提供者:Solo Expediciones
什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
0-85 歲,每團最多 20 人
所需時間: 4-5 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
即時指南:英語, 西班牙語
語音導覽:英語, 西班牙語
- 咖啡和/或茶
- 所有費用和稅金
- Isla Magdalena 門票
- 出發地點:
- José Nogueira 1255, 6201110 Punta Arenas, Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena, Chile
結束:此活動將回到集合地點結束。 - 沒有無障礙通行設施
- 附近有大眾交通
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- 沒有心臟疾病或其他重症
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- 此體驗必須有良好的天候。 如果因天候不佳而取消,則將改期或全額退款
- 此遊覽/活動有最多 20 名旅客的人數限制
- 如需獲得全額退款,請至少於體驗開始日期前 24 小時取消。
- 如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:162979P2
- José Nogueira 1255, 6201110 Punta Arenas, Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena, Chile
- 1清晨,我們從這個獨特的冒險開始,在辦公室辦理登機手續後,我們前往 前往位於城市以北25公里處的拉雷多灣(Laredo Bay),經過45分鐘抵達馬格達萊納島(Isla Magdalena)後,乘坐快艇前往邁阿密海峽(Strait of Magellan),鯨魚海峽(Legendary Strait of Whales Sei),托尼納斯奧維拉斯(Toninas Overas)和南部海豚(Southern Dolphins)。我們將在哪裡下船1小時 和我們的導遊一起了解麥哲倫企鵝的自然棲息地。我們繼續 我們前往Isla Marta,參觀海狼,帝國鸕鶿和數百隻南方海鷗。 然後返回碼頭和蓬塔阿里納斯。
- Bonnie G0 篇投稿非常美妙的旅途我们返回的时候非常不幸的遇上了暴雨。SOLO EXPEITIONS 是非常棒的。有内涵,旅途期间随时提供帮助。ISLE MAGDALENA非常好,虽然当时不是企鹅的高峰时期。你可以非常近距离的接触他们,甚至有些企鹅从你面前走过。海鸥也是那么多。他们会给你1个小时沿途看看,时间非常充足,我们走了2次。而后我们去了MARTA ISLE。交配季节刚刚结束,我们看到了许多海狮。看到听到这一切都太神奇了發表日期:2019年3月2日
- SFFoodies0 篇投稿给企鹅五星好评,Solo旅行社一般企鹅没有让我失望,即便Solo旅行社是当地唯一一家可以带着游客去看企鹅的旅行社,我也还是推荐大家去看看。我们的出发超级混乱,也许是因为假期,所以游客比预期的要多?反正他们告诉我们说公交车已经在上午10点出发了,所以我们只能等到下午再出发了。工作人员很友好,但仅仅是帮助协调交通,没什么其它的服务了。现场也没有解说。划船很有趣,很舒适,他们的安全措施做的很好。發表日期:2019年1月1日
- michaelhoughton890 篇投稿观察企鹅的完美方式!最近,我和女朋友在蓬塔阿雷纳斯(Punta Arenas)参加了马格达莱拉岛(Isla Magdalena)的乘船冒险之旅,我们完全爱上了这次旅行。这是在海狮和企鹅的自然栖息地观察它们的完美方式,旅游团队非常棒,尤其是我们的导游乔纳森,他非常博学,这钱花的很值。绝对推荐; 前一天我们坐飞机到蓬塔阿雷纳斯,然后在参观结束后的下午乘巴士去了纳塔莱斯港,那里真是棒极了。發表日期:2018年12月10日
- JDF13340 篇投稿轻松的旅程团队里的工作人员很好相处。下午刚发了一封邮件(复活节那天),几个小时后就收到了回件,安排好了第二天去马格达莱纳岛的行程。我们第二天一早就到了,旅行开始前付完钱。这段旅程很棒——比评论里所说的进行地要更快,因为很幸运的是那天的海况非常好。四月初,企鹅的数量有所下降,但仍然有很多可供观赏的企鹅。可以的话,带上双筒望远镜——我们看到了很多鸟类,甚至还有一只跳岩企鹅。發表日期:2018年4月9日
- AndreazziD0 篇投稿超级差的服务这个机构超员预定然后还编理由把顾客送回办公室。我们在开车来的途中接到电话,告诉我们由于天气原因不得不返回。我用邮件和他们联系并做了预定。我们行程前两天我去了办公室提前交了钱。我们出发的当天有好多的没有预定的散客当场签协议交钱。他们到Isla Magdalena的行程和别家不一样,他们用的是双体船而不是渡船。理论上来说会更快一些,但是也会更小。但是你不应该冒着被欺骗,行程被取消的危险来参加这个行程。發表日期:2018年2月22日
- EVPtrip0 篇投稿需要一个解释这不是一个玩笑或阴谋。我们是2018年1月2日景点取消受到影响的30多人之一。至今仍没有得到猫途鹰评出的蓬塔阿雷纳斯第一名景点管理方的任何解释。如果有人想核查,我可以提供2017年6月29日公司发来的电子邮件确认。也可以去旅游评论里搜索名字“无极号- 2017年12月23日”在那你应该能够找到一个谷歌文件,里面记录着此次所有受到取消影响的人员信息。發表日期:2018年1月9日
- jabitz0 篇投稿亮点是企鹅我们真的很喜欢去看麦哲伦企鹅,但我们认为一个小时的时间太短了。你也会去看海豹的聚居地,但是我们宁愿错过这个,因为你不能接近海豹,而且船很摇晃,让人很不舒服。这艘船大约需要一个小时到达那里,大约一个半小时后再返回到蓬塔阿里纳斯。船上的船员都很友好,乐于助人。企鹅之行后,会有茶和咖啡提供。發表日期:2017年11月29日
- Jennifer R0 篇投稿企鹅现在正在产卵看到一些负面评论后,我犹豫了。但是,导游和司机超级专业。我因为大部分企鹅在地下挖洞孵蛋而看不到企鹅而感到很沮丧。下个月应该可以看到所有的小婴儿企鹅了!我们也去了第二个岛看狮子。他们都非常活跃,比企鹅更有趣。总而言之,我很高兴我选择了这家公司,参加了这次旅行。發表日期:2017年11月4日
- tsubakisanjyuro0 篇投稿企鹅非常可爱!在2016年11月,我通过蓬塔阿雷纳斯来参加在马格达莱纳岛的这个企鹅之乡(巴塔哥尼亚冒险为我定的旅行)。我近距离看到了它们。我的天,它们非常可爱!看了企鹅之后,这船向玛尔塔岛前进。我看到了海岸线,色素,贼鸥,南部的海鸥,南极的鸽子和从船上看到了海象。旅行在早上六点三十于他们的办公室开始,我们到中午回到办公室如果我们正确地记得的话。我在这里有一个精彩的时光!發表日期:2017年5月18日
- Theissel0 篇投稿巴勒纳一日游我参加了这个很棒的蓬塔阿雷纳斯的看鲸之旅,它将我们带去Francisco Coloane海上禁捕区,一个很远的地方,位于智利峡湾之间。我们看到了日出时的美洲大陆南端,度过了愉快的乘船游览,看到了很多鲸鱼,尽管总是距离很远。但这就是自然,不能保证鲸鱼正好就在你的船旁边。导游说着流利的西班牙语,英语和葡萄牙语,我们了解到了有关座头鲸的趣事。旅行包括早餐,热饮和一顿丰盛的午餐,还有加冰的皮斯科酒。唯一的缺点是价格过高,这就是为什么5分满分而我只给了4分。發表日期:2017年4月8日
- W_wen20170 篇投稿有趣的冰川动物Safari在Los Torres de Paine 待了几天一直有听说麦哲伦企鹅。很多家旅行社都是只做固定日期出发的,刚好时间赶不上。好在发现这家旅行社有个每日出发的半天的tour, 凌晨六点半到中午十二点结束所以就很激动的报了。行程下来走了两个岛看到了很多企鹅和海狮,回来的路上还有一大群噱头海豚追逐着我们的船跳跃。短短半天时间能看到那么多动物,真是太激动了。强烈推荐發表日期:2017年3月4日
- MG5147920 篇投稿太美了!如果你在蓬塔阿雷纳斯,这是必须参加的旅途!这家公司提供好的船只,干净、人员配备良好,航行30分钟左右去Isla Magdellanas。我们大概有75人,分两条船,我们这一小时和麦哲伦海峡的企鹅一起步行,玩得很开心。简直太赞了!發表日期:2017年2月5日
- eHealth0 篇投稿很棒的旅行,而且方便去机场这不仅是一个可以在船上享受PISO鸡尾酒的旅行,可以看到成千上万企鹅的好机会,而且船出发点非常接近机场。在旅行后不久,我们就有一个出发去蓬塔阿雷纳斯的航班。我们把我们的行李箱放在了去出发点的大巴上,然后在机场下车,只有几分钟的路程,只收取了一点费用。很棒的服务!!發表日期:2017年2月3日
- squirebarr0 篇投稿企鹅的天堂早上6点45从我们在蓬塔阿雷纳斯的酒店开车接我们。大约40分钟后,接到其他客户然后上传船。大约一个小时的旅程到岛上,然后在岛上散步一个小时,经历了一次难以置信的接近企鹅和小企鹅的机会。回程非常粗糙,所以如果你晕船,我建议提前吃一些必要的药物。非常有组织的旅行,非常体贴友好的团队發表日期:2017年1月12日
- Tomasz W0 篇投稿很棒的顺路旅行在我的TDP旅行之后,花了一天的时间跟这些家伙在一块。一切都很棒。有几点建议。很高兴了解企鹅的更多信息,也许在去岛上的途中有一段视频,视频中会有更多的信息。总的来说这次旅行很棒,没想到能看到这么多野生动物。强烈建议你再来一次。發表日期:2016年11月30日
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93 則評論
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12 則投稿
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侶
The management of the activity by Solo Expediciones was very correct: they charged us once it was confirmed that the port had opened (activity subject to the variable weather conditions of Patagonia), and the excursion fulfilled everything included: one-way bus and return, coffee on board, and a bilingual guide (Rafael) who we would like to especially thank for his involvement, as he conveyed enthusiasm for his work and was a great expert on the marine fauna of the area, in addition to perfectly fluent in both languages. (Spanish and English).
The visit to the sea lions was, to say the least, curious: it is a chaotic community that offered us a noisy spectacle of movements in the middle of the Strait of Magellan. On the other hand, in the Magdalena Island penguin colony there was tranquility, and although we went at the end of the season, we were still able to enjoy the 3,000 most straggler penguins on the island.
The visit to the sea lions was, to say the least, curious: it is a chaotic community that offered us a noisy spectacle of movements in the middle of the Strait of Magellan. On the other hand, in the Magdalena Island penguin colony there was tranquility, and although we went at the end of the season, we were still able to enjoy the 3,000 most straggler penguins on the island.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
加州阿拉米達48 則投稿
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侶
A great day with enjoyment and safety prioritized. The guides were enthusiastic and knowledgeable. Really fun, highly recommended!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Jenny G
德國慕尼黑13 則投稿
Our tour was planned on a very windy day, so we had to wait a while until it was clear whether it was actually going to take place. That was probably also a surprise for the crew, who were only ready to leave a little late, but really put in the effort. Very professional and well organized.
It was really extremely windy, many passengers on board got seasick and we couldn't get to the second island of Marta. But the crew was great! They took great care of all the passengers and were very helpful and attentive. Great service! When we docked again, there was a big round of applause.
The walk on Isla Magdalena is well organized, care is taken to ensure that the penguins are not disturbed and that everything is done in accordance with animal welfare regulations. Recommended!
It was really extremely windy, many passengers on board got seasick and we couldn't get to the second island of Marta. But the crew was great! They took great care of all the passengers and were very helpful and attentive. Great service! When we docked again, there was a big round of applause.
The walk on Isla Magdalena is well organized, care is taken to ensure that the penguins are not disturbed and that everything is done in accordance with animal welfare regulations. Recommended!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Mel L
加州奧克蘭53 則投稿
2024年2月 • 夫妻情侶
We only sailed to Isla Magdalena for our tour with Solo Expediciones.
Solo Expediciones was a pretty solid tour operator. Easy office to find and had bathrooms to use before we got on the buses. Guides and crew were great, especially given the sea conditions that day. Ocean was very, very rough and multiple people on the ride back got very sick. Took a lot of dramamine and even that wasn't enough. They provide some coffee, hot cocoa, and snacks on the boat during the return trip and that was pretty nice. Also bathroom was pretty clean for the small boat. Time on Isla Magdalena felt short, but so cool getting to see the penguins!
Solo Expediciones was a pretty solid tour operator. Easy office to find and had bathrooms to use before we got on the buses. Guides and crew were great, especially given the sea conditions that day. Ocean was very, very rough and multiple people on the ride back got very sick. Took a lot of dramamine and even that wasn't enough. They provide some coffee, hot cocoa, and snacks on the boat during the return trip and that was pretty nice. Also bathroom was pretty clean for the small boat. Time on Isla Magdalena felt short, but so cool getting to see the penguins!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
34 則投稿
The stars are only for the price-performance ratio. The staff were super friendly. There were clear instructions. Isla Magdalena is just a small island that you can easily do in an hour. Everyone should be aware that it is not a petting zoo. The island belongs to the animals and we are just visitors. Check-in is at 6:30 at the agency, where the bus is also parked. At 6:45, when everyone had checked in, we set off. We were driven to the boat and from there we went to the island. Then we drove to Isla Marta. We did not disembark there, but stayed about 10 minutes off the island to watch the sea lions going about their business. Then we went back to the bus and to the meeting point. The whole thing ended at 11:00. There was coffee and biscuits on board which were included. Somehow I was hoping for a bit more for the price. I think €122 is much too high. €50 would have been enough for 4 1/2 hours. Would I do it again? No. If I had known in advance what to expect, I would not have booked for this price.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
加拿大卡加立22 則投稿
2024年2月 • 夫妻情侶
The trip is exactly what they advertised. Promptly leaving at 6:30 am to drive north. On the speed boats by 7, seeing the sea lions before 8, over to Magdalena Island by 9, walk with the penguins, back on the boat by 10, land by 11 and back in the city by 11:30. It is well-run in my books.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
瑞士Remaufens1 則投稿
Warm and very welcoming welcome throughout the navigation. We were also able to see dolphins, whales and albatrosses thanks to the crew.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
奧地利Litzelsdorf3 則投稿
2024年1月 • 夫妻情侶
Highly professional team: everything was superbly organized, no waiting anywhere, we were greeted warmly everywhere, the team tried very hard to make our stay as pleasant as possible. We were able to ask questions at any time, were provided with drinks and snacks, the time spent on the island was totally appropriate, we had great weather and were therefore able to drive to the island of Marta to see the sea lion colony. On the way back, the captain stopped twice briefly so that we could watch the whales swimming past. Perfect trip! In our opinion, it was worth every cent!
(I'm always cautious on trips like this when it comes to animal welfare, but I was totally satisfied!)
(I'm always cautious on trips like this when it comes to animal welfare, but I was totally satisfied!)
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thomas M
1 則投稿
2024年1月 • 夫妻情侶
A unique experience and highly recommended. The early rise is fully compensated by walking through the colony of penguins. The service of the company was also very good. The bus transfer to the pier started about 30 minutes after the appointed meeting time. You must register at the company's office before boarding the bus and the queue there was quite long
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
巴西里約熱內盧897 則投稿
2024年1月 • 夫妻情侶
Great work by the team, a trip to Madalena among the penguins and seagulls is an incredible experience. We could see very little on Marta Island, sea lions “stacked” on small rocks and the approach was hampered by sea conditions. Unmissable.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Do you have space available for 2 people arriving on Regent cruise in Dec 1??? Pick up at dock.
We very much would like to go on this trip. Thank you.
Are there arrangements to get from our ship Oceania Marina to the tour. Ship Arrives @ 7am, possibly would book 10am tour for 4 people
Tour leaves downtown punta arenas often 6:30 am but from dock 30 min north. Best have someone contact tour office solo expediciones
Hi - we are looking at doing this trip, but won't get in to Punta Arenas until late morning. Do you have any tours that start late morning or midday, or are they all very early morning?
Que tipo de embarcación es ? Es apropiada para un niño de 5 años ??
A qué hora es la salida del muelle Prat ?
What time does the tour leave?
Are there people onboard from cruises?
Are the tours in English?
Is this a new business? (ie why no reviews?)
Hi, the regular at 06:30 am but we have another departure at 10:00 am which is for cruise passengers
If the boat begins the tour, but has to turn around because of weather, are we required to still pay?
Policies and cancellations
• Refunds and cancellations
In case of suspension by weather conditions, 100% of the amount paid is refunded.
In case of not being able to disembark on the Island due to weather conditions, 50% of the amount paid will be refunded.
• Damage or loss of equipment.
The company Solo Expediciones is not responsible for damage or loss of equipment, money, etc., during the development of the tour.
• Children
Children who make the trip will be the responsibility of the parents, or the responsible adults.
• Recommendations
Given the nature of Patagonia, we recommend the use of warm and waterproof clothing, hat, personal backpack with nylon bag to carry cameras and others, gloves, use of sunscreen, shoes.
• Causes for suspension of excursions.
a) The Maritime Authority may suspend the departure if the navigation conditions are not suitable for safety.
b) The Captain of the ship can cancel the navigation if he considers that the navigation conditions are not appropriate.
顯示第 1-8 筆搜尋結果,共 8 筆