什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
在這個寧靜的日出之旅中,在寧靜而寧靜的環境中,欣賞閃閃發光的金色尖頂和Wat Phra That Doi Suthep精美的雕塑。從該地區的最高點觀看整個泰國北部的漏光,並觀看大多數遊客錯過的晨間施捨儀式。您的嚮導是一位前僧侶,因此您將獲得有關寺廟生活和佛教信仰的第一手資料。還包括美味的泰式早餐。
1-85 歲,每團最多 9 人
所需時間: 5 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
- 在白天人群到達之前,參觀Doi Suthep寺廟
- 早起,見證一個特殊的早晨施捨儀式
- 看到曙光反射出金色的寺廟和山地景觀
- 從前和尚指南中獲取佛教生活的個人觀點
- 著名的當地早餐:(Khao Soi、麵條、泰式炒河粉、雞飯或其他當地泰式早餐)
- 所有費用
- 瓶裝水
- 專業經驗豐富的TAT旅遊指南。
- 酒店接送服務
- 靈活滿足派對需求
- VIP。空調。汽車/範
- 雙龍寺 門票
- Pha Lat寺 門票
- 悟蒙寺 門票
不提供- 小費
- 提示或其他個人開支
- 出發地點:提供多個接送地點。接送詳細資料
- 早上 5:00 -5:20 之間在酒店大堂接所有客戶。 (客戶將在行程開始前收到一封電子郵件,以確認接送時間。)
提供飯店接送服務結帳期間,您將可從包含在內的飯店清單中選擇。結束:此活動將回到集合地點結束。 - 有幼兒座位
- 沒有無障礙通行設施
- 可使用嬰兒推車
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- 兒童必須由成人陪同
- 著裝要求正式(泰國寺廟參觀必須是長褲或長裙)
- 大多數旅客可參與
- 此體驗必須有良好的天候。 如果因天候不佳而取消,則將改期或全額退款
- 此遊覽/活動有最多 9 名旅客的人數限制
- 如需獲得全額退款,請至少於體驗開始日期前 24 小時取消。
- 如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:85176P1
- 1
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- Quest190267305510 篇投稿My trip in ThailandI went to Thailand with my family and my friends last summer vacation.We went there by plane.It took us about six hours to get there.It was an unforgettable trip! We stayed there for three weeks.We spent one week in Chiangmai and the other two weeks in Chiangrai.At the first day,we went to Tha Phae Gate.There were lots of people.They fed the doves corn on the ground.We also went to play the jungle rope.lt's build in the jungle.Visitors can rest in the Log cabin.Traveling through the jungle was very exciting! In Cniangrai,we visited three famous places.l love the Wat Lung Khun best!This is a white wooden temple.It looked flawless.We took a lot of pictures there.They were very spectacular.We ate local foods like curry crab and salad in a Thai Restaurant. I felt the views there was very fascinating and full of local characteristics.l enjoyed myself in the trip very much!I hope to have a chance to go to Thailand again. 去年暑假我和家人朋友去了泰国。我们乘飞机去那里,花了大约六个小时到达那里。这是一次难忘的旅行!我们在那里呆了三个星期。我们在清迈呆了一周,在清莱呆了两周。第一天,我们去了塔帕门,有很多人。他们在地上喂鸽子吃玉米。我们还去玩了丛林绳索。它是在丛林中建造的,游客可以在小木屋里休息。在丛林中旅行非常令人兴奋!在清莱,我们参观了三个著名的地方。我最喜欢白庙!这是一座白色的木制寺庙,它看起来洁白无瑕。我们在那里拍了很多照片。它们非常壮观。我们在一家泰国餐馆吃了咖喱蟹和沙拉等当地食物。我觉得那里的景色很迷人,充满了地方特色。我在旅行中玩得很开心!我希望有机会再次去泰国。發表日期:2022年6月26日
- Unipk0 篇投稿It is amazing tour.非常不错,跟我们的导游是一个六年经历的和尚。整个行程非常认真耐心给我们做各种讲解,并且结合我们团队的人员构成给我们推荐合适的流程。早上日出的双龙寺非常美丽,还完美避开了拥挤的人群。当天也见到了老板,非常和善的人。 下次再来清迈还会约他们的短途游览。發表日期:2020年1月25日
- nataliecc20180 篇投稿体验过的最棒的旅程——强烈推荐这是一次美妙的三天之旅,我们和超棒而又可爱的人一起旅行——包括组织者Sipohn,我们的导游JAO和司机Nop。旅程包括观赏美丽的瀑布、寺庙、水田,骑自行车,玩皮划艇,漂流,在大象保护区喂养大象和给它洗澡。饭菜非常美味,他们考虑到了所有的细节。他们总是会检查我们是否带了水和其他我们需要的东西。Jao(发音是Chao)是如此的贴心和博学,他向我们解释了佛教和该地区的历史。强烈推荐这趟旅程!發表日期:2019年7月22日
- tracca310 篇投稿沉浸文化与自然的美好日子我们选择了Doi Suthep寺庙和Doi Inthanon国家公园旅程B,我们早早起床以避开施舍僧侣的人群,游览了几乎没有人的寺庙,真是最好的旅游经历,让我们非常感动。我们的导游特别友好,又知识渊博,从佛教到丛林中的许多植物,涉猎很广。他为我们点的超级新鲜美味的午餐是迄今为止我们在泰国吃的最好吃的美食,也是专门为我的素食者女儿准备的,所以我们特别推荐!!!發表日期:2019年7月13日
- 644brettn0 篇投稿清晨,参观寺庙这绝对是我们参观清迈时最喜欢的部分。诺来接我们去看日出,我们看到僧侣们在祈祷,看到了城市上空的日出,还受到一位僧侣的祝福,我们向僧侣们送了一些食物作为礼物,我们来带到隐蔽的寺庙里,那里的景色很美,还有一个令人惊叹的瀑布,我们没有呆太久,然后我们去了武蒙,在那里,我们了解到了一些很棒的历史,看到了一些野生动物。然后回到旅馆,我再怎么夸导游都不为过,他真的是太棒了,让我从这次旅行中学到了丰富的文化和历史知识。發表日期:2019年5月12日
- Trek5210570 篇投稿不能错过的日出之旅今天早上我们进行了日出之旅,是我在清迈的亮点。一次不容错过的经历。早起去参观山上的寺庙,太阳升起来了。这是次迷人的体验,听着和尚早上的钟声和晨歌。我们的向导是一位24岁的前僧侣。他学识渊博,在回答我们所有的问题时都很有洞察力。再次感谢你们!發表日期:2019年3月17日
- ShowtimeBirns0 篇投稿清迈一日游如果你打算预订这个一日游,别再想了,赶快预订吧。这是一次十分棒的一日游。我们参观了寺庙,在当地的一个地方吃了正宗的泰国菜,用大象的粪便做了纸(你会看到的),给大象洗澡。我们的导游Arnon是你能找到的最真诚/善良的人。我们在清迈只待了整整一天,多亏了Untouched Thailand,我们觉得我们没有任何遗憾:)。發表日期:2019年3月10日
- helbel19730 篇投稿日出之旅我们非常喜欢清迈泰国风情之旅提供的日出之旅。可以在早晨看到美丽的双龙寺。我们的导游Non,非常可爱,和所有的狗狗都是朋友。我10岁的女儿,非常喜欢,可爱的导游让她非常安心。起这么早真的非常值得。非常感谢!!!!發表日期:2019年2月16日
- George H0 篇投稿与Siphon一起,在双龙寺(Doi Suthep)和其他寺庙的美好旅行感谢我们住的酒店告诉我们泰国风情之旅的信息。导游以前都是和尚,我们很幸运,由18岁的Siphon Porkeng作为我们的导游。Siphon拥有丰富的寺庙生活经验,他以谦虚、善良的方式与我们分享这些有趣的信息。我和我的妻子强烈推荐Siphon带队的旅行!發表日期:2019年1月24日
- TimSWellington0 篇投稿难忘的泰国北部之旅我们在清迈和金三角度过了忙碌的两天。因为是私人旅行,相对于跟着大旅行团,我们可以在同样的时间玩更多地方,也更有灵活性。我们从清迈驱车北上,来到位于泰国、缅甸和老挝交界处的金三角地区的美塞/湄赛mae sai。我们乘船来到湄公河上的一个老挝岛屿,这个岛屿是中国租给老挝作为经济特区的。我们参观了无主之地(No Man’s Land )的一个山顶村庄,那里有来自缅甸的克伦族难民,有“长脖子”的妇女们,戴着沉重的铜环项链。很神奇!沿途当然也有好几个寺庙。在精心挑选的午餐餐厅,我们品尝了一些特别的泰国菜。这是一次难忘的旅行,我们强烈推荐这个旅行公司。發表日期:2019年1月12日
- Boon0080 篇投稿最棒的旅行社和导游首先,我们要感谢Non给我们带来的精彩体验!我们很幸运有他被指定为我们的导游。Non尽全力确保我们体验和学习到文化。他的个人特色使这次经历令人难忘。我拍了许多精彩的短途旅行照片。太喜欢这段经历了。这是迄今为止我们旅行中最好的旅行社,绝对推荐。谢谢Non。——Gary Boon 和 Cristina發表日期:2018年12月3日
- Floatie790 篇投稿夜晚的突突车之旅我们在坐突突车游览之前,曾游览过几座寺庙,导游给我们带来的体验是令人惊心动魄的。我忘了导游的名字(对不起!)但他之前做了11年的和尚。他英语很好,可以清晰并且详尽地回答我们提出的任何问题,整个旅行只有两个小时,可能有点贵,但如果你想要最好的…可以来泰国轻松地游玩,但是我想说这个网站需要做些改进。發表日期:2018年11月17日
- DavJM0 篇投稿很棒的行程,但对体能要求较高我们选择了素贴寺和茵他侬国家公园的一日游。我们的导游Ata很棒。他知识渊博,乐于助人。钻石瀑布附近的午餐非常好。我们去了一个很漂亮的地方参观了隐藏的瀑布,风景美丽。运气不太好的是我们遇到了一场大雨,这一定程度上影响了参观和享受的感觉。需要步行的路程比我们想象的更长、更难走。 虽然主要是下坡,但有一些很难走的部分,更适合那些经验丰富的徒步旅行者。确实有一个当地的导游,非常好,也很有帮助。 我们还错过了冬季花园。 总的来说是美好的一天,也是一个好的旅游公司。發表日期:2018年11月10日
- Pamela L0 篇投稿非常震惊John真的是太棒了。 我们从他那了解了很多东西,不仅仅是关于寺庙的,还有关于泰国文化的。 他非常温暖,坦率,还很有幽默感。 他就是那种人,总会让你想要变成一个更好的自己。 我告诉John我们在一个英国国际报纸的假日/旅游指南上看见了他的公司,并且指南上将其作为最佳之一进行了强烈的推荐。發表日期:2018年10月20日
- Jet6687000 篇投稿私人定制之完美泰国北部游超级好沟通、超级完美的计划!尽管我们有一些行程上的变动(想额外去一些地方),但伯恩先生和能恩先生非常周到,给了我们短时间内的最佳体验。清迈附近的宾馆和美食也是相当地赞。五星推荐!發表日期:2018年10月5日
這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。
398 則評論
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Jeff S
9 則投稿
Our sunrise tour with ex-monk, Tom, was amazing. Sunrise at Wat Phra That Doi Sutrep was magical. We arrived early and avoided the crowds arriving later. Tom went out of his way to explain the role of monks, their education/training and role in the community.
Our tour took us to Wat Pha Lat, a peaceful mountain jungle setting. Tom described his time and training while he was a monk there.
Our tour took us to Wat Pha Lat, a peaceful mountain jungle setting. Tom described his time and training while he was a monk there.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Mary W
2 則投稿
2024年11月 • 單獨旅行
This was by far my best tour of temples and I must have visited at least 15.
Since Tom is a former monk he is extremely knowledgeable. He talked about his life as a monk which was so fascinating.
At one of the temples I prayed with a monk and handed out food. There were other rituals I did to show my respect for Buddha.
And to top it off, the sunset was awesome.
Tom, thank you for an incredible day.
Since Tom is a former monk he is extremely knowledgeable. He talked about his life as a monk which was so fascinating.
At one of the temples I prayed with a monk and handed out food. There were other rituals I did to show my respect for Buddha.
And to top it off, the sunset was awesome.
Tom, thank you for an incredible day.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
3 則投稿
2024年11月 • 單獨旅行
James, our ex monk guide was so generous in sharing his lived experience as a monk from age 13 -25. The opportunity to not just see the temple but to understand the customs and rituals around them was excelled.
The sun rise up from the mountains and with view of the city of Chiang Mai, was a beautiful experience.
We visited three temples on this tour and have come away with so much knowledge about Monks, Temples, Buddhism and Thai culture. The tour was seamless and one of the most enjoyable things I've done.
Hats off also to our driver who navigated some very tight streets and tiny turns to make sure we got exactly where we needed to be.
The sun rise up from the mountains and with view of the city of Chiang Mai, was a beautiful experience.
We visited three temples on this tour and have come away with so much knowledge about Monks, Temples, Buddhism and Thai culture. The tour was seamless and one of the most enjoyable things I've done.
Hats off also to our driver who navigated some very tight streets and tiny turns to make sure we got exactly where we needed to be.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
1 則投稿
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侶
Our guide Sipohn was excellent. Good explanation. The sunrise time is worth getting up early for. I would have put a 5 star Reading except that on the day we went the road was half closed by tens of thousands of university students height, hiking up to the summit. While this had its own interesting element took away from the meditative early sunrise elements. There was also another deviation in the third, I itinerary component due to road closure
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Hilary Coulson
英國赫默爾亨普斯特德17 則投稿
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侶
Absolutely loved this.
Had an amazing guide with Tom.
He shared so much info with us, it was a great experience.
If you can get up early enough, this trip is a must. Loved it.
Had an amazing guide with Tom.
He shared so much info with us, it was a great experience.
If you can get up early enough, this trip is a must. Loved it.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Alexandra F
2 則投稿
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侶
We had the tour with James and it was amazing! He is super knowledgeable and friendly, and also has a great sense of humor. We learned so much. The morning was full of special experiences, and being able to listen to the monks chanting early in the morning was such a magical experience. The early wake up is definitely worth it. Thank you James!!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
加拿大聖艾伯特1,131 則投稿
2024年11月 • 家庭式
The Wat Phra That Doi Suthep was constructed in the 13th century overlooking Chiang Mai. The main building is covered in gold leaf. For the hearty ones it is a climb of 304 steps up to the Wat. There is an elevator if required
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
5 則投稿
2024年11月 • 單獨旅行
The early morning doi tape was amazing. The monks were also able to observe the morning shift. The temple is serene and wonderful to enjoy with the sunrise while the lights remain.
The other two temples are of different styles and are worth visiting.
The guide is very familiar with the region and Buddhism!
The other two temples are of different styles and are worth visiting.
The guide is very familiar with the region and Buddhism!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
澳洲墨爾本39 則投稿
2024年11月 • 單獨旅行
Our guide James was very welcoming and informed, he was also an amazing photographer! I can’t recommend this tour enough!
Personally I love sleeping in and hate early mornings but this was worth waking up early for!
Personally I love sleeping in and hate early mornings but this was worth waking up early for!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
I could not recommend this more. I did a tour in 2022 just as the pandemic was winding down. Our guide was absolutely amazing. His knowledge of the place from the perspective of an ex-monk of 19 years was mind blowing for me and my traveling companion. I plan to do this tour again when I am able to return to Chang-Mi. Please do it if you can!
Hi , im interested in your tour for Dec 28th but i have a flight out of Chiang Mai at 1150 am . Are what time are you ussually back ?
We were back around 10:30am, I suggest letting your tour guide know ahead of time. If it’s a small group or just you, they can probably be flexible
What time the tour finished? Because i have flight @11:55am is it do able?
Tour will be finish around 10:30 am.
If any one have a flight at 11:30 - 12:00 pm.
We need the clients check out at their hotel early morning and then keep all the luggages in the van. Then we will drop you at Chiangmai airport for your flight after the trip as a complimentary.
We will help you to manage your time for Chiangmai airport..
( It is close to the city )
Just let us know your flight schedule in advance. (Free no any extra charge ,we do this as a complimentary. )
We have enough time if your flight leave at 11:30 a.m.
If you flight will leave at 10:;:00 am. -10:30 am.
We recommend to take the Sunrise tour code. 999
That tour will be finished around 8:20 -8:30 am.
Thank you
Hi, Does the morning sunrise Doi Suthep temple tour include entry inside the temple to see the diety.
Sunrise tour is included all fees :
Temple entrance fee, Transportation, Experience guide, Food for monks, Drinking Water in the car, Breakfast and gasoline.
Approximately what time does the tour end and return to the hotel in Chiang Mai?
A full sune rise Tour with other 2 temples (Hidden temple and Wat Umkng ) +breakfast . Tour will be finished around 10: 15 am. -10:30 am. ( Around 5:30 hours )
Another Sunrise tour for 2:40 - 3:00 hours: (For people who have short time or need to get back earlier ) will be finished at 8:30 am.
Pickup at 5:00-5:10 am. at clients hotel lobby for both tours.
Cable car to take up to the temple available for us at 5am? As all of are old people and cannot climb stairs but want to see this early morning tour?
There is a lift that takes you up to the temple , as you face the main stairs going up walk to the right hand side for abt 300 yards I bit down the hill it will cost you 30thb
Since I was by myself with the tour crew, my tour ended at 9am. Was at my hotel by 9:30am, it might be tight but doable! As long there’s no traffic from your hotel to the Airport. My hotel was 10 minutes away!
Can the tour pick us from our hotel at 5am or do we have to meet the guide somewhere ?
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