什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
從特羅姆瑟(Tromsø)出發,觀看北極光(Northern Lights),觀看之旅。遠離城市的電燈進入鄉村,前往一個基地,因為它有可能看到北極光(Aurora Borealis)。 Stargaze來自篝火旁,留意北極光。通過添加熱餐來定制體驗。
4-99 歲,每團最多 50 人
所需時間: 5-7 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
- 在北極光之旅中探索特羅姆瑟以外的景點
- 在當天選擇的位置搜索Aurora Borealis以發現其潛力
- 在星空下的篝火旁踢回來
- 包括往返交通服務
- 熱餐(湯或燉菜)
- 精通英語的北極光指南
- 由舒適的教練接送
- 風景優美,私密且安全的基站
- 教練展示了美麗的北極光視頻
- 熱巧克力,咖啡,茶和甜美的當地蛋糕(lefse)
- 在基站停留期間可使用約20份保暖工作服
不提供- 小費
- 出發地點:
- Tromsø Havn Prostneset, Samuel Arnesens gate 5, 9008 Tromsø, Norway我們的入住辦理台位於上樓Prostneset巴士站(地址: Samuel Arnesens Gate 5, Tromsø)。 您抵達後,請在辦公室顯示您的券,他們登記您並提供您的機票後,您將由您的嚮導陪同到指定的小巴。
結束:此活動將回到集合地點結束。 - 沒有無障礙通行設施
- 可使用嬰兒推車
- 附近有大眾交通
- 有幼兒座位
如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:6723NL- 提供素食或非魚類選擇,如果您需要,請在預訂時使用特殊要求字段告知
- 在寒冷的天氣條件下操作,請穿著合適
- 不適合4歲及以下的兒童
- 大多數旅客可參與
- 學生的價格與青年的價格相同。
- 此體驗必須有良好的天候。 如果因天候不佳而取消,則將改期或全額退款
- 此體驗有最低旅客人數規定。 如果因人數不足而取消,則將改期、提供其他體驗選擇或全額退款
- 此遊覽/活動有最多 50 名旅客的人數限制
- 如需獲得全額退款,請至少於體驗開始日期前 24 小時取消。
- 如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:6723NL
- Samuel Arnesens gate 5, 9008 Tromsø, Norway我們的入住辦理台位於上樓Prostneset巴士站(地址: Samuel Arnesens Gate 5, Tromsø)。 您抵達後,請在辦公室顯示您的券,他們登記您並提供您的機票後,您將由您的嚮導陪同到指定的小巴。
- 1這是您北極光之旅的起點。我們的導遊將帶您前往廣闊的特羅姆瑟地區的冬季仙境,尋找北極光。
- mfreu760 篇投稿非常棒的雪地摩托体验今天我们进行了第一次的雪地摩托之旅,感觉非常棒。所有的导游都很友好,整个行程大约花了两个小时,共停了两个旅游站点。在某些地段,你可以非常快地行使,这真的非常有趣。陪伴我们的两只狗也非常可爱,尤其是那只11个月大的哈士奇。我们在旅途中遇到了一对可爱的夫妇,这是这段旅途非常大的一个加分点,因为我们有很多欢乐的时刻(我们确实很喜欢英式幽默——向皮特和乔问好)。我们一定会推荐这次旅行。發表日期:2019年2月6日
- 620krzysztofm0 篇投稿特罗姆瑟游猎因为雪暴的原因,我们的飞机无法在Tromso降落,然而,这并不属于该公司同意退款的合法理由。你来这预订时千万要小心,因为他们根本不是以客户为中心的。他们看重的是你的钱。發表日期:2019年1月17日
- Mary C0 篇投稿林根摩托雪橇游猎之旅很棒的一天,经验丰富的员工,出发前他们会先介绍一下简单的情况,在外面的时候将我们照料的很好,包括会提前检查路线,确保我们能安全的行进。他们还会确保我们穿着合适的衣裳。我们在户外呆了两个小时。期间吃了好吃的午餐。超级推荐。發表日期:2019年1月2日
- FonzysPlace0 篇投稿超棒的体验!多棒的体验啊!我从哥伦比亚飞过来!超过我的所有预期!这里的导游非常优秀,位置非常好,午夜时分迎接我们的光线以及头顶的异彩舞蹈成为了我生命中最棒的夜晚之一。發表日期:2018年11月14日
- Clémence P0 篇投稿午夜太阳RIB船之旅,很美好但是很短暂这是一次非常不错的RIB船之旅,导游风趣,我们也足够幸运看到了午夜太阳。本来旅程计划持续3个小时的,但是我们花了半个小时穿衣服,导致在返回之前只剩下1个半小时在海上。就这个价格来说,我本来期待时间更长一点的旅行。發表日期:2018年7月6日
- Tim H0 篇投稿北极光小巴士旅行,一起吧!我们在4月2日参加了了“北极光之旅”,非常完美。我们本来想参加他们的基地之旅(更便宜),但这个旅行在三月底停止运行了。我很高兴,在这次旅行中,我们一行15个人,能去很多不同的地方,在完美的环境中看极光。我们的导游威廉很有见识,我们的司机(不知道她的名字)在纯冰路上开车,感觉很安全。發表日期:2018年4月7日
- Laura L0 篇投稿当心,他们撒谎!我们在船上花了七八个小时,但是完全没有看见任何鲨鱼,航行大概进行3个小时,船长和船员说船外面有鲨鱼。每个人都跑到船顶和船两边去看鲨鱼,但没有任何一个人看到了。寻找了一个小时的鲨鱼后,船长和船员告诉我们,天气条件很恶劣,我们的船要返港了。但事实并不是这样。天气很好,很适合航行。真相是他们从没告诉我们,现在不是看到鲨鱼的时候,他们任何人都没告诉我们。在我们已经踏上旅程后,我们的挪威朋友告诉我们,十二月份这里没有鲨鱼。完全不推荐给大家。。。。發表日期:2018年3月31日
- Kciff0 篇投稿非常善于发现我们一行10人坐在面包车里没问题,直到暖气坏了。我们的观测员非常好,试着帮忙解决问题,脱下了他自己的外套给那些很冷的人。。我们玩的很开心,坏掉的取暖器也被原谅了,因为车子是租的,他们对这类事情的也没有太多掌控。还是很有意思的,看到了极光,满意地回来了。發表日期:2018年3月20日
- Stephane D0 篇投稿迷人的夜晚,追逐北极光太美妙了!我们和极光向导威廉一起度过了一段美好的夜晚。幸运之神在那里为你带来难以置信的极光。但这是完美的选择。导游细致的解说和多倍聚焦的相机使这次旅行更完美。再次感谢那些难以置信的回忆。傻人的福利:所有由我们的导游拍摄的照片都是他第二天一大早在一个云存储上分享的。这个人不睡觉,也不喝太多咖啡。發表日期:2018年3月6日
- Paulnotthewanderer0 篇投稿极光之旅最近来特罗姆瑟主要之为了看北极光。选择了一家大的旅行公司,这里展示有很多照片。套餐还包括帐篷篝火和热饮。上车后大约1小时20分钟我们就到了海边,一个当地人带着我们沿着一条小巷走到了一个大棚,这里有厕所,热饮和汤。但这只能算是大棚子。和他们宣传的完全不一样,晚上也过得不怎么样。之后我开始和在独自在附近旅行的两个人交谈。以后我也不会报团,而会选择和朋友一起来玩,会有更个性化的体验。旅行社展示的照片里可没这种大棚子。發表日期:2018年2月11日
- D0gb0y0 篇投稿鲸鱼和北极光用这些可以看到奥卡和北极光基地的露营之旅。两者都令人惊奇。当然,这也帮助了我们看到很多虎鲸和北极光在我们在营地的整个时间。导游在两次旅行中都很好。發表日期:2018年1月16日
- HFJ7470 篇投稿抱歉,我们不满意这次旅行我们预订了观鲸游,走的是西北方的方向,虽然所有人都在说今年的鲸鱼都在Trømso的东北方出没。我们只有远远地看到几条虎鲸,完全没看到座头鲸的影子。我们在船上之待了4小时15分钟,但是游客信息上说全程会是7个小时的。在即将到达Trømso的时候,导游说我们今天很愉快,好吧,我不这样认为。發表日期:2018年1月3日
- rachaelallerston0 篇投稿非常棒的游览我们和特罗姆瑟游猎一起游览过好几次,和他们在一起我们感到非常愉快。 我们按时在丽笙酒店见面,并搭乘了合适的车辆。 这次旅行并不拥挤,实际上我们所在的团队很小,但这并不是一件坏事,因为这意味着我们有更多的时间来问导游一些问题,并确保我们不会错过任何体验。导游真的很乐于助人,回答了我们的问题。 我们和这家公司预定了哈士奇雪橇和北极光之旅,我没什么不满的,行程显然很有计划,而且每个人的时间都合适。發表日期:2017年12月19日
- Megharanib0 篇投稿雷迪森布鲁酒店的特罗姆瑟游猎柜台服务太差了我的第一个体验活动“驯鹿喂养”(北极驯鹿体验)是在雷迪森布鲁酒店订的。 当我在酒店接待处附近等待驯鹿活动时,我看到了酒店里Tromso Safari的柜台。 我决定通过特罗姆瑟野生动物园预定第二天的活动。 排队排到我的时候,我去到了两个柜台的其中一个。 我开始询问鲸鱼游猎和雪地徒步旅行。 因为这两个活动是在同一时间,所以我在商量到底选那个。 然而另一个柜台的服务人员让我先离开,因为还有一个女孩在排队,并要求我决定了之后再回来。 他们对客户态度太差了,把游客当做待宰的羔羊!發表日期:2017年12月9日
- Cristina A0 篇投稿绝妙的经历我们真的很喜欢这次旅行。对我们来说,这是一次绝妙的经历。我们的导游米里亚姆为人很好,给我们提供了很多关于这次旅行的信息。我们去了Målselv基地,那儿的主人,伊丽莎白,非常欢迎我们。基地特别棒而且很温暖。米里亚姆给我们拍了一张美丽的北极光照片,并分享在了她的Facebook上。在基地,他们会提供暖和的衣服,如果有需要,他们还提供茶,咖啡,热巧克力和一些小点心。晚餐还可以点驯鹿汤(我不知道价格)。在基地还可以看到驯鹿。我推荐这次旅行!!發表日期:2017年11月28日
這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。
32 則評論
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Berdine d
3 則投稿
Fun, friendly and helpful guides! They helped with camera settings which helped to take beautiful pictures
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Colchester, England, United Kingdom133 則投稿
Booked to feed reindeer, go sledding and see if we could view northern lights.
Staff member who greeted at the bus was friendly & efficient. All the Sami people who were present for reindeer feeding, hot meal, tourist shop & culture talk were lovely.
Staff did their best to keep us warm and entertained. Plenty of hot drinks and bread to go with the meal. option of a second helping plus cookies.
I had vegetable soup option over reindeer stew - petting them, hearing about their affectionate personalities and then eating them was not for me!.
Sadly, due to weather conditions, reindeer sledding was unable to happen for safety reasons. (They did say they would refund this part for us).
No mention of seeing the Northern Lights, though?. Assumed we were doing this by coach when we left, as sledding was off a time window was still available before our expected arrival back at the meeting point. No. Just dropped back?!.
Disappointing for the company not to at least try and find the lights, or to announce why we weren’t going. Instead, nothing said.
Spent £1,000+ for a 2 day trip to Norway for my husband’s milestone birthday. Seeing the Northern Lights was on his bucket list. Whilst it’s no fault of the tour that weather conditions weren’t right for sledding or seeing the aurora borealis, notification by the driver or tour guide would’ve been nice. We didn’t see the aurora at all. It had been visible earlier that morning, apparently, but we were saving the experience for this
excursion to make it more ‘special’. So instead we didn’t see them at all.
Not recommended for young, lively children. 45 minute coach journey each way is too long for bored, tiny humans plus being quiet during Sami presentation. Take them when older rather than spoil an expensive experience for everyone else.
Having Sami food in a teepee is nice. Not cold. Plenty of toilets - heads up, they are chemical ones - and an opportunity to buy souvenirs at their little shop.
Being a ‘tourist’ trip, it attracts a variety of International visitors. It is very busy - full coach load. Some cultures not as quiet or polite as others !.
If conditions are right, I bet the full experience is amazing.
Staff member who greeted at the bus was friendly & efficient. All the Sami people who were present for reindeer feeding, hot meal, tourist shop & culture talk were lovely.
Staff did their best to keep us warm and entertained. Plenty of hot drinks and bread to go with the meal. option of a second helping plus cookies.
I had vegetable soup option over reindeer stew - petting them, hearing about their affectionate personalities and then eating them was not for me!.
Sadly, due to weather conditions, reindeer sledding was unable to happen for safety reasons. (They did say they would refund this part for us).
No mention of seeing the Northern Lights, though?. Assumed we were doing this by coach when we left, as sledding was off a time window was still available before our expected arrival back at the meeting point. No. Just dropped back?!.
Disappointing for the company not to at least try and find the lights, or to announce why we weren’t going. Instead, nothing said.
Spent £1,000+ for a 2 day trip to Norway for my husband’s milestone birthday. Seeing the Northern Lights was on his bucket list. Whilst it’s no fault of the tour that weather conditions weren’t right for sledding or seeing the aurora borealis, notification by the driver or tour guide would’ve been nice. We didn’t see the aurora at all. It had been visible earlier that morning, apparently, but we were saving the experience for this
excursion to make it more ‘special’. So instead we didn’t see them at all.
Not recommended for young, lively children. 45 minute coach journey each way is too long for bored, tiny humans plus being quiet during Sami presentation. Take them when older rather than spoil an expensive experience for everyone else.
Having Sami food in a teepee is nice. Not cold. Plenty of toilets - heads up, they are chemical ones - and an opportunity to buy souvenirs at their little shop.
Being a ‘tourist’ trip, it attracts a variety of International visitors. It is very busy - full coach load. Some cultures not as quiet or polite as others !.
If conditions are right, I bet the full experience is amazing.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you for your message.
We're happy to hear that the tour was mostly to your liking. Regarding the lack of not seeing the NL, unfortunately they are a natural phenomenon that we can not guarantee. If they show up during your tour at the sami camp, then the guides will take you out to see them, and if not, they will focus on makign the rest of the tour as memorable as possible.
Usually children enjoy the tour, especially feeding and sledding with the reindeer. As you said yourself, unfortunately during your tour the sledding was not possible, but we always refund the difference between sledding and non-sledding tour posthumously. If you have not yet received your partial refund for the sledding tour, please let us know at support@bestarctic.com :).
We thank you for your very detailed and honest review and hope your stay in the North was to your liking.
Best regards,
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
葡萄牙科英布拉區44 則投稿
Unfortunately given the rain time it was not possible to see the dawn. However, it would also not be possible in any way having stayed in the field sitting waiting instead of going looking for other better locations. In addition, it was quite boring to wait for hours without any entertainment, just the dinner that was medium and go back without trying any more. Moreover, on the same night there were groups who left Tromsø by the same company and were able to see the Northern Lights. Therefore, of course there were positive points but for the price paid I do not think that was made enough effort to try to see the northern lights, which was the primary goal of the trip.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Greetings Cristina,
Thank you for your review.
We're sorry to hear that the tour did not match your expectations. Unfortunately we can not guarantee NL for any of tours, and due to the locations we sometimes to go, one group might get a glimpse of the aurora, or all of the tours might get to see them. Sometimes our camps are the ones who end up seeing the lights and our minibuses miss on it.
Usually our guides are able to provide great entertainement by discussing the science and local traditions and history around the Aurora, but we would be happy to hear more in-depth feedback of your tour directly at support@bestarctic.com. We would especially like to hear what would you have liked our guides to do differently during the tour, or if you missed something?
Nevertheless, we hope that your stay in the North was to your liking, and although the Northern Lights evaded you this time.
Best regards,
Best Arctic
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Beth T
Chapel Hill, NC4 則投稿
2024年11月 • 家庭式
Margot was an incredible guide, who loves her work and was smart and strategic about the Northern Lights. We got to see them and learned a lot from her. One of the best tour guides I have had in any capacity. Nice van, nice stop for the lights with good hot chocolate and good soup. I thought the overall experience was truly memorable.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Hello Beth,
Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your experience. We're delighted to hear that you found the guide to be incredible and that your overall experience was memorable. We strive to provide such enriching tours.
Warm regards,
Best Arctic
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Allen Anthony S
5 則投稿
Our guide Juan was wonderful. Our driver Gustav did a good job. The hot chocolate and food was great. The lights were spectacular.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Greetings Anthony,
Thank you for your kind words. I shall pass forward your great feedback to our guide. We've been very lucky this season to have so many spectacular nights with NL, and we are glad you got to experience them as well!
Best regards,
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
德國柏林254 則投稿
Juan and Andreas were absolutely amazing! Andreas is a really skilled driver and an even better photographer. Juan - the guide - was really entertaining. He shared the science behind the lights as well as small anecdotes. This made the whole journey really entertaining and enjoyable. They even stopped midway on the way back when they spotted some more activity in the sky and we managed to see the lights again from a different location. We took tours with three different agencies on three consecutive days and this was the best considering the whole package. I cannot recommend them enough. Keep up the great work, guys!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
emmanuelle b
法國安納馬斯34 則投稿
The aurora borealis does not come on demand... certainly! But to be ecstatic about white glows that turn green with a certain setting of your phone or camera... bof!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you for your review.
We're sorry to hear you didn't enjoy your tour as much as we'd hoped. As you say yourself, the Aurora are a natural phenomenon and as such they are unfortunately outside of our own control.
Sometimes the lights are very vibrant and visible to the naked eye, sometimes they are faint and only visible with a long exposure camera.
Despite not being able to see the glorious lights in the colour you had hoped, I wish the rest of the tour was to your liking, as well as your stay in Tromso.
If you have any further things you'd like sharing with us, please contact us at support@bestarctic.com.
Best regards,
Best Arctic
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Silvia A
5 則投稿
2024年3月 • 好友旅行
SHAMEFUL to say the least! EVERYTHING! Snowstorm day, already expected for several days. We ask (2 days before) to be able to move or cancel the tour, given the adverse weather conditions expected for that evening. They inform us that it is not possible and that the weather changes suddenly in their country; therefore there will certainly be the possibility of seeing the Northern Lights. We get on the minibus despite the real snowstorm that arrived on time on the day of the excursion. We wander for hours without hope between motorway service stations and stops in the various rest areas, always with the hope of being able to see something... but, in addition to having seen nothing and having wandered aimlessly in vain, the dinner included in the ticket of 170 is not offered €.00 (shameful), for which the guide apologized by giving us a sachet of freeze-dried soup once we returned to the hotel. During the entire tour we were only offered a glass of washed out chocolate (undrinkable), and two biscuits (these I must say were quite good). Moral of the story: we spent €170.00 wandering around aimlessly, in the cold, even skipping dinner, returning so late that not even a street kiosk was open. Therefore > to bed without dinner. Scandalous. I strongly advise against this tour operator which is based at the Radisson Blue hotel in Tromso.
SHAMEFUL to say the least! EVERYTHING! Snowstorm day, already expected for several days. We ask (2 days before) to be able to move or cancel the tour, given the adverse weather conditions expected for that evening. They inform us that it is not possible and that the weather changes suddenly in their country; therefore there will certainly be the possibility of seeing the Northern Lights. We get on the minibus despite the real snowstorm that arrived on time on the day of the excursion. We wander for hours without hope between motorway service stations and stops in the various rest areas, always with the hope of being able to see something... but, in addition to having seen nothing and having wandered aimlessly in vain, the dinner included in the ticket of 170 is not offered €.00 (shameful), for which the guide apologized by giving us a sachet of freeze-dried soup once we returned to the hotel. During the entire tour we were only offered a glass of washed out chocolate (undrinkable), and two biscuits (these I must say were quite good). Moral of the story: we spent €170.00 wandering around aimlessly, in the cold, even skipping dinner, returning so late that not even a street kiosk was open. Therefore > to bed without dinner. Scandalous. I strongly advise against this tour operator which is based at the Radisson Blue hotel in Tromso.
SHAMEFUL to say the least! EVERYTHING! Snowstorm day, already expected for several days. We ask (2 days before) to be able to move or cancel the tour, given the adverse weather conditions expected for that evening. They inform us that it is not possible and that the weather changes suddenly in their country; therefore there will certainly be the possibility of seeing the Northern Lights. We get on the minibus despite the real snowstorm that arrived on time on the day of the excursion. We wander for hours without hope between motorway service stations and stops in the various rest areas, always with the hope of being able to see something... but, in addition to having seen nothing and having wandered aimlessly in vain, the dinner included in the ticket of 170 is not offered €.00 (shameful), for which the guide apologized by giving us a sachet of freeze-dried soup once we returned to the hotel. During the entire tour we were only offered a glass of washed out chocolate (undrinkable), and two biscuits (these I must say were quite good). Moral of the story: we spent €170.00 wandering around aimlessly, in the cold, even skipping dinner, returning so late that not even a street kiosk was open. Therefore > to bed without dinner. Scandalous. I strongly advise against this tour operator which is based at the Radisson Blue hotel in Tromso.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
英國Sonning on Thames5 則投稿
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侶
Excellent tour. Well organised, friendly and informative. Weather conditions were not great but with persistence and guidance from Enrico we saw the lights and took some photographs. The additional major plus factor was the camp with inside fires and hot food to warm up. Highly recommended.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Haifa A
科威特科威特城12 則投稿
2024年2月 • 好友旅行
Worst company i delt with with zero customer satisfaction and they only care about the money. I had booked two trips on the same day with the promise that the 1st trip finishes by 5 or 6. Hence the 2nd trip was a private tour for the aurora hunt and starts by 7:30 pm. We finished the first trip and returned to tromso by 6:40 as we were late by best arctic and one meber from my group got really sick. Henc, i went online to search for an emergency number and couldnt find any. The next day i went to the office and told best arctic about the situation, and without any hesitation or consideration they told us to contact the ensurance for a refund. They didnt offer any reschedule nor refund; noting thay we paid 19,000 NOK. When I told them that we couldnt find an emergency number; they said you should call the land line. The private tour for aurora hunt was made just one day prioir and the cancelation policy gave us 48 hours gap; this made us fall in a gray area due to short term arrangment. To our surprise we were not compensated nor satisfied and we paid a fortune for this trip. My advice dont go for big names when organizng your trips as we were told that best arcyic were the best and in reality and based on our experience they were lower than expected. They only care about money.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
bonjour, y a t'il possibilité de recevoir des explications en français ? Merci pour la réponse
Bonjour, nous sommes 4, y a t'il possibilité de recevoir les explications en langue française ?
Hi, I plan to take a Tour Only (Northern Lights viewing tour without meal) on Dec 28th or Dec 29th. If I would like to be dropped off at my Airbnb after the tour finish, would that be possible? and if so how much do I have to add to the cost?
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