什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
離開奧喬里奧斯的海灘,在這個全層次的藍山自行車之旅中發現牙買加的另一面。從5,600英尺(1,700米)的海岸下坡,俯瞰金斯敦。在Blue Mountain Coffee停留,在僻靜的瀑布游泳,這次旅行是首次遊客和大自然愛好者的絕佳選擇。此外,還包括奧喬里奧斯的酒店接送服務。

7-99 歲,每團最多 50 人
所需時間: 9 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況

  • 探索牙買加的藍山山脈,不會錯過指南
  • 這是一個適合各種體驗級別騎手的活動之旅
  • 提供所有防護裝備頭盔,護膝和護肘
  • 這個藍山自行車之旅包括Ocho Rios的往返交通服務

  • 從您的酒店往返交通
  • 早午餐
  • 午餐
  • 導覽
  • 自行車和安全裝備
  • 選擇不騎自行車的客人也可參加此行程
  • Blue Mountain Tours 門票

您的早晨從乘坐空調大巴早早從Ocho Rios酒店接客開始。穿越戶外市場,香蕉種植園和17世紀里約熱內盧保衛戰遺址,了解牙買加的歷史和文化。 到達藍山山脈後,在藍山咖啡旁停頓早午餐,並觀看咖啡烘焙示範。接下來,安裝自行車和防護裝備,然後從山上5,600英尺(1,700米)處開始下坡騎行。 以輕鬆的速度沿著山腰巡遊,並在風景優美的points望台停留數次。穿越茂密的熱帶森林,留意巨型燕尾蝴蝶以及其他本地植物和野生動植物。 午餐後,您可以停下來在附近的瀑布里游泳,然後跳回長途汽車,然後在奧喬里奧斯(Ocho Rios)下車,結束旅程。

    • 請在接送時間之前在酒店的大堂或接待區等候,並準備好預訂信息以向司機顯示。

        • 沒有無障礙通行設施
        • 幼兒必須由成人抱著
        如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:3314BICYCLE

        • 預訂時將收到確認
        • 騎行時間約為2.5小時
        • 世界著名的藍山咖啡、雞蛋、吐司、新鮮的牙買加水果、當地清蒸蔬菜、甜甜圈和果汁飲料。
        • 有背部問題的旅客不建議參加
        • 孕婦不建議參加
        • 沒有心臟疾病或其他重症
        • 大多數旅客可參與
        • 此體驗必須有良好的天候。 如果因天候不佳而取消,則將改期或全額退款
        • 此體驗有最低旅客人數規定。 如果因人數不足而取消,則將改期、提供其他體驗選擇或全額退款
        • 此遊覽/活動有最多 50 名旅客的人數限制

        • 如需獲得全額退款,請至少於體驗開始日期前 24 小時取消。

        如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:3314BICYCLE



        • 1
          您的全日游從酒店接客開始,然後是2.5小時的車程,到達牙買加的藍山山脈。驅車帶您沿著東海岸,經過當地的戶外市場和香蕉種植園,以及17世紀英語和西班牙語之間的里約努埃沃之戰的歷史遺跡。在此過程中,從您的指南中了解有關牙買加過去的有趣事實。 享受卡宴風味的早午餐和宴會上的甜菜(油炸糕點),香蕉油條,炒雞蛋,烤麵包,清蒸的蔬菜,水果和果汁飲料,以及舉世聞名的藍山咖啡和茶。早午餐後,享受咖啡烘焙表演,然後再裝備自行車,頭盔和其他防護裝備,並準備沿著山腰滑行2.5個小時的有趣下坡旅程! 從令人印象深刻的5000英尺(1524米)處開始下降,並欣賞藍山的壯麗景色。藍山峰-整個加勒比海的最高峰-在附近上升7,402英尺(2,250米)。 您將以悠閒的步伐(每小時約5 -10英里)下降,途中將有許多指定的拍照站點。 (如果您選擇不騎自行車的選項,則將乘坐公共汽車將其運送到山上,使照片與騎手停下來。) 騎行時,您可以欣賞原始的溪流和薄霧籠罩的戲劇性熱帶森林的景色,那裡是巨型燕尾蝴蝶以及各種牙買加鳥類,野花和獨特植物的棲息地,其中包括世界上最小的蘭花。 停下來吃一頓午餐後,在原始幽靜的瀑布中游泳,結束旅程,然後返回開車回您的酒店。

        4.5 分 (共 5 分)62 則評論

        此服務可能包含由 Google 提供的翻譯。 Google 並不提供任何與翻譯有關的明示或暗示保證 (包括對準確性和可靠性的保證),亦不對適銷性、適用於特定用途和不侵權提供任何暗示保證。

        Ethan R
        1 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2024年11月 • 夫妻情侶
        The views were breathtaking and the guides were extremely knowledgeable. Don’t forget to have your fill of coffee. This was the highlight of my vacation.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

        45 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        We had the best day doing the cycling tour. 2 hour journey from our hotel in Oracabessa. The driver and the guides with him were great. But the journey up through the mountain isn’t for the faint hearted.
        The cycle down through the mountain was so exhilarating. And the scenery is so beautiful.
        Food was nice. Coffee great.
        Amazing to see the plantations, learn how the people live, the Coffee is farmed, harvested, roasted etc.
        Also the other fruit and herbs that grow in the rainforest.
        Ended with swimming in a waterfall. There are changing rooms that you pass on the way so you can change.
        Very well organised with guides ahead radioing if there was traffic as well as guides and a truck behind.
        Felt very safe. You do have both breaks on the handlebars and backward peddle breaks which you need as it is predominately downhill so makes it easier to control your speed.
        And our guide Colin was great.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

        6 則投稿
        2.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2024年2月 • 夫妻情侶
        The scenery was lovely, bikes quiet difficult to stop as you had to pedal backwards to stop. Food very basic rice and dry chicken
        The most annoying is we bought the pics and video. When 2 days later and 2 emails not responded to I went to the person at the hotel we booked with. She rang them and again promised it would come through on email. We has to hold the bus up taking us to the airport as we were leaving waitingfor them to come through. The pics came but no video despite someone from Go Beyond promising to send it. Take note do not bother with the pics/ video not worth the stress and 40 dollars down. Rip off!!
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

        Frank D
        比利時De Pinte19 則投稿
        4.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2024年1月 • 單獨旅行
        Beautiful views. Safe and professional guidance. Be sure to bring good rain gear! However, many hours of transport but a great driver.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

        加拿大新斯科舍20 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2023年11月 • 夫妻情侶
        One of the best experiences in Jamaica!! despite the long bus ride it was fantastic. It is a must if you want to see a real part of the island. The journey takes you up the mountain on a very narrow and un-even road … what a ride … awesome guides… awesome food….awesome views…
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

        亞利桑那州鳳凰城350 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        2023年9月 • 單獨旅行
        I did the HIKE and BIKE tour that they now offer and it was fantastic! You go through several bustling communities on the way to the "mountain". The driver was fun and informative! The Brunch and Lunch spot was in a great location. I really can't think of what would have made the trip better. The Hike, Bike, and Lagoon ending were all exhilarating!

        Know Before You Go:
        1. This is 2 hours each way from Boscobel and 2.5 hours from Ocho Rios. If the shuttle from the airport was too much for you than this will not be the excursion for you. I would Not recommend for Motion Sickness sufferers!
        2. The hike can be pretty strenuous at times. The tour operator should be more informative about that. No issues on my end but a few people struggled. The hike is uphill and you traverse about 2000 feet higher in elevation than you start from.
        3. While it is true that you really do not do any pedaling on the bike ride, you will be riding the coaster break the entire time and it is easy to get up to pretty high speeds. Nobody had any issues, but if you haven't been on a bike for a few years, it could be more intense than you are expecting.
        4. Make sure you bring something to swim in. You do not want to miss the refreshing waterfall and lagoon at the end!
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

        Marcus C
        佛羅里達州奧蘭多12 則投稿
        3.0 分 (共 5 分)
        Pros: food was good, biking down the mountain was beautiful. Kemo our photographer was awesome!

        Cons: Our tour driver Keith had road rage, granted people were late during pick up and there was a lot of traffic. We booked from our hotel through Jamaica tours, the bus we were picked up in was in terrible condition and needs to be out of commission. A-lot of the bus was falling apart, piece of the a/c vent that was hanging fell and hit my wife on the head leaving a mark for two days. The bikes were in poor condition as the brakes didn’t work well.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

        英國牛津97 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        Fantastic experience. The team were friendly entertaining and shared great knowledge about the culture and various plants, herbs etc.
        Saw the heart of the people their lives the coffee plantations and wonderful scenery.
        The photographers were hilarious and we bought lots of pics.

        Thanks guys it was amazing!!!
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

        維吉尼亞州里奇蒙14 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        What a well run experience and company! Drive Henri picked us up in Ochi and we was a very professional and funny driver, pointing out various sights along the way. The scenery in the mountains was spectacular with different trees and flowers all around. This tour involves your van driving to a high point on the Blue Mountains then you cycle downhill. The guides Jeremy and Shane were super informative and keep us safe as we traveled ( calling out potholes, rough sections,etc). This is a great way to see the mountains and how coffee is picked and roasted. Go for it!
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

        密西根州底特律17 則投稿
        5.0 分 (共 5 分)
        Never thought I could have this much fun doing a bike ride, but my family and I were like teenagers again. The tour guides were fantastic, stopped and share so much about the people who grew the coffee, and the fruits, the herbs we were seeing. Each time I return home I cannot believe how much beauty this island has. It was not difficult at all, feel the cool breeze on your face.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

        顯示第 1-10 筆搜尋結果,共 62
        *即將售罄: 根據 Viator 在過去 30 天內向提供商取得的預訂資料和資訊,此透過 Tripadvisor 子公司 Viator 販售的體驗可能即將售罄。

        藍山自行車之旅, 歐丘里歐
