提供者:Tourmeaway - Taipei Free Walking Tours & Pub Crawls & Food Tour
什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
18-99 歲,每團最多 40 人
所需時間: 3 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
- 有機會品嚐各種台北特色飲品,如台灣啤酒、高粱酒、迎賓酒等。
不提供- 小費
- 出發地點:有多個集合地點可選。
- 選項 1No. 65, Minquan W Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 10491週末: 民權西路站出口。 10 街層,帶有橙色徽章的導遊。
- 選項 2No. 6號, Section 5 of Zhongxiao East RoadSection 5 of Zhongxiao E Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110週三: 台北市政府站2號出口街道層,尋找佩戴橙色徽章的導遊。
結束:- 選項 123 Music Room, 10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Yumen St, 1號花博公園第18號店週末結束地點:捷運圓山站1號出口世博園區附近。
- 選項 2RUFF NIGHT CLUB TAIPEI, 110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Songshou Rd, 18號B1週三終點
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每名成人 (價格可能依團體人數而有所不同)
- 途經Taipei
- jeffrey-linstar0 篇投稿一般般的大众景点虽说是免费行程,但导游会说用小费给予今天行程评价,说真的这感觉比较适合外国人,台湾人可以自己走行程会比较省發表日期:2020年1月9日
- ShayneC02050 篇投稿非常棒的Free Walking Tour!!参加了三种不同的台北Tour,每一个都非常让人惊艳。Tour Guide们都很友善,导览的内容也相当充实。结束导览后对于台北及台湾有更深的认识。极度推荐大家来参加!發表日期:2019年11月13日
- lawrencev30000 篇投稿寺庙步行游我和朱诺和米歇尔的徒步旅行真是太棒了!完全超出我的预期!因为他们,我一定要回台北!好样的!發表日期:2019年8月12日
- Maria G0 篇投稿有趣的龙山寺之旅旅行团大约有15-20人,我们的导游米歇尔和朱诺真的很有趣!他们都很热情地带我们四处参观,他们知道很多关于龙山地区的历史,当我们参观龙山寺时,他们教我们如何正确地向神祈祷。我一定会向任何来台北的人推荐这趟旅行。:)谢谢米歇尔和朱诺!發表日期:2019年8月9日
- Davide M0 篇投稿台北历史的一角我参加了一个龙山寺的旅行团,但我收获的东西远不止于此。我们的向导是Bonnie,她帮我们发现了很多周围地区的漂亮风景,还让我们了解到了很多历史。这趟旅行中,我收获了各种有趣的事迹和丰富的知识,强烈推荐大家参加!發表日期:2019年7月25日
- lucianamdbr0 篇投稿龙山寺一游这是一次很棒的旅行,我强烈推荐。漂亮的导游Violet,向我们介绍了寺庙的意义以及正确的祈祷方式等等。这座寺庙非常有趣,历史悠久,是必游之地。發表日期:2019年6月29日
- GoPlaces269953005270 篇投稿串酒吧和杰克一起逛酒吧,第一间酒吧很有趣,第二间酒吧稍微贵一些,俱乐部的音乐也不错。总的来说,和我们这群人在一起玩得很开心。發表日期:2019年5月27日
- Preethirv0 篇投稿神奇的台北徒步之旅Shun和Ralph的讲话非常精彩,有趣,又很见多识广。这次旅行持续了大约3个小时,我们参观了一些非常有趣的地方, Ralph组织能力非常好,在参观过程中给我们分享了一些有趣的事实和照片。虽然这也是Shun第一次来顺德,但她古灵精怪又搞笑的回答让我们很开心。他们做得很好:)我现在更爱这个城市了發表日期:2019年5月6日
- 2Ls1E0 篇投稿台北Pub Crawl活动参加了Pub Crawl活动(在数家酒馆连续喝酒),非常的喜欢。这是认识新朋友的好方法。Pub Crawl活动最后在一家俱乐部结束,这是我没想到的--对我来说这也是唯一的缺点。导游很棒,确保每个人都得到照顾、参与其中等。發表日期:2019年4月8日
- 308justin0 篇投稿推荐清境农场欧风小镇有专业服务,清洁的房间,环境花园设计佈置很优美。管理主管尊敬的Star先生很用心,帮我拿行旅箱三楼上下。预先通知按排去清清草原,农场看马戏表演。我的班机须知早两个钟到机场,高铁的目录时间,推荐旅行车专员曹適青老师。行程规划导览。 从台中高铁可并车至清清农场欧风小新台币450,call 台湾宝自由之斻。whatsapp +886909700535 姚小姐。 line 0909700535 推荐EURO VILA 欧风小镇🙋👋 這次和太太一同來台灣玩,真的覺得很棒👍 我们那是我最深刻回忆。 下次再來台灣,一定要在再來找Eurovila 住哦👍👍👍👍👍 最後,我JUSTIN LEE K S AND SERENE CHEAH 夫妇 FROM SINGAPORE 在全球最大旅遊網站Tripadvisor上,向你們未來的旅客分这次旅遊的寶貴經驗亦請給你們滿滿的 5個圈 的鼓勵與支持,請連結下方圖片,感謝您 们的服很专业。發表日期:2019年3月18日
- willies3940 篇投稿度过第一天的好方法这是了解台北老城区和历史的好方法。我们的导游很棒,队伍足够大,可以分成两组,提前做好准备。记得给小费,并带上舒适的鞋子。發表日期:2019年2月7日
- Sue L0 篇投稿很棒的3小时之旅我们在我们去的城市尝试和进行免费徒步之旅,就像它说的那样这是免费的-除了最后的提示-这次台北之旅也不例外,尽管台北人很多,我们被告知一些我们不会从任何指南书中看到的事实,,还参观了一些指南书中没有说的地方。發表日期:2018年12月11日
- Janina1510 篇投稿愉快又增长见识的旅行“古城台北”我们跟随多娜踏上了一段很棒的旅行,她用自己那一代人的眼光带我们了解了台湾的历史。她分享了一些信息,并向我们展示了一些有趣的地方,这些地方你自己可能都认不出来。在假期里,这是一种了解台湾历史的绝佳方式,这样你就不必再花几个小时去博物馆了。多娜是个可爱的人,她的英文讲得很棒!發表日期:2018年10月9日
- 0 篇投稿在台北散步台北响起了防空警报,街道上没有车辆,也没有人,像我们这样毫无防备的游客感觉游览很安全。我们的导游介绍说,这是一年一次的防空演习,整个旅行当中,导游都给我们介绍了台北当地的各个独特的景点和文化,我们也了解了当地人的想法,有些人很保守,但是我们总能学到很多知识。台北很适合短途旅行,而且我们在台北免费散步旅行,很有趣。發表日期:2018年8月11日
- ecrosas0 篇投稿可以学到关于台北的很多东西,也会很有乐趣我非常推荐。我参加了龙山寺之旅和老台北之旅(不幸的是,我不能参加其他的团),你在这个过程中不仅仅会学到台北的文化和历史,不管你是独身一人旅行或者和其他人一起旅行,你都会和其他游客一起享受一段美好时光。导游非常好,非常有感染力,你会发觉他们真的很热爱他们所从事的事业。你在参加了这个团之后不会以老眼光去看待台北。我曾经在台北工作过,我的同事对我知道台北的文化和历史那么多有趣的事情感到很惊讶。感谢 TourMeAway 团队,你们做的非常棒。發表日期:2018年6月10日
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14 則評論
Jacob G
5 則投稿
2024年10月 • 單獨旅行
The pub crawl is cool.you go to cool bars and clubs..though if you're new to Taipei give yourself plenty of time to meet at the meeting point as it's very confusing and also don't bother paying the 300 for all you can drink at the clubs as you'll be waiting in line for most of the night..just get your own drink.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dovie M
佛羅里達州馬德拉海灘52 則投稿
If you’re in Taipei and eager to dive into its nightlife, the Taipei Pub Crawl near Taipei 101 is a top recommendation! 🎉 I joined the crawl on a Wednesday night, and it was nothing short of amazing. Our hosts, Min and Steffi, were fantastic! 😄 Their infectious energy kicked off the night with shots and friendly introductions, making it easy to connect with fellow crawlers. Each bar we visited was a hidden gem in the city, offering sample drinks upon arrival. 🍹 These drinks highlighted the distinct character of each spot, making the night both thrilling and unique. Conversations flowed naturally among the group, leading to lots of laughter and shared stories. 😂 It was a perfect blend of fun and discovery, revealing exclusive spots that are usually off the tourist path. In short, the Taipei Pub Crawl is an unforgettable experience, perfectly capturing the city’s vibrant and hidden nightlife treasures. 🌃 Cheers to an incredible night out! 🥂
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
1 則投稿
2024年7月 • 單獨旅行
it's a really wonderful night, everyone were energetic and caring. have visited the interesting local historic pubs and also the park with many clubs & bars with young vibes.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
12 則投稿
2023年11月 • 單獨旅行
I had an incredible time on the pub crawl in Taipei! It was the highlight of my trip. The guides were fantastic, and they took us to some of the most vibrant bars and clubs in the city. I met so many amazing people and had a blast dancing the night away. If you're looking for a fun and social experience while exploring Taipei's nightlife, this is a must-do. Highly recommended!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Samuel H
2 則投稿
2023年9月 • 單獨旅行
Went on a saturday night, the tour guides have a little bit of history, brought us to fun western style bars, and had plenty of drinks to go around.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Our tour guides love sharing a bit of history and taking you to fun Western-style bars. There's always plenty of drinks to go around. Thanks for joining us, and we hope to see you again for more memorable nights in Taipei! 🌃🍻😁
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Neftaly T
1 則投稿
2023年8月 • 好友旅行
They took us to very expensive places compared to others in Taipei, gave us two shots and the “specials” really felt like a ripoff when you did the math and the drinks were weak. I would not recommend.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback, and I'm sorry to hear that your experience didn't meet your expectations. We aim to provide our guests with great value during our pub crawls. I'd like to clarify that the bars we visit are among the most affordable in Taipei, especially when compared to the East District and Taipei 101. We've also negotiated exclusive deals to ensure our guests get the best experience.
We genuinely put in a lot of effort to provide not only fun but also a touch of history, including introducing you to the famous Taiwan Gaoliang and Whisby. We appreciate your comments and are continuously working to improve our offerings. We hope you might consider giving us another try in the future to experience the improvements we've made. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we're committed to providing the best experience for our guests.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Shayrah F
5 則投稿
Shao and Hugh were the best tour guides ever. Very helpful and nice. This tour is a must to try. The bars we’ve been to were all cool😊 Great experience!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Shao and Hugh are indeed the best tour guides! We're thrilled you had a great experience with their help. Thanks for your kind words and for highlighting the cool bars we visit. Join us again for more must-try adventures in Taipei! 🌃🍻😊
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Alma C
德國科布倫茨19 則投稿
2023年6月 • 夫妻情侶
This was a fun night out and great time to meet new people in the city. Went to 4 different bars, had some shots included in the package and ordered more since we stayed at least 40 mins per stop our tour guide, Leo and his colleague, were very friendly and very good in entertaining all the participants. And oh, got 20% discount on this since we availed the old town walking tour.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
We're delighted to hear that you had a fun night out and made new friends in the city. Visiting 4 different bars with shots included, along with your entertaining tour guides Leo and his colleague, makes for a memorable experience. Plus, that 20% discount from the old town walking tour is a great bonus. Thanks for joining us, and we hope to see you again for more fantastic times in Taipei!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Sanne Kuijpers
荷蘭鹿特丹7 則投稿
While on holiday in Taipei we decided to join this pubcrawl hoping to meet people and party. We did both of those things but we expected a little more.
At the pubcrawl itself there where not many people (around 10) and most of them were over 35 while we are early 20s. Next to that we were taken to empty pubs in the beginning and then to places too crowded so we had to stand outside. Our last place was a club with only latin music which is fun if you like that but for the whole night was a bit much.
Overall we had a good time but it could have been organised a bit better. Do keep in mind that the country just opened their boarders and there were not many tourists, and the club we went to probably plays different genres on other days.
At the pubcrawl itself there where not many people (around 10) and most of them were over 35 while we are early 20s. Next to that we were taken to empty pubs in the beginning and then to places too crowded so we had to stand outside. Our last place was a club with only latin music which is fun if you like that but for the whole night was a bit much.
Overall we had a good time but it could have been organised a bit better. Do keep in mind that the country just opened their boarders and there were not many tourists, and the club we went to probably plays different genres on other days.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Thank you for trying our pub crawl! We appreciate your feedback and understand your expectations. We'd like to invite you to come back for a better experience. Since Taiwan's borders opened in November 2022, there's been a lot more excitement and fun to offer. We've taken your feedback into account, and we're continuously working to improve the organization of our events. As more tourists visit, we anticipate a diverse crowd and a variety of music genres at the clubs. We hope to see you again for an even more enjoyable night out in Taipei!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
南韓金浦9 則投稿
This was a very fun pub crawl :). The hosts kept everyone happy and had some great historical side facts for the area that we were in!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
We're thrilled to hear that you had a very fun pub crawl with us! Our hosts are dedicated to keeping everyone happy and sharing interesting historical side facts. Thanks for joining us, and we look forward to more enjoyable nights and intriguing facts on future tours!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
顯示第 1-2 筆搜尋結果,共 2 筆