念日的充满纪念意义方式。你们成为我非洲家庭的一部分。
        • renwil
          0 篇投稿
          5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        • RogerRaj
          0 篇投稿
          5.0 分 (共 5 分)
          我们的开罗之旅从开罗机场的Le Meridien酒店开始,由我们的私人导游Mohamed Ameen陪同。他精通埃及历史,还当过英语老师。他带我们参观了Giza金字塔,还包括骑骆驼和骑马。他安排了相关的工作人员,确保我们得到最好的。他还带我们去亚历山大,并确保我们的饮食偏好得到满足。他是我们最好的导游之一。我们的尼罗河游船之旅从埃及旅游门户网站安排的卢克索机场出发。我们的导游Hasan Ali是个优秀的人。他负责购买所有的景点门票,并带我们参观了阿斯旺,还向我们解释所有的历史。他是一位训练有素的埃及古物学家。我们三个人——我自己、妻子和儿子都参加了这次旅行。总的来说,我们对这次旅行非常满意。我向所有人推荐埃及之旅。
        • thatnavinraj
          0 篇投稿
          5.0 分 (共 5 分)
          我们与两位导游Amin和Hassan的旅行非常棒。他们使游览埃及变得很轻松。我独自游览过其他国家,我认为没有比和这两位导游一同游览上埃及和下埃及更好的了。接下来,我将详细介绍他们的每次导游体验:1)与Amin游览开罗和亚历山大:Amin和我们的司机Muhammad都非常优秀!Amin专注、见识广博、友好。首先,我们非常高兴地看到开罗、孟菲斯和亚历山大的金字塔、遗址和景点。这比我们想象的更令人敬畏。当把Amin的背景介绍加入到每个景点的历史时,我们便对每个纪念碑有了更深入的欣赏。Amin也非常关注我们的能力和兴趣。他确保放慢我们的每一步。我们是一个有两位步行不便的老人的团队。他一直确保我们每个人都被考虑到而且能真正地游览景点。他还经常让团队停下来喝水,这是其他国家的导游没有的经历。Amin还根据我们的兴趣调整了游览地点,并增加了停留时间。比如,我们想看看开罗花园城的尼罗河,他便主动带我们去那里游览。Amin还确保我们在购物时没有被占便宜,并将我们带去高质量的摊档。他还确保在每个地方都满足我们的饮食需求(素食者)。总而言之,Amin的能干使我们都感到很舒服。他使这次旅行成为一次真正轻松的体验,让我们真正了解到这个国家令人惊叹的文化和历史。他讲话通俗易懂。最重要的是,Amin对自己的工作充满热情,而且很有风度。从他讲话的方式,明显能发现他热爱埃及的历史和文化,这使得每个景点都更加让人兴奋。他的激情很有感染力。他还花时间讨论从政治到经济的现代埃及生活方式。他的坦率令人耳目一新。对他来说没有愚蠢的问题,他像个老师一样回答了我们所有的问题。他还询问了我们的家庭和文化,发现我们之间存在许多相似之处,这让我们感觉与这个国家联系更紧密。我们的司机Muhammad也非常出色。他开车很快,但很稳。当我们慢慢走出厢车时,他并没有急着开走,而且他总是会在我们游览的景点附近。2)与Hassan Ali游览卢克索和阿斯旺:Hassan是我们在上埃及的很棒的导游。他见识广博、精力充沛、友好。尽管卢克索和阿斯旺极度炎热,但我们非常高兴能看到令人惊叹的历史。Hassan对埃及学充满热情,并确保我们理解每一个浮雕、柱子和象形文字的象征意义。他还确保对我们经过的所有景点都有解说,然后让我们自由活动,最后拍照片,吸引我们团队的所有兴趣。我们的游览还包括3晚的尼罗河游轮之旅,Hassan也带领着我们。在这里,他在处理旅行安排和日程安排的细节方面非常有帮助。他让我们了解船上的活动、进食时间和聚会时间。我们能够彻底放松,而不用想太多。从接我们到确保我们到达机场回去开罗,他很好地处理了所有细节。他在旅行中全程都展示了训练有素的组织技能,非常轻松搞定交通和门票。他还提供了各种各样的交通方式选择,让我们以有趣的方式游览这些景点:坐船、马车和汽车。他还额外带我们去了阿斯旺市游玩,那里更凉快,并参观了香料店和喝了甘蔗汁。我们不仅要体验历史,还要体验当地文化,这非常值得。他对卢克索卡纳克神庙的灯光秀的推荐是一个好主意。他还带我们去那些不咄咄逼人并且出售优质商品的商人那里购物。Hassan也确保适应我们的步伐,并确保我们得到满足。如前所述,我们是一群年长的人和素食主义者。他确保船上了解我们的饮食需求(他们招待得很棒,甚至烹饪了我们的印度本土菜肴)。Hassan带我们早早游览避开炎热和人群,并且总能为我们找到树荫,即使在高度拥挤的卡纳克神庙中也是如此。旅程即将结束时,我们有两个人患上了轻微的胃病。Hassan给我们带来了茴香茶,这对我们起了很大作用,并且确保不会让我们太难受。整个行程他都很善良和愉快,还花时间告诉我们他的生活和文化。总的来说,这两位导游使这次旅行变得更加特别。这让我们对埃及和埃及人民产生了惊人的积极看法。我们向所有人推荐他们,以及这次特别的旅行。
        • Simonne S
          0 篇投稿
          5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        • Gloria L
          0 篇投稿
          5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        • rajat d
          0 篇投稿
          4.0 分 (共 5 分)
        • 维森Vincent
          0 篇投稿
          5.0 分 (共 5 分)
          提前沟通旅行行程,交流都很顺畅,很有耐心!安排的导游人也特别好,很专业!旅途很愉快!4天3晚的尼罗河邮轮途中参观了很多神庙!卢克索的马车city tour感受了当地人的生活!一切都很有意义!
        查看全部 6,825 則評論
        這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。

        5.0 分 (共 5 分)60 則評論

        瑞士日內瓦64 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        Pyramids in Giza, the sphinx, breathtaking!!! Greatly organized, coupled with Abanoub’s expertise and care, our local guide, definitely 💯 👍 He has provided the right amount of information, great angles to the sites and even managed to take us to spots with no tourists to get great pictures!!! 🔝
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Our valuable guest, thank you for your kind words and feedback. We are delighted you enjoyed the large portions of your trips & food and found it quite tasty. We strive to provide a home-like atmosphere for families, including kid-friendly tours & guides. We are so happy to hear you had a great experience in Egypt with Egypt Tours Portal. Your surprising review made our day! Our whole team works very hard to keep our guests happy but we can only do it thanks to amazing guests like you. Thanks again and we wish to see you again in Egypt to offer a more fabulous tour. Sincerely The whole team at “Egypt Tours Portal”. 🤝 Cell Phone: - (+20) 100 405 1515 Have a wonderful day! 🤍
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Ekok S
        1 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2024年8月 • 家庭式
        My tour guide was Waleed Alsamman and I give him a 15/10. My family and I just flew into Luxor on our own and did a Luxor day trip with Waleed. He was phenomenal.
        Not only is he super knowledgable, but he also has a vibrant personality and cares about YOUR experience. I cannot stress this enough. I knew Waleed was really good while on his tour. I really started to appreciate what a phenomenal tour guide he was when I went to Cairo and had a different tour guide from Egypt Tour Portals who was as knowledgable as Waleed, but did not care about our preferences. Waleed made sure that the game plan for the day was based on our interests, let us know what circumstances should influence our decision so we could make an informed decision, and gave us free time after each attraction to spend as we wished. You don’t realize how important these qualities are until you have a tour guide that doesn’t have these qualities. In Cairo, we just wished we had Waleed back.

        Waleed does tours all around Egypt. You should specifically request him if you can. If you are like us and just end up like him, you are very lucky! Waleed is the best!
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Good day to you our valuable guest. 💝 It was an absolute privilege to arrange your tour in Egypt. We are speechless experiencing how your review made our day in a wonderful way! A million thanks will not be enough for taking the time to write such a brilliant review. We have passed it to the whole team so they can enjoy the good vibes too 😊. We are over the moon that Egypt Tours Portal met your expectations and could turn your dreams into reality! We took great pride in our work and a greater pride that we accomplished your goal. Your feedback has demonstrated that it does, and we appreciate you letting us know. Have a wonderful day! 🤍 Cell Phone: - (+20) 100 405 1515
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Nathaly Y
        6 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2024年7月 • 好友旅行
        Hossam Rashwan was our guide for a magical trip in Luxor! We were in Hurghada for some days and the company arranged everything for us! From diving to a ride to Luxor. When we got in luxor, hossam welcomed us with open arms! The morning time we visited Karnak temple and he explained with a lot of energy and great details everything! Then we got to the hotel to refresh cuz the heat here is very strong! And picked us up again in the afternoon, that was really pleasant cuz the temperature cooled down and we could enjoy the Luxor temple better! The next day Hossam took us to the lady pharaoh, temple Hatshepsut, and after that the amazing valley of the kings! Where you can still see the golden boy tut mummy! This trip to Egypt was fantastic! A dream come true experience! And the guide Hossam made our trip extra special! With lots of knowledge and fun facts! I’m definitely gonna be back soon!
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Our valuable guest, thank you for your kind words and feedback. We are delighted you enjoyed the large portions of your trips & food and found it quite tasty. We strive to provide a home-like atmosphere for families, including kid-friendly tours & guides. We are so happy to hear you had a great experience in Egypt with Egypt Tours Portal. Your surprising review made our day! Our whole team works very hard to keep our guests happy but we can only do it thanks to amazing guests like you. Thanks again and we wish to see you again in Egypt to offer a more fabulous tour. Sincerely The whole team at “Egypt Tours Portal”. 🤝 Cell Phone: - (+20) 100 405 1515 Have a wonderful day! 🤍
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Mark A
        加州南帕薩迪納4 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2024年6月 • 單獨旅行
        One of the highlights of my 12-day trip to Egypt. The colorful, preserved tombs in the Valley of the Kings are a must-see, along with the Temple of Hatshepsut. I opted for the hot air balloon excursion (1 hr), and it was beautiful—I recommend it. The Luxor and Karnak temples are impressive—even in temps of close to 115F! My tour guide, Hassan Ali, was helpful, easygoing, and knowledgeable.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Good day to you our valuable guest. 💝 It was an absolute privilege to arrange your tour in Egypt. We are speechless experiencing how your review made our day in a wonderful way! A million thanks will not be enough for taking the time to write such a brilliant review. We have passed it to the whole team so they can enjoy the good vibes too 😊. We are over the moon that Egypt Tours Portal met your expectations and could turn your dreams into reality! We took great pride in our work and a greater pride that we accomplished your goal. Your feedback has demonstrated that it does, and we appreciate you letting us know. Have a wonderful day! 🤍 Cell Phone: - (+20) 100 405 1515
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Johanna V
        3 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2024年6月 • 好友旅行
        The tour in Luxor was great and we did it with the best guide we've had so far. Hassan Ali is a real expert in Egyptian history and he made the day in Luxor completely worth it. We visited Valley of the kings, Hatshepsut Temple and Karnak Temple and he explained everything we needed in detail and made the day really fun and enjoyable. We totally recomended him as a tour guide.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Our valuable guest, thank you for your kind words and feedback. We are delighted you enjoyed the large portions of your trips & food and found it quite tasty. We strive to provide a home-like atmosphere for families, including kid-friendly tours & guides. We are so happy to hear you had a great experience in Egypt with Egypt Tours Portal. Your surprising review made our day! Our whole team works very hard to keep our guests happy but we can only do it thanks to amazing guests like you. Thanks again and we wish to see you again in Egypt to offer a more fabulous tour. Sincerely The whole team at “Egypt Tours Portal”. 🤝 Cell Phone: - (+20) 100 405 1515 Have a wonderful day! 🤍
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        laura S
        哥倫比亞麥德林5 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2024年6月 • 好友旅行
        We visited the Valley of the kings, Hatshepsut temple and Karnark temple, amazing places rich in history and mythology, be sure to visit them with a guide like Hassan Ali, who was very passionate about mythology and filled us with great stories, even though it is summer and we reach temperatures of 43C I would say it’s not the worst time to come, since the places were not packed with tourists
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Our valuable guest, thank you for your kind words and feedback. We are delighted you enjoyed the large portions of your trips & food and found it quite tasty. We strive to provide a home-like atmosphere for families, including kid-friendly tours & guides. We are so happy to hear you had a great experience in Egypt with Egypt Tours Portal. Your surprising review made our day! Our whole team works very hard to keep our guests happy but we can only do it thanks to amazing guests like you. Thanks again and we wish to see you again in Egypt to offer a more fabulous tour. Sincerely The whole team at “Egypt Tours Portal”. 🤝 Cell Phone: - (+20) 100 405 1515 Have a wonderful day! 🤍
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        John P
        英國倫敦20 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        Our driver Hussein collected us from our hotel in Hurghada at 9am and we drove across the dessert to Luxor in about 4 hours. The journey was smooth with some good views of the Nile and dessert terrain on the way.

        When we got to Luxor we checked into our very nice hotel The Sonneta St. George on the Nile. We had a view of the river which was fantastic! In the afternoon we met with Samar Nagi our tour guide and went to Karnak then onto Luxor Temple in the evening light. Samar’s guiding was great! Lots of stories, mythology and history and also time for us to see the sites in our own time.

        In the evening we enjoyed dinner at the hotel looking over the Nile and cocktails.

        The next day we were picked out again by Hussein and Samar and went to the West Bank to see The Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut Temple and The Colossi of Memnon. Each of these is breathtaking in the history and beauty. Some fabulous memories made.

        The lunch and all the organisation was great! Hussein and Samar worked together as a great team to deliver a great experience for us.

        Thank you and ETP so much!

        John & Becky
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Hello, our dear guest. 🤍 Thanks a million for your valuable feedback. We are thrilled that “Egypt Tours Portal” met your expectations and could turn your dreams into reality! We took great pride in our work and a greater pride that we accomplished your goal. Your feedback has demonstrated that it does, and we appreciate you letting us know. Have a wonderful day! Cell Phone: - (+20) 100 405 1515 Have a wonderful day! 🤍
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        A A
        1 則投稿
        4.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2023年9月 • 家庭式
        Spent 2 days with Samar Nagr in Luxor, visited the different temples and the valley of the kings, definitely recommend, very interesting.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Hello, our dear guest. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback. We are so delighted that you rate our service as 5 Star as we strive to provide just that for all our guests. We are over the moon that Egypt Tours Portal met your expectations and could turn your dreams into reality! We took great pride in our work and a greater pride that we accomplished your goal. Your feedback has demonstrated that it does, and we appreciate you letting us know. Cell Phone: - (+20) 100 405 1515 Have a wonderful day! 🤍
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Zaynah S
        2 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2023年9月 • 家庭式
        Samar was a great tour guide, she allowed us plenty of self-guided time to explore the sites. She also organised a lovely lunch on both days which was great!
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Hello, our valuable guest, hope you are having a great day! We cannot thank you enough for your nice words about our tour guide, we really appreciate your time taking to write such a brilliant review. Hope to see you again in Egypt to have more wonderful memories with Egypt Tours Portal’s team. Have a nice day! 🤍 Cell Phone: - (+20) 100 405 1515 Have a wonderful day! 🤍
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        英國薩頓科爾菲爾德7 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        We (5 Brits, 3 teens, 1 ancient history nerd, the other two not so much) had a fantastic overnight Luxor trip - we had a great driver (Mustafa) and a fabulous guide Omar Haridi. Omar is a postgrad Egyptologist so his background knowledge was incredible- we learnt so much about all the sights we visited plus some basic hieroglyphics which was fab! We visited Karnak and Luxor temples, Karnak in the morning was fascinating if very hot! We had a break at the hotel to cool down and then Luxor in the evening was illuminated which was beautiful. The next day we saw the Colosses of Memnon and the temple of Hatshepsut which continued the stories from the temples the day before and then on to the Valley of the Kings. Omar was incredibly helpful when our card wasn’t accepted at the Valley of the Kings and sorted everything out for us. The tombs of King Tut and Rameses V and VI were definitely worth paying a little extra for. Omar then took us on a boat ride on the Nile and then for lunch He even took us to a local cafe after visiting Luxor temple just to have time to answer more of our questions. The Nile Palace hotel was great and upgraded us to rooms with Nile views which was an unexpected treat.
        Overall the trip was fantastic, we would highly recommend especially with Omar as a guide 😃
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        Good day to you our valuable guest. 💝 It was an absolute privilege to arrange your tour in Egypt. We are speechless experiencing how your review made our day in a wonderful way! A million thanks will not be enough for taking the time to write such a brilliant review. We have passed it to the whole team so they can enjoy the good vibes too 😊. We are over the moon that Egypt Tours Portal met your expectations and could turn your dreams into reality! We took great pride in our work and a greater pride that we accomplished your goal. Your feedback has demonstrated that it does, and we appreciate you letting us know. Have a wonderful day! 🤍 Cell Phone: - (+20) 100 405 1515
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