來自那不勒斯的Capri Deluxe Small Group共享之旅
來自那不勒斯的Capri Deluxe Small Group共享之旅
提供者:Mondo Guide Private Day Tours
什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
0-99 歲,每團最多 15 人
所需時間: 8 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
即時指南:德語, 英語, 義大利語, 法語, 西班牙語
- 小團體遊覽最多可容納15人
- 專業指導
- 私人遊船參觀整個島嶼
- 乘私家車前往參觀整個島嶼
- 往返水翼船渡輪
不提供- 藍色石窟門票不包括在內,需要每人現場支付14歐元現金
- 不包括乘坐纜車前往Sunny Mountain的門票,需要每人現場支付11歐元現金
- S.Michele Villa的門票不包括在內,需要每人現場支付8歐元現金
- 坐下午餐不包括在內,不推薦
- 出發地點:提供旅客接送服務。
- Stazione Marittima Molo Angioino, 80133 Napoli NA, Italy
提供港口接送服務結帳期間,您將可從包含在內的港口清單中選擇。- Napoli
結束:此活動將回到集合地點結束。 - 沒有無障礙通行設施
- 可使用嬰兒推車
- 附近有大眾交通
- 幼兒必須由成人抱著
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- 我們強烈建議您在最好的雜貨店購買美味的CAPRESE三明治“新鮮麵包,番茄,fior di latte莫扎里拉奶酪,橄欖油和牛至油”,並在2小時的遊船之旅中享用。
- 請記住:這次共享旅遊需要至少8人才能確認,如果我們沒有足夠的人,旅行將不會進行。
- 建議穿舒適的步行鞋
- 此體驗有最低旅客人數規定。 如果因人數不足而取消,則將改期、提供其他體驗選擇或全額退款
- 此遊覽/活動有最多 15 名旅客的人數限制
- 如需獲得全額退款,請至少於體驗開始日期前 24 小時取消。
- 如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:7746P39
- 1我們的客戶將首先有機會乘坐私人木船環遊整個島嶼,開始一次難忘的旅行,探索真正的自然天堂。從大碼頭到提比略跳,白色石窟及其天然聖母瑪利亞雕像、天然拱門、綠色和珊瑚石窟,穿過法拉廖尼岩石的愛之拱門,經過小碼頭,進入藍洞!乘船遊覽後,我們將乘坐私人小巴首先前往阿納卡普里島,然後前往卡普里島。我們的客戶將有機會參觀聖米歇爾別墅,乘坐纜車到島上的最高點索拉羅山(陽光山),參觀著名的主廣場“Piazzetta”,並有有時間購物和散步。到那時,正如承諾的那樣,我們的客戶將在陸地和海上看到整個島嶼!!!成為大眾的外星人,通過 Mondo Guide 的指南遠離人群!
- Boris C0 篇投稿阿玛海岸之旅,非常棒6月11日,我们从巴塞罗那乘坐挪威史诗号船抵达那不勒斯港。在深入研究和阅读评论后,我们决定在猫途鹰上预订这次旅行。相信我,你不会后悔的。导游弗朗西丝卡很博学,总是乐于回答任何问题,并推荐拍照、购买纪念品、午餐的地方。从那不勒斯一直到波西塔诺,你可以俯瞰沐浴在地中海中的阿马尔菲海岸。在这次旅行中,有一站是用来拍照或录像的,一到波西塔诺你就有一个小时的时间,波西塔诺以“柠檬汁”、精致的衣服和手工制作鞋子而闻名,但我还是决定在索伦托买更便宜的东西。我们的下一站是索伦托,在那里你还有一个小时的时间来逛街,吃一些玛格丽塔或披萨,还可以吃冰淇淋。最后一站是庞贝城,导游弗朗西斯卡用她对这座古城历史的专业知识给我们留下了深刻的印象。毫无疑问,我们的旅程非常完美。弗朗西斯卡是一位出色的导游,对我们旅游的方方面面都非常了解。我们非常感谢你所做的工作。感谢所有人。發表日期:2019年8月20日
- Talmar0 篇投稿梦幻之旅!我们喜欢我们的庞贝之旅,索伦托和波西塔诺!我们六个人做了私人旅行,我们喜欢行程的每一分钟!我们在庞贝的导游蒂齐亚纳非常棒,他向我们解释了庞贝的历史,并向我们展示了庞贝的所有重要遗址。我们的司机卡罗很棒,在海岸上开车很熟练。我们有时间独自探索索伦托和波西塔诺这两个美丽的地方。当然,我们希望有更多的时间,由于我们是坐游轮旅游而不是普通旅游所以有时间限制。虽然卡罗不是导游,但他回答了我们的许多问题,为我们提供了我们所看到的景点的信息。 他及时并准时到达每个接送点。我们非常享受这次旅行,并强烈推荐它!發表日期:2019年8月10日
- Tammiedge0 篇投稿在意大利度过了美好的3天在意大利期间,我们利用Mondo Tours预订了3天的私人游。我们是游轮旅行——每天我们都在不同的城市靠岸,我们的司机和导游在港口迎接我们。找到他们很容易,而且比和很多人一起坐公共汽车好多了。每一天都是为我们想要进行的活动和站点定制的。所有的导游和司机都很棒——我们一直在想,在一天结束的时候,第二天可能不会像之前那么好——但结果是一如既往的好。甚至更好!!基诺和弗朗西斯科甚至在开车上维苏威火山的时候给我们唱歌!!我强烈推荐使用Mondo tours!發表日期:2019年7月15日
- BonnieS2600 篇投稿很棒的那不勒斯徒步旅行,有很棒的导游我们和安德里亚在那不勒斯进行了一次有趣而愉快的徒步旅行。在我们的要求下,他带我们参观了那不勒斯的各个地方,从移民聚居区到隐蔽的洞穴,再到拥有美丽城市景色的富人区。他是如此的博学和迷人,让我们爱上了我们旅行的每一分钟。我们非常幸运进行了这次旅行,让我们对今天的那不勒斯有了一些了解。發表日期:2019年3月5日
- Tandko_Travelers0 篇投稿Mauro带领的私人参观团非常棒我们两对夫妻通过Mondo旅行社购买了四份托斯卡纳的私人导游行程。我们很幸运地碰到了Mauro,带领我们在四天里去到了托斯卡纳的四个区域。我们去的都不是游客通常会去的景点,并且我们每天都能享用到美酒和美食。Mauro是一位斟酒师,很了解这片区域。他来酒店接了我们,因此对我们来讲很方便。像其他旅行社一样要求开车到一个地方集合对我们想要品尝托斯卡纳美酒的游客来讲不太合理。通过Mondo旅行社找Mauro当你导游吧,你一定会拥有一段美好的时光。發表日期:2018年10月28日
- Mildred S0 篇投稿鼓舞人心的庞贝徒步旅行和阿马尔菲海岸全天旅行这两天是我有过的最好的海外经历。弗雷德里卡简直是个宝藏女孩,让我们四个人见识到了栩栩如生的庞贝,托尼给我们提供了丰富的信息,让我们在阿玛尔菲海滨的三个城镇(波西塔诺、阿玛尔菲和拉维洛)有了一段非常丰富的经历。您到阿玛尔菲海岸游览的话我会推荐蒙多私人旅游公司,卡罗莱纳、文森佐和达里奥帮了大忙,让我们感觉像是一家人一样。我们会回来的,我们的第一站就是联系蒙多私人旅游公司。评论来自特列维。發表日期:2018年9月30日
- tongejudy0 篇投稿难忘的庞贝古城之旅!我们非常喜欢这次旅行!卡罗莱纳非常照顾我们,他非常有见识!司机(文森佐)开的车让我们坐得舒适安全。非常感谢你们-朱蒂与亚拉巴马州一家人!给我们留下了难忘的庞贝古城之旅!發表日期:2018年8月9日
- ashleysf20180 篇投稿每个地方都非常完美!阿玛尔菲与乔凡尼的乘船之旅是我们这次旅行的亮点!预订非常容易,Vincenzo非常专业,对我们的提问也很负责。本来我有些犹豫是否不通过酒店来预定行程,然而它已经非常完美了。前一天,船长会联系你,然后在码头见面。Giovanni很专业,玩得既休闲又充满乐趣。强烈推荐给你们!發表日期:2018年7月12日
- markwj680 篇投稿里克·斯特维斯的跟团游今天我们一起在庞培跟团游览了两个小时。两个小时的时间长度感觉正好。我们的导游很有见地,知道什么时候可以放松一下,什么时候可以说点幽默的话让大家参与进来。我强烈推荐这趟旅行。發表日期:2018年6月2日
- mikeb06250 篇投稿阿马尔菲非常棒从索伦托出发到拉韦洛进行阿马尔菲海岸游,阿马尔菲和波西塔诺非常棒。Marino是个安全小心的司机,而且善于用英语讲解阿马尔菲海岸的精彩之处。我们有充分的时间根据Mario的建议自己参观小镇。我要向大家强烈推荐这个旅游项目,并且推荐Marino这位导游。發表日期:2018年4月21日
- F2669BQjonathann0 篇投稿在庞贝古城一日游、波西塔诺和阿玛法我们通过研究听说了这个旅游团,这是一次难以置信的经历。罗伯托是我们的司机,他做的很棒。他很友好,不停地告诉我们从Naples出发点到沿途所有的背景信息。弗朗西斯科是我们在庞贝古城的导游。他真棒……他给了我们一次精彩的旅行。他使这次旅行充满了乐趣和热情。随着那天的结束,罗伯托建议我们去一个很棒的比萨店,把我们送到那里,而不是旅馆!两个人都很棒,使我们的旅程非常赞。谢谢你们,我们强烈推荐任何想要一日游的人!發表日期:2018年1月4日
- gensnimica0 篇投稿绝对一流!从开始到结束,蒙多向导旅行都非常棒。很高兴能和文森佐一起工作,他可以为我们七人组安排三天的私人旅行。即使有一些与天气有关的问题,由于我们的旅行的私人性质,也能给予灵活性,使我们能够得到想要做的一切。我们的司机马里奥非常棒,非常友好,尤其是和孩子们在一起时!安德里亚是一名出色且知识渊博的导游,同时能够照顾到孩子和成人,这可不是件容易的事。我们在那不勒斯、阿马尔菲和庞贝城度过了美好的时光……感谢蒙多指导私人日游!發表日期:2017年11月15日
- Deeterbug0 篇投稿和蒙多的那不勒斯分享之旅我们在蒙多旅行团订了Rick Steves 的那不勒斯分享之旅。我们的导游是安德烈。 安德烈很好。 我不知道那不勒斯这个城市有多么多样化,他帮助我们发现它。他很迷人,很风趣,很有见识,向我们展示了那不勒斯的完美组合。 他甚至延长了40分钟的旅程。 我喜欢这次旅行和安德烈。我极力推荐他给任何人!發表日期:2017年10月2日
- Steven R0 篇投稿超棒!对我来说是个挑战,我带着两个孩子,我的妻子和85岁的岳母,她走得很慢很用力。我们导游太棒了,他帮我们找到了可以参观所有景点的最方便的捷径,还有好吃的餐厅,在佛罗伦萨的这顿午餐是我们整个旅途中最棒的一餐。服务超棒,很值!我下次还会来的。發表日期:2017年8月26日
- beamazz0 篇投稿Dario是一位很棒的导游我们(3个成年人和2个孩子)花了一天时间参观庞贝、赫库兰尼姆和Cimitero Della Fontanelle,中途休息边吃披萨边俯瞰海湾,然后驾车穿过那不勒斯。这是非常神奇的一天。我无法表达出Dario充沛的知识储量(他是一名考古学家)和他对历史和那不勒斯的热爱。Dario超级棒!我们的司机Vincenzo也很专业。多么令人难忘的一天!我无法想象一场比这更令人满意的旅行。發表日期:2017年7月8日
這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。
21 則評論
1 則投稿
2024年7月 • 家庭式
What an amazing shared boat tour from Sorrento to Capri. The captain and tour guide were amazing. We toured completely around the island of Capri stopping at the blue white and green grottos experiencing breath taking views of the coastline. When arriving in Capri we were provided with delicious caprese sandwiches and allowed 4 hours to explore the island and were given detailed navigational instructions to maximize our time. On our way home we got to enjoy a swim, champagne and limoncello. What a great day with a very professional and friendly crew.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thanks for taking the time to write such a complimentary review about our services. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Italy with Mondo Guide Agency and we hope to see you again in Italy soon. Best Regards Bruna Pauciullo.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Ingrid M
華盛頓州吉格港9 則投稿
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侶
We very much enjoyed our boat trip to Capri. Our captain Damiano and our guide did a great job describing the sights and made sure we were always comfortable. We were not able to see the blue grotto due to the choppy weather conditions, but Damiano took the boat around the entire island and made numerous stops to see other grottos and even a waterfall! We had 4 hours on Capri to check out the island on our own which was nice. We also made a stop to allow some of the group to swim before heading back to Sorrento. Would definitely use them again!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thanks for taking the time to write such a complimentary review about our services. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Italy with Mondo Guide Agency and we hope to see you again in Italy soon. Best Regards Bruna Pauciullo.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
德克薩斯州Bellaire14 則投稿
Wow! What a fabulous experience we had in Capri!! Our family of 8 spent the day with the wonderful guide Serena for a dreamy day in Capri. She was a fantastic guide full of information and charm. We saw the highlights of Capri with the exception of the Blue Grotto. In all fairness, we were given the choice to wait our time (up to 2 hrs for the Blue Grotto guide) or continue around the island seeing other beautiful sights. It was worth every penny! Highly recommend Mondo Guides for making the process very easy and seamless. Serena guided us impeccably throughout the entire day.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a complimentary review about our services. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Italy with Mondo Guide Agency and we hope to see you again in Italy soon. Best Regards, Bruna Pauciullo.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Sue P
1 則投稿
2023年4月 • 好友旅行
We had a wonderful day despite cooler weather. Serena did an awesome job, very knowledgeable and a wonderful person spend the day with.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a complimentary review about our services. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Italy with Mondo Guide Agency and we hope to see you again in Italy soon. Best Regards, Bruna Pauciullo.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Allen K
Goofy Ridge, Illinois, United States5 則投稿
Today's trip was excellent. Even better than expected. We were picked up promptly at our hotel and delivered back to it by the end of the day. Dario and Andrea were knowledgable and entertaining and extremely competent at their jobs.
They provided us with lunch and refreshments and a bit of Andrea Bocelli, just at the right time.
In their lovely boat were were able to enjoy all of the sights to, from, and around the island of Capri. We also had free time on the island with clear recommendations about transportation on the island.
We had a day full of beauty and relaxation. I would recommend this tour to anyone.
They provided us with lunch and refreshments and a bit of Andrea Bocelli, just at the right time.
In their lovely boat were were able to enjoy all of the sights to, from, and around the island of Capri. We also had free time on the island with clear recommendations about transportation on the island.
We had a day full of beauty and relaxation. I would recommend this tour to anyone.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a complimentary review about our services. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Italy with Mondo Guide Agency and we hope to see you again in Italy soon. Best Regards, Bruna Pauciullo.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Seattle12 則投稿
Our full day Capri shared tour really delivered. Wonderful captain & crew (1st into the Blue Grotto when it opened!). They gave us interesting facts and history, plus plenty of time to simply enjoy the beautiful day on the water and on the Isle of Capri. The tram in Anacapri is not to be missed. Good company with a small group of fellow travelers from all over. Great value for the money.
We also did the Mondo Shared Tours 2-hour Pompei tour. Knowledgeable, fun guide - we would have been absolutely lost trying to see Pompei without a guide. Worth far more than the 15 Euro price for the tour.
We also did the Mondo Shared Tours 2-hour Pompei tour. Knowledgeable, fun guide - we would have been absolutely lost trying to see Pompei without a guide. Worth far more than the 15 Euro price for the tour.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a complimentary review about our services. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Italy with Mondo Guide Agency and we hope to see you again in Italy soon. Best Regards, Bruna Pauciullo.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Chris K
哥倫比亞特區華盛頓 (哥倫比亞特區)4 則投稿
What a fantastic trip! Fun and knowledgeable guides who went out of their way to make sure that all of us on the boat had a great time (which we all did). We got up close to a number of caves and grottoes, were able to swim into/through a couple of them, spent a few enjoyable hours on the island, and made it into the fabled Blue Grotto. They also threw in drinks, lunch, and transport to/from our hotel. All in all it was a wonderful day and a very good value. Book this tour!
I can also recommend Mondo Guide's Pompeii tour. We took the train up from Sorrento and met our guide, Mafalda, at the entrance. She was great! Super fun and we learned so much about Pompeii.
I can also recommend Mondo Guide's Pompeii tour. We took the train up from Sorrento and met our guide, Mafalda, at the entrance. She was great! Super fun and we learned so much about Pompeii.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a complimentary review about our services. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Italy with Mondo Guide Agency and we hope to see you again in Italy soon. Best Regards Bruna Pauciullo.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Palm Harbor6 則投稿
So impressed with this tour company, not only from the time we booked but including after the trip. The guides, Niko & Chiarra were outstanding, as well as the front desk. They all went over and above - a must is swimming in the green grotto and boat into blue grotto. We felt like family with them. Chiarra even jumped in the water to get my hat that flew off. Highly recommend this tour and will recommend to family and friends. Until next time.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a complimentary review about our services. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Italy with Mondo Guide Agency and we hope to see you again in Italy soon. Best Regards Bruna Pauciullo.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
德克薩斯州大學城22 則投稿
We greatly enjoyed our Mondo Guide tour to Capri from Sorrento! The guides made the trip so much fun and gave us some information about the area and how to get around the island. We went to the Blue Grotto, toured the island, and had plenty of time to see Annacapri and the town of Capri. Afterward they stopped so we could swim from the boat.
The next day we did the MondoGuide tour of the Amalfi coast from Sorrento. We were very pleased with that as well. A lovely drive with enough time in each city to check them out.
We highly recommend both tours!
The next day we did the MondoGuide tour of the Amalfi coast from Sorrento. We were very pleased with that as well. A lovely drive with enough time in each city to check them out.
We highly recommend both tours!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a complimentary review about our services. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Italy with Mondo Guide Agency and we hope to see you again in Italy soon. Best Regards Bruna Pauciullo.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Patrick S
日本東京3 則投稿
Fantastic day. Picked us up from the hotel and dropped us at the boat. Just the right amount of time on the boat and exploring Capri. Highly-recommend!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a complimentary review about our services. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Italy with Mondo Guide Agency and we hope to see you again in Italy soon. Best Regards Bruna Pauciullo.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
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