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- Culture600794045510 篇投稿A beautiful day in Toscany导游Rosa非常负责,我提出的关于锡耶纳教堂和圣卡特琳娜的问题都一一解答。行程不是很赶,两位老人都很尽兴,就是蒙特里久尼城堡没啥意思,不感兴趣的可以在车上躲着。發表日期:2020年2月10日
- miau7150 篇投稿托斯卡尼一日游Olesia 导游带领我们参观各个景点附介绍,她很亲切但也非常精准的掌握全团成员的动向与控管时间,行程物超所值且毫无延误,只是走路移动的部份还不少,并不适合行动不便的人。若只是想稍微探索这几个景点又不想自己安排交通的话非常推荐。發表日期:2020年2月6日
- Paradise064116709350 篇投稿Enjoy the one day trip with Rosa’s guide!在佛罗伦萨待接近一周,当然要找一天在周边小镇玩一下。行程包括Siena,Chianti品酒,Monteriggioni还有San Gimignano,行程不会特别紧凑各个地方时间都非常充足。 不同于城市的热闹,这几个小镇比较安静,节奏轻松。慢下来好好享受托斯卡纳地区的阳光☀️發表日期:2020年2月4日
- FourierHw0 篇投稿Happy with MyTour Rosa!Rosa是一个很热心的导游,轻松,幽默,时间控制的好! 中午的饭很赞!认识了新朋友 很棒! 在途中晒太阳喝咖啡撸猫品红酒 有趣! 还买到了一家很热情的巧克力店的开心果口味巧克力!他们家还给尝了很好吃的Truffle蘑菇酱 就是有点贵贵的 没有买 舍不得 哎 努力赚钱吧…… 好评好评.........發表日期:2020年1月30日
- Tour351745176150 篇投稿Rosa is so nice guide一个人来意大利,加入了 my tour 的锡耶那圣吉尼米诺一日游,旅途很愉快,锡耶那,圣吉尼米诺风景很美,基安蒂的午餐和酒也很好,Rosa非常棒,来意大利玩一定要找她發表日期:2020年1月23日
- Quest474540792290 篇投稿fantastic touring experience非常棒的体验。导游Rosa非常耐心,乐于助人,服务周到细致。景点典故叙述详实,帮助旅客尽可能的了解景点的悠远历史。最重要的一点,她总是笑脸相迎,感到非常亲和。發表日期:2020年1月23日
- dixiao06200 篇投稿性价比很高的一日游精挑细选了五渔村一日游,集合时发现美女导游ILARIA居然会说中文!讲得非常流利,而且很热心,意外的惊喜!另一位帅哥导游ALBERTO也很牛,意大利、英语、西班牙三语导游滚动播放,满足各种需求!行程很丰富很充实,五星好评!發表日期:2019年11月21日
- ayumitakki0 篇投稿最有趣的是导游说实话每次旅行都会碰到有意思的人,我们这个导游旅云(ilal)在中国学了五年汉语,还去了中国西边很多地方,还说下回要从新疆去西藏再去印度。我喜欢她这种态度,她在服务过程中非常细心周到,墙裂好评。發表日期:2019年11月12日
- Wanderer427443300670 篇投稿托斯卡纳一日游我参加了10月18日的托斯卡纳一日游。行程安排很好,尤其是锡耶纳的介绍很有趣。 不过行程中我还是遇到不愉快,因为参团人数多,需要每个人都固定位子坐。在第一个景点结束上车后,有人在我附近的和一对亚洲夫妻争论位子,无果。结果车子开动以后,导游助手,一个小个子黑妞就跑过来和我说,说我抢占了别人的位子,我真是惊到了,我和她说我一开始就坐这里的,她竟然还不死心,问我怎么能保证,我说我前面也是一个人参团的,我一直坐她后面,那个黑妞才闭嘴。后来大胡子领队过来和我商量,请我和前面的女生一起坐,让另外一对情侣坐一起。 在后面一个景点,我把位子让给那对自称座位在前面的情侣,我和前面那个游客聊过,我们都不记得那对情侣坐在我们附近。 虽然我独自出行,但我很少参加旅行团。不过这次的经历实在恶心到我了,我实在想不出那个黑妞凭什么认为我抢占别人的座位,难道就是因为我也是亚洲面孔吗?!發表日期:2019年10月21日
- pg1x0 篇投稿出色彩而信息丰富的旅游我们进行了为期半天的基安蒂之旅,中包括2个酿酒厂,并参观了Monteriggioni。这是我们旅行中最有趣的部分,我们很高兴参加了旅行。上车地点有点让人摸不着头脑,我们几乎以为巴士开走了,因为谷歌地图把我们带错了方向,但谢天谢地,我们上车了!我们的导游阿尔贝托非常棒,他非常有趣,知识渊博,克劳迪娅是另一位西班牙旅行团的导游,她也非常友好。我们学到了很多关于葡萄酒、橄榄油、香醋和松露油的知识!短暂的蒙特雷吉奥尼城堡之旅非常美丽,特别感谢阿尔贝托在第二酒厂为我们展示了美丽的日落——阿尔贝托是一个超棒的导游,是公司真正的财富!!發表日期:2019年10月15日
- Quest596609889620 篇投稿Cinque Terre one day tourThe size of the group is less than 40. Every one is on time. We traveled with Alberto. His English is very clear and instruction is also clear. He is friendly and pleasant. The whole arrangement is just right, enough time for sightseeing and enjoying peaceful time. We will choose to travel with My tour next time. 对五渔村的一日游满意。行程宽松舒适。导游Alberto英文指示清晰,照顾到每一个团员。比起我们选的另一家公司的一日游,满意。發表日期:2019年10月8日
- Perederic E0 篇投稿五渔村一日游一日游的体验非常愉快,我们参观了马纳罗拉、蒙特罗索、维尔内扎和韦内雷港。我们的导游安娜斯塔西娅人很棒,她很好地讲解了旅程的内容,也讲清了碰面的地点!我们在每个村庄都有相当充足的时间游玩,非常感谢你所做的一切——很高兴见到你,安娜斯塔西娅!發表日期:2019年9月21日
- Climber612610106640 篇投稿Carmela and serena非常热情的女导游,在苏州大学学习中文,中文交流讲解很不错,一趟下来我喝到喜欢的酒,媳妇买到喜欢的包,吃到了好吃的冰激凌,非常满意發表日期:2019年9月16日
- NoelleS8790 篇投稿半天的基安蒂之旅我们参加了从佛罗伦萨出发的为期半天的葡萄酒之旅,阿尔贝托是我们的导游。这是一次惊人的旅行!我们参观了两家酒庄,并去了蒙特雷吉奥尼。阿尔贝托是个很棒的向导。导游非常友好,知识丰富,细心周到——他总是在问候客人,他懂得也很多。这一天从一个小酒厂开始,我们还品尝了奶酪、意大利腊肠、香醋和橄榄油。然后我们去了蒙特雷吉奥尼进行了短暂的游览。我们在城里转了一圈,停下来吃了冰淇淋,逗留的时间已经够长了!第二家酒庄要大得多,坐落在红衣主教古老的避暑别墅里。它很漂亮!这是一个如此特别的环境。我们很高兴参加了半日游。我们觉得我们有足够的时间在每个酒庄品尝葡萄酒。我建议你用半天时间游览,那样你就不会因为这次短途旅行而花掉一整天的时间。早上我们还能在佛罗伦萨观光。乘公共汽车旅行非常舒适和放松。来回只有一个小时左右。我们很幸运,我们的旅游团人不是很多。所以车上有很多空位。一定要买一些酒运回家!通常把酒寄回家会有很大的折扣。阿尔贝托,谢谢你的精彩之旅!我和我丈夫喜欢和你聊天,我特别喜欢和你一起练习意大利语。發表日期:2019年9月8日
- c_cunnigham10 篇投稿托斯卡纳之旅超赞的托斯卡纳一日游......中途去吃了世界一流的冰激凌,体验了超棒的托斯卡纳乡村风情,享用了很棒的午餐,品尝了红酒,最后去参观了美丽的城市锡耶纳。Alberto是个很棒的导游。非常热心,带我们游览了托斯卡纳超棒的一个历史景点。100%强烈推荐这次旅行。我体验过的最棒的旅游之一,性价比特别高。發表日期:2019年9月3日
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18 則評論
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愛荷華North Liberty1 則投稿
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侶
Do not miss this place. It and the Bardini gardens nearby are wonderful. Pitti has a huge art collection, a large and interesting display of costumes through the ages, and some bedrooms on display. If you are lucky you might get on a guided kitchen tour!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Customer,
Thank you for sharing your insightful recommendation.
The Pitti Palace, along with the nearby Bardini Gardens, truly offers a remarkable experience.
With its extensive art collection, fascinating costume displays throughout history, and the opportunity to explore the beautifully preserved bedrooms, it is indeed a significant cultural site.
The possibility of a guided kitchen tour adds a unique and enriching dimension to the visit.
Your feedback will undoubtedly encourage others to visit these outstanding locations.
Hope to have you back in our upcoming tours in the near future.
Best regards,
My Tour in Italy team.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Michael K
英國倫敦551 則投稿
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侶
The Pitti Palace was commissioned in 1440 by the banker Luca Pitti in an attempt to outdo the Medici family; but his luck changed and the family had to sell it to them in 1549. They initiated major expansion works, lavishly decorating the rooms and creating what are now the Bobboli Gardens. With the death of the last Medici Grand Duke in 1737, the Habsburg-Lorraines took over and lived in the palace until 1860. King Vittorio Emmanuel I briefly lived here from 1865-71. The Palatine Gallery was opened to the public in 1874 and the palace was donated to the state in 1919. To my mind, the building has a functional, depressing outward façade, like a prison, deliberately hiding views of the gardens behind. But the extensive interiors are a real treasure-house. The visit is equivalent to 6 separate attractions, and in many ways, more absorbing than the Uffizi. The Palatine Gallery is housed in a luxurious suite of rooms, filled with artworks, largely by Tuscan or wider Italian painters; Tintoretto, Raphael, Murillo, Gentileschi, Lippi, Titian, Caravaggio and more. The fun is finding them tucked away among the others, and guessing what the subject is. These rooms are enjoyable for the decoration alone. For me, the Ark Room was the most impressive, with its simulation of a large tent and action going on around you – fresco, trompe a l’oeil and marbling combined. The Royal Apartments were unfortunately closed, but there’s still the Museum of Fashion and Costume, the Modern Art Collection, and the State Rooms. In the latter, trompe a l’oeil is taken to the limit in some stunning rooms. The Russian icons did not work for me, but some of the items in the Treasury were mind-boggling, especially the ivory carvings (yes, I know tastes change over the centuries).
Café not the cheapest and service not great. Boboli Gardens are an extra fee.
Café not the cheapest and service not great. Boboli Gardens are an extra fee.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Customer,
Thank you for sharing such a detailed and thoughtful review of your visit to the Pitti Palace. We’re delighted to hear that you found the extensive interiors, particularly the Palatine Gallery, to be a treasure-house of art, and that the luxury of the rooms, filled with works by renowned Italian artists, made a lasting impression.
It's wonderful to know that the Ark Room’s combination of frescoes, trompe l’oeil, and marbling captured your attention.
We’re also glad that you had the chance to explore the Museum of Fashion and Costume, the Modern Art Collection, and the State Rooms.
We understand that some areas, like the Royal Apartments, were closed during your visit, but we hope you’ll have the opportunity to return and enjoy these parts in the future.
We appreciate your thoughts on the exterior of the building, and we agree that its more functional design does serve to highlight the stunning gardens and grand interiors once inside. Regarding the Café, we apologize if the service and pricing did not meet your expectations, but that's something out of our hands, as the Café belongs to someone else and is not part of our tour or our itinerary, hope you understand us.
Thank you once again for your detailed feedback, and we hope you’ll return to explore even more of the Pitti Palace and the beautiful Boboli Gardens on your next visit to Florence.
Best regards,
My Tour in Italy team.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
英國Coalville10,995 則投稿
2024年8月 • 單獨旅行
This is a really impressive palace to visit with numerous exhibits on display so be sure not to miss them as they are located inside the walkways around the courtyard.
If you have not a sore neck after visiting, you've not been looking at the building properly, as the ceilings are the stars of the show.
There's just about everything you could wish for in a palace of this scale, art, furniture, sculpture, clocks, bronze, ceramic and beautifully painted and ornate ceilings.
My ticket was part of the combination with the timed visit to the Uffizi, but go early to avoid the crowds.
If you have not a sore neck after visiting, you've not been looking at the building properly, as the ceilings are the stars of the show.
There's just about everything you could wish for in a palace of this scale, art, furniture, sculpture, clocks, bronze, ceramic and beautifully painted and ornate ceilings.
My ticket was part of the combination with the timed visit to the Uffizi, but go early to avoid the crowds.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your detailed and enthusiastic review.
We’re glad to know that you had such a memorable visit to the palace.
The variety of exhibits and the stunning ceilings truly make it a unique experience.
Your tip about going early to avoid the crowds is very helpful.
We hope you enjoyed the Uffizi as well, and we appreciate you taking the time to share your experience.
Best regards,
My Tour in Italy team.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Kathryn A
2 則投稿
We really enjoyed our visit at the palace but This review is for the cafe at the Pitti Palace. The staff at the cafe were extremely rude to us and had a very obvious dislike of tourists. We were nothing but polite in the cafe but, we were treated so badly it was very upsetting. My daughter was laughed at and ridiculed for ordering something vegetarian. I was then, not given the cappuccino that I ordered and paid for. When I went to the counter to politely ask for my cappuccino I was mocked and abused. When I asked a waitress for help, she was also rude and yelled at me. This does not give a good representation of the people of Florence. Do not go to this cafeteria.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your feedback.
I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit to the palace and the tour we provided.
However, I want to clarify that the café at the Pitti Palace is not operated by our company and is not part of the tour we organize.
We are truly sorry to hear about the poor experience you had at the café.
Our only responsibility as 'My Tour' company is to ensure you have an enjoyable tour, and we are pleased to hear that we succeeded in that regard.
Negative feedback about the café affects our business unfairly, as it is not related to our services.
Sorry about the experience at the Cafeteria, the important thing is you enjoyed the tour.
Hope to have you again in our upcoming tours in the near future, in order to provide you more enjoyable experiences.
Best regards,
My Tour in Italy team.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Paloma B
西班牙馬德里76 則投稿
2024年7月 • 單獨旅行
For 38 euros you buy the combined ticket Uffizzi, Pitti and Boboli Gardens. Highly recommended all Palace exhibitions. I was very struck by the Fashion Museum, very interesting pieces.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Customer,
Thank you for taking your time and sharing the feedback of your experience with us.
We are glad to know that you enjoyed the tour and that you found all the Museums interesting.
Looking forward to having you again in our upcoming tours in the near future and providing you more enjoyable experiences like this one.
Best regards,
My Tour in Italy team.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
西班牙休達614 則投稿
It is worth spending a couple of hours, or more, seeing this beautiful palace and gardens.
If you have the Firenze Card, it is included.
Avoid the cafeteria at all costs, in addition to a very rough treatment (bordering on poor education), it is quite expensive. In addition, the terrace has ridiculous rules, such as that you cannot be more than three at a table or that these cannot be put together. In fact, I was able to see in person how they raised a couple who had two children. A nonsense.
If you have the Firenze Card, it is included.
Avoid the cafeteria at all costs, in addition to a very rough treatment (bordering on poor education), it is quite expensive. In addition, the terrace has ridiculous rules, such as that you cannot be more than three at a table or that these cannot be put together. In fact, I was able to see in person how they raised a couple who had two children. A nonsense.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Customer,
Thank you for sharing your experience.
We're glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit to the palace and gardens.
We want to clarify that the coffee bar is not part of our establishment, but we are very sorry for what happened.
We appreciate your feedback and hope the rest of your visit was pleasant.
Best regards,
My Tour in Italy team.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Jeffry b
澳洲埃森登13,682 則投稿
2023年11月 • 夫妻情侶
Florence was Italy's center of culture and commerce during the Rennaissance era. The Medici family was, predominantly, Florence's leaders in governance and banking. Today, you can visit their residence, Pitti Palace. Medici family were generous patrons of the arts. You can see many masterpieces in the Palatina Gallery, It's dominated by gold. The magnificent paintings were created by leading Rennaissance artists such as Raphael, Caravaggio and Fra' Fillipo Lippi. Lippi's paintings create the emotion associated with Christianity, unlike any other painter. Some areas are a bit confused, but the Pitti Gallery is one Italy's outstanding artistic venues.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Customer,
Thank you for sharing such a rich insight into Florence's historical and cultural significance during the Renaissance era. Your description of the Medici family's influence on governance, banking, and their role as patrons of the arts is captivating. The recommendation to visit the Pitti Palace and explore the Palatina Gallery, showcasing masterpieces from artists like Raphael, Caravaggio, and Fra' Fillipo Lippi, adds a personal touch to the historical narrative.
We appreciate your thoughtful review, and hope to have you again in our upcoming tours in the near future.
Best regards,
My Tour in Italy team.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
義大利18,202 則投稿
…it looks majestic and imposing!!…this beautiful Pitti Palace in Florence!!…fantastic architecture!!…it was built by the Pitti family!!l…which was later sold to the Medici family!!…and thus became their residence!!…over time it was then enlarged and renovated!!…the building overlooks the wonderful Boboli Gardens!!…in this Palace there are various Museums!!…I visited the Palatine Gallery!!…here they are preserved some sublime works!!…a vast collection of paintings by very important painters!!…like Raphael…Titian…Correggio…Rubens…etc!!…there are also the royal apartments…but yesterday it was closed!!…then the Silver Museum …the Gallery of Modern Art…the Porcelain Museum and finally the Museum of Fashion and Costume!!…I was lucky enough to have a good guide!!…who described the most important paintings!!…and also the various rooms and the details of the Palace!!…it is said to be one of the most famous museums in the world!!…Palazzo Pitti!!…yes yes!!…definitely worth seeing if you arrive in Florence!!…
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Customer,
Thank you so much for sharing your delightful experience at Palazzo Pitti in Florence! Your vivid description has transported us to the majestic and imposing atmosphere of this beautiful palace. It's fascinating to learn about its history, from its origins with the Pitti family to becoming the residence of the Medici family. We're thrilled to hear that you had a knowledgeable guide to enhance your experience, describing not only the important paintings but also the various rooms and details of the palace. It's heartening to know that you found Palazzo Pitti to be one of the most famous museums globally, and we completely agree – it's indeed a must-see when in Florence! Thank you again for sharing your visit, and we hope to welcome you back for more enriching experiences in the future.
Best regards,
My Tour in Italy team.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
81 則投稿
We loved it, to stay at least 3 hours.
It's very worth it even if it doesn't have as much fame with Uffizzi or Academia, I couldn't say that I liked it more...
The gardens are separate and since it was raining we didn't take them but from what you can see from the palace they must be beautiful
Adults in low season €10 and children under 18 free.
It's amazing to see how the Medicci lived at that time.
To highlight the exhibition of the history of fashion.
It's very worth it even if it doesn't have as much fame with Uffizzi or Academia, I couldn't say that I liked it more...
The gardens are separate and since it was raining we didn't take them but from what you can see from the palace they must be beautiful
Adults in low season €10 and children under 18 free.
It's amazing to see how the Medicci lived at that time.
To highlight the exhibition of the history of fashion.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Customer,
Thank you for taking your time and sharing the feedback of your experience with us. We are glad to know that you liked this tour and enjoyed every part of it. Our customers are our priority, and we do the best to provide them a good experience, which they can never forget. Thank you for recommending this tour to other customers too, we really appreciate it. Hope to have you again in our upcoming tours in the near future, in order to provide you more enjoyable experiences like this one.
Best regards,
My Tour in Italy team.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
義大利Castelfranco Emilia1,087 則投稿
I didn't like the museum much.
He has many paintings, some positioned high up on the wall and you can't see them very well.
The ark room deserves a separate note, which I liked, with its frescoed walls as well as the ceiling which seems to have a pink and white drape.
You can find less famous paintings by Raphael, Titian, Van Dyck, Caravaggio, Rubens and even Orazio Gentileschi (Artemidia Gentileschi's father)
He has many paintings, some positioned high up on the wall and you can't see them very well.
The ark room deserves a separate note, which I liked, with its frescoed walls as well as the ceiling which seems to have a pink and white drape.
You can find less famous paintings by Raphael, Titian, Van Dyck, Caravaggio, Rubens and even Orazio Gentileschi (Artemidia Gentileschi's father)
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the museum. We appreciate your candid feedback, and we're sorry to hear that your overall experience didn't meet your expectations, but that depends on everyone's taste in art. We're glad to know that the ark room stood out to you, with its frescoes walls and captivating ceiling. Your appreciation for the lesser-known paintings by renowned artists adds a valuable perspective. Hope to have you again in our upcoming tours in the near future, in order to give you a better experience, hoping we will get a full star rate next time.
Best regards,
My Tour in Italy team.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
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