ATV Safari with HorseBack Ride 'N' Swim from Ocho Rios (來自奧奇里奧斯)
ATV Safari with HorseBack Ride 'N' Swim from Ocho Rios (來自奧奇里奧斯)
提供者:Chukka Island Village Outpost at Ocho Rios
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16-99 歲,每團最多 40 人
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- 騎馬和游泳
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- 穿上馬鞍,結識你的新蹄朋友,進行一次難忘的馬背冒險
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- 儲物櫃 10 美元
- 阿普爾頓莊園朗姆酒品嚐 35 美元
- Jablum 藍山咖啡品嚐 25 美元
- 挑戰課程 39 美元
- 出發地點:提供多個接送地點。
- Chukka Island Village Outpost, Turtle River Road, Ocho Rios, Jamaica如果客人不需要交通,可以在指定的抵達時間直接前往旅遊地點。
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- 大多數旅客可參與
- 最低年齡:16 歲,持有有效駕駛執照 (ATV)
- 重量限制:230 磅(騎馬和游泳)300 磅(ATV)
- 抵達時間 請注意,結帳時選擇的時間是您的抵達時間,而不是酒店接送時間。酒店接送服務會在此時間之前大約 30 - 60 分鐘開始,具體取決於酒店位置。
- 由於用戶錯誤而導致 ATV 損壞的費用由駕駛員承擔。請參閱豁免中的詳細資訊。
- 此遊覽/活動有最多 40 名旅客的人數限制
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- 如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:3991P40
- 1Island Village 位於牙買加熱門旅遊目的地奧喬里奧斯的中心地帶,距離遊輪碼頭僅幾分鐘路程,是 CHUKKA 所有奧喬里奧斯冒險活動的中心。它提供了零售和娛樂設施的完美結合,一站式服務。參觀CHUKKA 區,在這裡您可以嘗試新的挑戰課程,觀看探索牙買加目的地電影,在鄉村禮品店和精品店購物,盡情享受Appleton 朗姆酒品嚐體驗,在Jablum 咖啡品嚐體驗中喚醒您的感官,享用小吃在 Grab 'N' Go 中、在自拍點擺個姿勢等等!
- lacey b0 篇投稿这里还凑合。来到这里你根本想不到会发生什么事情。起初,我是以32美元定的这个表演,但是我们到的时候,价钱涨价了,而且涨成37美元了。这不是让预订的观众发疯么?然后,我们到了第一线上。在路上,导游风度翩翩,但就是不断的给我们讲消费的故事。我决定去看看树林和风景。一旦到达那里,你就感觉刚才的决定是多么的愚蠢了。到了那里,只能看到一点点的景色,因为四周是个开放的区域,基本上什么也看不到。他们好像不希望用你自己的相机给家人,自己拍照,他们想让你买一个相机。导游这个时候哑巴了,好像就是为了陪我们一路,赚点小费用用,整个游览过程大约20分钟,感觉很是差劲。我是再不想来这里。發表日期:2013年5月6日
- G02340 篇投稿人太多了!我们把从嘉年华游轮出发的旅程当作一次游览。我们在去游览的前8天预订了拉链线的机票。嘉年华的网站说:“剩下只有11张票了。”我们预订了2张。当我们在邮轮上的时候,他们提供扬声器系统公布:现在有更多的丘卡拉链线冒险和邓斯河瀑布的游玩已经可以去了,去了还有午餐。我已经看了网上的评论,这次巡演的日子不好,按时回到船上有困难。船比其他港口离开牙买加端口要早。好吧,这种情况再次发生了!那里有这么多的人坐公交离开了这里!去拉链线的公交离开的时候晚了一个小时!狂欢节没有协调的节目,我的理解是部分业主的问题。这只是我听到的,不知道。当我们到现场时,他们催我们去编制区。然后站了半小时左右!随后催我们走下了大约四分之一英里的台阶和森林小径。当我们到了第一个拉链线平台,我们又等了半个多小时,为了那些我们面前延伸几百码的人群!随后,当轮到你的时候,他们踩住了电缆滑轮,你就可以走了。你还是要在很多的平台之间等待很长的时间。这很有趣,但狂欢节和丘卡有些过分,预定的人太多。他们忍不住卖令一张票。没有理由着急,然后站半小时,或者更久。我们甚至不能呆足够长的时间去购买探险的照片。当然,贪婪的主人不允许使用个人相机...这就是它的方式。發表日期:2013年5月4日
- MamaGinga0 篇投稿爽翻了的一天!多么美好的一天!我们通过皇家加勒比预订了一家4口的高空滑翔之旅(2个成人,外加一个13岁和一个11岁的孩子)。工作人员相当专业不说,对我们的招待也很是殷勤。我们中午饭吃得烤鸡肉,味道好极了。安全是我们最在乎的地方,好在所有的齿轮还有工作平台状况都不错。爽翻了的一天,绝对物有所值。發表日期:2013年4月13日
- Danae L0 篇投稿太美了……快去吧!这是我第一次玩高空滑索,当时有点害怕。但是,经过第一次,后面就变得非常容易啦,很有意思,这里一共有9条滑索,这里的工作人员很负责,整个滑行都让我很有安全感。 我建议你们在玩的时候穿高帮靴,觉得需要。 带上网球鞋,中途要走大概十多分钟的路,身上会沾满泥土。穿长裤,大家可不希望看到屁股露出来。 带好水,不要带相机等物品,如果带了就需要花5美元买一把锁,那就带些零钱吧,这是一段非常有意思的旅行,给你们提供了这些建议哦。發表日期:2013年4月11日
- 672ANNAB6720 篇投稿耶!我和我家人刚刚参加了皇家加勒比巡航,接着又去参加了Chukka飞索之行,我们玩得很开心!我七岁的女儿有些害怕,但是还是玩得很愉快!我们的导游安娜和司机乔治我们都很喜欢。我希望能够看到这里的员工给我们拍的照片,安娜说在网上可以看到的。初次之外,我极力推荐这里。發表日期:2013年4月10日
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22 則評論
亞利桑那州鳳凰城36 則投稿
2024年9月 • 家庭式
Ivan McNish is a SUPER cool pleasant, friendly and excellent driver. He gave us history along the drive, pointed out Usain Bolt's high school and other things. I feel like he's family! Ivan if you get to read this, my wife Paulette and I, Tony will see you next spring!!! We're requesting you!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Morsha H
4 則投稿
2024年10月 • 單獨旅行
This excursion was my absolute favorite! It was my first time riding a horse and ATV and it was a fantastic experience! The guides were amazing for both experiences; however, Lincoln was such a breath of fresh air. I almost decided not to do the horse backing riding because of fear. He was so patient with me and calmed me down. I would ask for him to be my guide a million times over! I had the time of my life on the horse and I really owe it all to Lincoln!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
1 則投稿
i will come back again for more horse back ride and ATV ride and friendly service.i have great time in jamaica .i will come back again and bring more friend
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Lavonne S
Altamonte Sprin4 則投稿
2024年5月 • 家庭式
We were picked up at the hotel at 11 am, the tour consist of the driver giving you history of Ocho Rios. (Not to bad) once we arrived at the location we were greeted by staff, we had to provide proof of drivers license and sign waiver electronically. What we didn’t know is you will be weighed the max weight to ride a horse is 230 if you over that amount you can not ride. Thankfully my daughter and I met the weight criteria!
My guide name was Candy (Tamar) she was SO helpful she realized I was nervous and calmed me down tremendously! She helped me the entire time. The horse trail is nice when we got to the beach there was a camera man ready to take pictures of this moment! he was smiling and great also! We rode in the water high speed lol i was scared, but it was amazing.
Once we were down taking a ride in the water we rode the trail back to the starting point! again Tamar (Candy) was amazing woman! if you go please be sure to tip. they don’t ask but it is the right thing to do! 10/10 you will be sore from riding horse because the bouncing motion. But it’s WORTH it.
Wear water shoes, something light and comfortable.
ATV ride was amazing! the tour guides were awesome 10/10. The trail/plantation is HUGE so you get your moneys worth. Patronize the shop and food stand very nice people.
transportation back to resort was smooth also.
My guide name was Candy (Tamar) she was SO helpful she realized I was nervous and calmed me down tremendously! She helped me the entire time. The horse trail is nice when we got to the beach there was a camera man ready to take pictures of this moment! he was smiling and great also! We rode in the water high speed lol i was scared, but it was amazing.
Once we were down taking a ride in the water we rode the trail back to the starting point! again Tamar (Candy) was amazing woman! if you go please be sure to tip. they don’t ask but it is the right thing to do! 10/10 you will be sore from riding horse because the bouncing motion. But it’s WORTH it.
Wear water shoes, something light and comfortable.
ATV ride was amazing! the tour guides were awesome 10/10. The trail/plantation is HUGE so you get your moneys worth. Patronize the shop and food stand very nice people.
transportation back to resort was smooth also.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your wonderful review of your recent experience with Chukka Caribbean Adventures at our Seville Ocean Outpost location. We are delighted to hear that you had a fantastic time with us and that we were able to provide you with a memorable adventure.
Your kind words and positive feedback mean the world to us. We are thrilled to know that our team went above and beyond to ensure your satisfaction and that our tours and activities exceeded your expectations. We strive to deliver exceptional experiences, and it is truly rewarding to hear that we succeeded in doing so.
It was a pleasure serving you, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back for another amazing adventure in the future.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Keegan H
2 則投稿
2024年4月 • 好友旅行
ATV ride was terrible. For a skilled rider, I was placed in a group that was treated like I was a beginner. Literally forced to ride at about 15 miles per hour the entire ride. They kept stopping like 5 or 6 times for who knows what reason. The route was extremely short, beginner level and you ended up going back the same way you came. They let two other people take another pathway but did not offer that to myself and others who are skilled riders. I did not enjoy the ATV riding with Chukka at all. I wanted thrill and adventure during my vacation in Jamaica and this excursion thoroughly disappointed.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback regarding your recent visit to Chukka Ocean Outpost at Seville. We value your input as it helps us understand our guests' experiences better and work towards improving our offerings.
We appreciate your candid review and understand that your visit did not fully meet your expectations. Your feedback is important to us, and we will use it to make meaningful improvements to enhance the overall guest experience.
If you ever decide to visit again, we'd love the opportunity to provide you with a more impressive and enjoyable experience. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts.
Chukka Marketing Team
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Tara M
1 則投稿
2023年12月 • 好友旅行
Lincoln, his fun spirit, knowledge and positivity is what made this experience worth it. The ladies at the desk were rude and very unorganized. Once the ride began, the guide Lincoln was phenomenal. He made it amazing and I highly recommend him as your guide.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Lorenzo H
4 則投稿
2023年5月 • 夫妻情侶
The ride from Montego Bay was very informative with our guide Sophie and our driver Peter. We also did the Catamaran and snorkeling which was enjoyable and an easy transition. The party on the cruise was a lot of fun and I would book with them again.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Katie K
7 則投稿
2022年5月 • 夫妻情侶
My boyfriend and I came to Jamaica for a week. We wanted to do an excursion and signed up the the Chukka Dunn’s river falls and zip lining tour. The distance from Montego Bay was about 1.5hrs but the tour guide/driver made the ride enjoyable. There was a little confusion once you got to check in once we arrived at Ocho Rios. It ate up some time but that was the only real hiccup. The boat ride around the area was so fun! It was a very packed boat though. We opted for the zip lining and climbing the water fall so we got off the boat to start everything first. The Dunn’s River falls was beautiful!
Zip lining was very fun but you only go on 3 short little rides within your time. although fun, not sure it was worth the extra 80 per person.
I would recommend the catamaran ride to anyone it was very lively, great drinks and a fun ride :)
Zip lining was very fun but you only go on 3 short little rides within your time. although fun, not sure it was worth the extra 80 per person.
I would recommend the catamaran ride to anyone it was very lively, great drinks and a fun ride :)
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Mariela M
4 則投稿
2022年1月 • 好友旅行
Staff should be more profesional and organize and the bus drop off was a mess i was there with a group of drunk people very direspecful, the staff at the restaurant were worse im deff not going back there and dont recomend noone to go is a waste of time and money
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Hi Mariela M,
Thank you for leaving your feedback with us. We sincerely apologize that your excursion did not run as smoothly as we would have expected. The series of events you have described is not what we envision for our guests and certainly not the standard with which we operate.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Clare E
2 則投稿
Absolutely loved it! So much fun! We did ATV, Horseback, then Climbed Dunns Falls, and Ziplined over! Worth it! The driver Dave (On a Monday) and Sophie were awesome and educational. Highly recommend!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
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