Ocean Bliss:里斯本全日阿拉比達私人遊艇之旅
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Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
在從里斯本出發的ArrábidaNatural Park私人遊艇巡遊中,逃離陸地上的人群。不僅可以讓船長和船員全神貫注,而且發現海豚和海鳥的機會也將增加,而且可以靈活地在每個游泳站享受盡可能多的時間。
4-99 歲
所需時間: 8 小時
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- 在私人遊艇巡遊中選擇奢華的味道
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- 選擇花您的空閒時間游泳或在陽光下放鬆
- 運氣好,大西洋中的斑海豚
- 當地導遊
- 從您當地的里斯本住宿
- 使用呼吸管設備,Stand-Up Paddle或Kayak
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每名成人 (價格可能依團體人數而有所不同)
- 1途經Reserva Natural do Estuario do SadoCastelo de SesimbraPraia de Galapinhos
- 2途經Praia de TroiaFigueirinha BeachPraia dos CoelhosPraia dos Galapos
- 3
- dhW8986TM0 篇投稿Berlinga岛之旅玩得很开心!喜欢我们的导游约翰。强烈推荐。非常好,信息丰富。时刻注意我们的安全和舒适。岛和海洋很美!船长和船员非常专业。海浪很高,但它们使颠簸的幅度最小。發表日期:2019年7月2日
- LorikeetR0 篇投稿前往Evora的共享金色平原之旅我强烈推荐这个旅游和旅行公司。我们的导游胡安知识渊博,热情好客,乐于助人。我们的一天过得很顺利,充满了兴趣。搭乘时间机器的旅程回到中世纪,再加上罗马和新石器时代,到处都是树木和美丽的景色。感谢Around Lisbon旅行公司。發表日期:2019年3月31日
- Danielle P0 篇投稿卡斯卡伊斯和辛特拉我自己去里斯本旅游,订了几个里斯本周边游。第一个是去卡斯卡伊斯和辛特拉,David是导游,我们团有8名游客。我们从卡斯卡伊斯的恶魔之口开始,前往观赏美丽的乡村。接着我们去参观了罗卡角,并且在辛特拉自由活动了一会儿。David推荐了一家餐厅叫Apeadeiro,我点的午餐很美味,而且我敢说这里是一家非常受欢迎的餐厅。午餐后,我们团穿过通往神奇的佩纳宫的花园。这次旅行绝对是一次非常充实的旅行,我很开心能在一天内看到这些所有的景色。还有那些遇到的鸡、乌龟和鸭子也增添了不少乐趣。总的来说我渡过了非常美好的时光,David非常棒,他是一个知识渊博的导游。發表日期:2019年2月27日
- nathalie5670 篇投稿法蒂玛(Fatima)之旅我们拥有最出色的导游(他的名字叫做riu——不太确定名字拼对了没),他懂得非常多的东西,他甚至还为整个旅行团预定了午餐座位。發表日期:2018年7月4日
- suztpower0 篇投稿远远超出期望这是我们排名前三的旅行之一,我们花了3个星期游览葡萄牙、西班牙和摩洛哥。坦尼娅确实个不错的导游……有些导游更像司机,他们只是让我们从一个地方到另一个地方而已。很明显,她热爱她的国家和城市,喜欢分享,她用一种清晰、有趣的方式用流利的英语分享交流。真是太棒了!强烈推荐。你将会在相当短且非常愉快的时间内学到惊人的新知识。發表日期:2018年5月11日
- DarcieD190 篇投稿很棒的旅行我预定了全天的辛特拉/卡斯卡伊斯之旅。我们的导游David很棒!他知识渊博,并介绍了我们所参观地区的历史。他挑选了一个很棒的地方吃午饭,帮助了我们在菜单上选择食物!你千万不要错过这个旅行。發表日期:2017年12月14日
- Scobie P0 篇投稿贝伦奇大岛的精彩的个人旅行我们真的很喜欢这一天,我们要去参观柏林的大岛屿,游览里斯本。这是一种高效的组织,我们的向导在每一步都在跟踪我们。到岛上旅游是不同的,特别是当你在玻璃底船旅游和皮艇旅游的时候。我们的导游甚至给我提供了一些晕船药片,因为从大陆来的旅行会有点不太好,这是一种很好的关怀。在海洋上走出来是非常令人振奋的,同时也提供了厚重的外套来保护我们不受寒冷的风的保护。我一定会推荐这次旅行和这家公司。一个建议——带上一些食物,因为在岛上并不总是可以买到的,而且买到的东西很贵。發表日期:2017年10月12日
- Sandi E0 篇投稿开始于一个小过失,但最终以炸弹结束三位女士安排了一整天的私人神秘森林之旅。。。但不幸的是, Around Lisbon疏忽地把我们安排到了日历的后一天。我们的联系人,Gil,挺身而出重新制定我们的计划,旅程开始于我们原计划的那天的下午,然后在第二天早上结束。我们有幸能够与他们的向导Nuno Rebelo开展两天的旅行。Nuno确保我们被转移到我们在辛特拉的酒店在第一天结束后。。并且看到我们几个同意去的地方在第二天结束后。Gil和Nuno都很专业并且不仅仅弥补了艰难的开始。我强烈推荐他们的公司的个性化旅游。發表日期:2017年9月17日
- 1234CHQ0 篇投稿圣堂武士河之旅-托马尔上周我们访问里斯本时,我们参加了圣堂河之旅。这一天是我们假日的重头戏!佩德罗是我们的向导,我们很高兴能和如此了解葡萄牙历史和文化的人一起度过这一天。所有的东西都布置得很漂亮,包括一个很棒的当地餐馆,在炎热的天气里,为我们的午餐提供水,我们可以去参观克里斯托和阿尔穆罗尔的城堡。非常感谢佩德罗,环游里斯本的美好一天,我们将会回来进行下一次伟大的旅行!發表日期:2017年9月1日
- TheLoftysPoole0 篇投稿辛特拉和卡斯凯什我们是从我们酒店得知很容易在网上预订。丽塔是我们的导游,她一整天都很友好,给我们提供了很多有用的信息。在狭窄狭窄的山坡上开车。我们真的很喜欢辛特拉宫殿,卡斯凯什是也是令人惊喜的。我们唯一的问题是,迷你巴士很旧,坦白一点“举步维艰”!!否则是体验葡萄牙的惊人的美丽的一部分的一个好方法。發表日期:2017年6月27日
- Michael K0 篇投稿我爱Lisbon我们在里斯本待了五天,但仍没能看完所有地方。这个城市有很多东西值得看。有很多有趣的社区值得去探索。他们都是非常不同和多样的。这是一个非常棒的城市,很适合漫步和观光。我们很想再来一个礼拜。發表日期:2017年5月15日
- Incogni280 篇投稿路虎之旅里斯本周围的景色很棒。我们请了一个富有学识的导游,带我们参观了16个地方。在16个地方中,我们参观了辛特拉和卡斯凯什。看见了地狱之门,佩纳宫和花园, Azenhas do mar,罗卡岬,埃斯托利尔,里斯本的海边和欧洲西部大部分的景点。發表日期:2017年4月28日
- HamiltonSunLover0 篇投稿最棒的辛特拉之旅这次我们来里斯本最棒的一点就是辛特拉,罗卡角和卡斯凯什的旅行。戴维是个知识渊博,细心周到的一个导游。这次游玩持续了一整天,他从历史和人民的角度为我们讲述了许多见解。在每个景点都停留很久的空闲时间,让我们享受这里的时光,不仅是主要景点的讲解,连沿途讲解的也很细致,让我们充分享受其中。所游玩的路线让我们看到了乡村,森林,海滩的美丽景色。非常漂亮!發表日期:2017年4月6日
- Andy K0 篇投稿来这里不嫌远我们有一天时间参观里斯本。这里很热,我不喜欢炎热,但是还是从一边参观到另一边。很有魅力的城市,有很多可看的。一天不可能参观完的!需要自行车和出租车的帮助。很喜欢的这个地方,记不起一个景点,但是没有关系—我会再回来的。在集市市场里有美食,虽然我已经吃过了,但是看着还是很美味!喜欢这里發表日期:2017年3月6日
- Solislav0 篇投稿从酒店来,再回去这里的人真的很好,他们会带你到酒店,去到那些目的地,给你足够的时间和提供足够的信息,让你玩的开心,然后晚上带你回到你的地方。我们尝试了去加斯的旅行,真的是极好的体验。發表日期:2017年1月21日
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36 則評論
Katelyn C
德克薩斯州蓋維斯頓1 則投稿
2024年5月 • 好友旅行
I CANNOT RECOMMEND ENOUGH!!! My friends and I had the best day of our entire trip on this yacht tour. The tour guide, captain, and crew were some of the kindest most welcoming people we met on our trip. The scenery was stunning, the paddleboarding was so fun, and the boat was gorgeous. At the end of the tour, my friends and I were sad to leave this wonderful experience with such lovely people. If I ever have the privilege of coming back to Lisbon I will be booking this tour again.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
4 則投稿
2023年8月 • 家庭式
I rarely write reviews but had to give a 5* recommendation for this trip with Luis and Gil. Everything was perfect.
Luis picked up from our hotel right on time and after a quick drive down to Sesimbra we boarded the boat and set out for the best day ever. It wasn't long before dolphins came out to play, then we dropped anchor for some paddle boarding and swimming (ask Luis about his patented snorkelling method - not to be missed) and then headed over to the east to see more of the Arrábida national park.
Luis and Gil are just the loveliest guys and made our family feel completely welcome from beginning to end. Book this trip - you won't regret it.
Luis picked up from our hotel right on time and after a quick drive down to Sesimbra we boarded the boat and set out for the best day ever. It wasn't long before dolphins came out to play, then we dropped anchor for some paddle boarding and swimming (ask Luis about his patented snorkelling method - not to be missed) and then headed over to the east to see more of the Arrábida national park.
Luis and Gil are just the loveliest guys and made our family feel completely welcome from beginning to end. Book this trip - you won't regret it.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
卡羅萊納州達勒姆1 則投稿
MUST DO! This is an amazing day in the Atlantic Ocean on a great yacht! Learning to paddle board was so much fun! Exploring the caves along the coast and snorkeling was phenomenal! Jumping into the ocean from the back platform was fun and completed a bucket-list trip! The crew was exceptional - friendly, informative, and courteous- we enjoyed our trip with them. The yacht was spacious and comfortable for us. Highly recommend this as a great way to enjoy time in Portugal with natural sites, adventure, and comfort!!!!!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Cheryl S
田納西Maryville2 則投稿
2023年6月 • 家庭式
Out of all the things we did in Lisbon this was the very best! The guides were amazing, the boat was beautiful and the coast was gorgeous. There were very few waves and it was very smooth sailing. We saw about 20 dolphins that played and put on a spectacular show around the boat. Then we went for a great ride to a Arrabida where we paddle boarded into caves and around the stunning cliffs and rock formations. We then paddled to the beach and played in the water for about an hour. Back on the boat for another scenic ride where a tinder picked us up and took us to shore for lunch. The yacht was super nice and had bathroom, kitchenette, fridge, etc. Totally worth every cent! Luis and Gil made sure our every need was met. They even let my two boys drive the boat. We were a family of 6, we took our two teens, 7yo and my 65 yo mom. Everyone agreed it was the best excursion of the trip!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Sha D
10 則投稿
My daughter and I went on this cruise and we had a fantastic fun filled day! The Captain and his two assistants made us feel at home and made our day very enjoyable!
They were extremely personable and all together nice people!!
We had a history lesson on the sites we cruised and got to Paddle board as well!
I highly recommend this tour to anyone wanting a truly remarkable time. They are the best!
They were extremely personable and all together nice people!!
We had a history lesson on the sites we cruised and got to Paddle board as well!
I highly recommend this tour to anyone wanting a truly remarkable time. They are the best!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Kelly S
1 則投稿
Our group had the best time! The guys were so friendly. They went above and beyond, they even found my friend’s sunglasses in the ocean when she lost them! We saw dolphins on our trip! The boat was clean and had many amenities to make our trip just so fun. Highly recommend this, this day made our trip.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Erin B
英國布萊頓7 則投稿
We had an incredible day with Gil and Luis - they were so welcoming and knowledgeable about the area. The boat was beautiful and perfect for relaxing in the sun as well swimming in the ocean and paddling about on the SUPs. Can't recommend highly enough!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Ronnie E
德克薩斯州達拉斯9 則投稿
The crew was amazing and made us feel right at home! Everything was well organized, from the pick-up to where we stopped for lunch. This exceeded my expectations. We were picked up from our place in Lisbon and taken to a marina that is about 40 minutes away. This was perfect as it was away from the city and allowed us to see more nature than if we would have left from a marina in Lisbon.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
紐約州紐約市5 則投稿
2022年5月 • 好友旅行
Gil and Luis were so nice and such great hosts! They new exactly where to go for the perfect dipping spots. They were completely flexible to do whatever and go wherever we wanted. It was a beautiful way to spend a day in Portugal.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Daragh N
愛爾蘭Ballysax2 則投稿
This tour is absolutely worth your time if you want to see some beautiful parts of Portugal and do some incredibly fun activities all in one day. The two hosts were attentive but never overbearing. I had a touch of sea sickness due to some slightly rocky conditions in one area and the hosts were amazing and had tablets at the ready and even accommodated our trip based on this. They found a beautiful part of the river estuary that was much calmer and therefore easier for me. I cant thank them enough because this allowed me to enjoy the experience to the fullest and go kayaking and enjoy the beautiful scenery while doing so. This is a great tour hosted by great people.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
J’aimerai organiser l’enterrement de vie de jeune fille de ma soeur et faire cette activité, pouvez m’indiquer le nombre maximum de personne qui peuvent être abords? Et le tarif pour 12personnes? Pour le 25 avril 2020
Maria S
como posso colocar perguntas à equipa de reserva sem não ha nenhum contato?
Pra mim aparece dese 93,75€, porem o valor final sao 275,00€ por pessoa, nao entendi, alguem pode me explicar?
Hi, are you available on July 27-July 29? I would love to have this private yacht for my sisters birthday.
les agradecería nos indicaran si dentro de esta excursión entra buceo con bombonas y en el caso de que si entrara dentro de la excursión , es necesario curso de buceo , certificado medido , pondrían ustedes los trajes y bombonas, gracias
If I book a visit for 2 person, are we going to be the only passengers on the boat ? Is that a private cruise, or the boat session is for different customers ? thanks
顯示第 1-10 筆搜尋結果,共 13 筆
*即將售罄: 根據 Viator 在過去 30 天內向提供商取得的預訂資料和資訊,此透過 Tripadvisor 子公司 Viator 販售的體驗可能即將售罄。