8 天加拉帕戈斯環島遊背包風格:Los Tuneles 和 Kicker Rock

8 天加拉帕戈斯環島遊背包風格:Los Tuneles 和 Kicker Rock

提供者:Rebecca Adventure Travel
什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
在加拉巴哥群島享受8天的活動,只有一些令人驚嘆的有組織的旅行,其餘的你可以自己組織。這次旅行是您安排酒店的理想基地,因此您可以享受加拉帕戈斯群島。您入住旅遊級酒店並安排機場接送服務。前往碼頭參觀旅遊和船隻是您自己做的事情。這次旅行是為熟悉在南美洲遊玩的獨立旅行者而設計的,但他們更喜歡酒店,機場接送,Los Tuneles旅遊,海灣之旅和Kicker Rock等基本組織。

2-90 歲,每團最多 15 人
所需時間: 8 天
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
即時指南:英語, 西班牙語

  • 早餐
  • 早餐
  • 早餐
  • 早餐
  • 午餐
  • 午餐
  • 早餐
  • 早餐
  • 早餐
  • 單人間、雙人間或三人間住宿 x 7 晚(根據旅客人數)。
  • 在您抵達/離開時間在巴爾特拉機場接機和送機。
  • 行程中描述的島嶼上和島嶼之間的交通。
  • 巴爾特拉機場 - 伊塔巴卡海峽之間的交通單程。
  • 行程中描述的所有活動:浮潛、遠足和探索。
  • 浮潛裝備:面罩、呼吸管、腳蹼和救生衣。
  • 英語、荷蘭語和西班牙語的 24/7 全天候協助。
  • 從厄瓜多爾大陸到加拉帕戈斯群島的往返航班。
  • 遷移控制卡/ Ingala過境卡:每週20美元現金支付。
  • 伊莎貝拉碼頭費:$ 10 p.p.只收現金。加拉帕戈斯國家公園的入場費。
  • 水上出租車每人約 1 美元
  • 出租:潛水服(建議在5月至11月之間)
  • 指南的可選提示。

    • San Cristobal Airport, Ecuador

      • 沒有無障礙通行設施
      • 附近有大眾交通
      如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:29628P130

      • 預訂時將收到確認
      • 有背部問題的旅客不建議參加
      • 沒有心臟疾病或其他重症
      • 大多數旅客可參與
      • 建議您提前預訂抵達加拉巴哥群島(SAN CRISTOBAL AIRPORT SCY)的航班以及加拉巴哥群島(BALTRA AIRPORT GPS)的延遲起飛時間,以確保您可以享受旅行的所有活動。延遲抵達和/或提前離開意味著您可能會錯過一些活動。
      • 島嶼之間沒有公共快艇運輸指南。
      • 請注意,您沒有協助往返於碼頭的遊覽和公共快艇。
      • 因為加拉巴哥群島的公共交通非常小,所以只能攜帶小行李/行李。
      • 加拉巴哥群島上的自來水可能含有細菌,不應該被消耗,甚至不能刷牙。始終建議使用瓶裝水或純淨水。
      • 在熱帶國家旅行時告知自己食品安全。採取必要的預防措施,以避免食物中毒(吃飯前總是洗手,不要吃'街頭食品',只吃去皮水果等)。
      • 擁有有效的旅行和醫療保險很重要。請告知我們您已知的任何醫療狀況。
      • 由於天氣狀況,可用性,國家公園規定或通知以及不可預見的情況,運營商保留更改行程的權利,恕不另行通知。
      • 優惠券中會詳細說明“不包括在內”部分提到的費用的確切金額。如果您想事先了解此信息,請通過平台與我們聯繫。
      • 住宿是根據人數而定,如果是跟團旅行,你們會合住(單人房需要額外收費)。
      • 此遊覽/活動有最多 15 名旅客的人數限制

      • 所有商品服務一經售出即無法退還,如果取消需支付 100% 的罰款費用。

      如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:29628P130

      每名成人 (價格可能依團體人數而有所不同)


      4 站
      第 1 天
      SAN CRISTOBAL - 免費下午
      第 2 天
      第 3 天
      第 4 天
      BAY TOUR
      第 5 天
      第 6 天
      在LOS TUNELES中徘徊
      第 7 天
      第 8 天
      轉出 - 巴拉特

      4.0 分 (共 5 分)2 則評論

      Katie K
      22 則投稿
      3.0 分 (共 5 分)
      2022年6月 • 單獨旅行
      The 8 day island hopping tour was overall very fun. I saw a lot and covered most things in two islands. It was a very expensive tour but I did get my own private room and private guides for most activities.

      Honestly most things you can just book yourself easily when you get there by walking around. A lot cheaper. I was under the impression i would be in groups and meet others on activities, but it was just me and the guide, which is not necessarily a bad thing, just became very lonely after a week as a young traveller. The food was mediocre and i was taken to the same restaurant many times for meals. Most meals were also not included.

      There was a hiccup where I was taken to floreana Island rather than Santa Fe and wasn’t told about this until I got to the island. Other than that, there is constant 24/7 communication on what’s app.

      The only other thing that was upsetting was that i skyped the team and asked many times about flight tickets. None of them told me there was a tourist rate and a local rate so i naturally bought the cheapest one, and to my surprise had to pay an extra $150 usd at the airport as penalty. For the price i paid with this tour company, without flights included, i would have thought someone would mention this. This was stated in very small fine print in the voucher booklet which i got after i paid the company. Very upsetting considering this trip was already so expensive.

      However, The tour guides and taxi drivers were the BEST, especially Hugo Gustavo (driver), Christian, and Erika, all on Santa Cruz Island. They made my time incredible.

      Overall: OK company, some organization issues, best tour guides. And of course the galapagos is amazing. Many trips you can easily book yourself.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Dear Katie, We thank you for taking the time to write this review, which is very constructive for us to continue working on the expectations of our guests when they book any trip with us. Remember that there is a lot of work behind your tour. The good guides that you had were coordinated by us and also the good hotels and transportation that you enjoyed. Our job is to make sure that you really have good things and that you don't have any problems with your tour and, of course, let you know about the best places in Ecuador. We understand the frustration you felt when the ship changed its itinerary just before the tour; however, as we mention on our website (Terms and Conditions, point #7.3), destinations are subject to change due to local circumstances or events beyond our control. In this case, regulations and decisions of the Galapagos National Park. In any case, we would like to mention that Floreana is one of the most special islands due to its history and because its location allows having a very well preserved nature there. We do not reserve flights in our itineraries, but we advise your purchase and the airlines also ask if they are flights for tourists or nationals where they must mark the correct option for the correct purchase. however, we are very sorry that we were not clear about this. We appreciate your understanding and trust that you have fond memories of the Galapagos Islands.
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Margaret C
      威斯康星拉辛2 則投稿
      5.0 分 (共 5 分)
      2021年12月 • 家庭式
      We really liked the places we were booked and the guides that shared the Galapagos with us. They were knowledgeable, organized and took pride in sharing their country with us. We saw and did so much because the tour was so organized. Rebecca’s tour made this wonderful trip possible for us and we can’t express enough on how happy we were with them.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Dear Margaret, Thank you so much for your review. We are really happy to know that you have had a great time with us. And Galapagos was a great experience for you. Hope you can come back. We can create a new great adventure for you and your family. Best regards, Rebecca Adventure Travel
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      8 天加拉帕戈斯環島遊背包風格:Los Tuneles 和 Kicker Rock, 聖克里斯托瓦爾

      聖克里斯托瓦爾的一日遊聖克里斯托瓦爾的Spa 與養生