提供者:Beauty of Japan
什麼是 Travellers' Choice?
Tripadvisor 會頒發 Travellers’ Choice 大獎給持續獲得良好旅客評論,且在 Tripadvisor 的物業中排名前 10% 的住宿、景點和餐廳。
15-90 歲
所需時間: 8 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
- 由英語導遊從宇野港接您
- 從宇野港到宮之浦港的渡輪
- 直島的交通
- 倍樂生 (Benesse)、地中 (Chichu) 和李禹煥博物館門票
- 私家車
- 地中美術館 門票
- Lee Ufan Art Museun 門票
不提供- 下車(遊覽在Miyanoura港口結束)
- 從Miyanoura港口乘坐渡輪前往Uno港口
- 食物和飲料(自費)
- Benesse House美術館 門票
- 出發地點:
- Uno Port, 1 Chome-2 Chikko, Tamano, Okayama 706-0002, Japan上午9:10或上午10:40:在Uno港口與導遊會面
結束:- Marine station "Naoshima", 2249番地40, Naoshima, Kagawa District, Kagawa 761-3110, Japan7:05PM 或 8:25PM 導遊將帶您前往宮浦港,請自行搭乘渡輪前往宇野港。
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每名成人 (價格可能依團體人數而有所不同)
- 1 Chome-2 Chikko, Tamano, Okayama 706-0002, Japan上午9:10或上午10:40:在Uno港口與導遊會面
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 2249番地40, Naoshima, Kagawa District, Kagawa 761-3110, Japan7:05PM 或 8:25PM 導遊將帶您前往宮浦港,請自行搭乘渡輪前往宇野港。
- Passport9876540 篇投稿Kintsugi 的经历这地方不怎么好找。女教练很棒,但她英语只有基础水平,还没有回答我们的附加问题。但我们仍很满意。發表日期:2019年7月23日
- Max F0 篇投稿地点便利,成品漂亮,还有很多值得期待的地方这次经历令人愉快,但基本上是自我引导的。工作人员不太会说英语,整个过程步骤都是打印出来的。做陶器的过程和最终成品都令人满意,不过如果能好好深入学习下,会比自己单独看和做有趣。發表日期:2019年6月3日
- Zahid_Altaf0 篇投稿难忘的一天今天天气真好。早上8点45分,我用JR通票乘坐地铁到达那里。主题公园9点开门,细节令人惊叹。工作人员非常友好。食物种类繁多,素食者和穆斯林(清真)也可以选择。有几个项目走了快速通道,不然要等上一天。愉快的一天很快就过去了。晚上的游行和城堡表演令人惊叹。所有的项目都玩了一遍。喜欢,强烈推荐。發表日期:2019年5月14日
- 2122242362480 篇投稿小熊维尼很有趣的游乐设施!!! 造景做得非常逼真!!! 迪士尼小熊维尼迷,推荐推荐!!!!! P.S:不过不太适合三岁以下的小朋友和密闭空间恐惧症患者發表日期:2019年3月31日
- Steven M0 篇投稿东京迪士尼乐园和东京迪士尼海洋乐园——与众不同的体验我去过香港、加州、奥兰多和巴黎的迪士尼,每次作为一个讲英语的人总是迎合的对象。而东京迪士尼却并非如此,显然迎合的是广大的日本市场。尽管如此,迪士尼的魅力仍在,而且日本人令你感觉宾至如归,竭尽所能地帮助你。肯定是迪士尼的一种不同的特别风格——在我看来魅力与加州最早的乐园不相上下。發表日期:2019年2月23日
- wanderingwedging0 篇投稿尽情享受吧这是我们第二次来到迪斯尼海洋(东京迪士尼度假区的迪士尼主题乐园),并且我们并没有失望。这次这里没有上次那么忙,所以我们可以享受更多的游乐设施。最好在你打算去的那一天的开放和关闭时间之前来到这里参观,因为我们来到公园的那天在18:30就对特别卡持有人关闭了。结果因此景区内没有那么多的人群,所以我们很高兴地离开了。如果你在寒冷的月份去,记得穿暖和的衣服。 希望在下次参观之前这里能推出一些新的游乐设施。总的来说这真是美妙的一天,我们期待着下一次参观。如果你有一点孩子气的话,强烈推荐你来参观。这里的入场费有点贵,但就你所得到的而言还可以。不要忘记使用快速通行证系统,以减少流行游乐设施的等待时间。玩具总动员是我们上次旅行在游玩了游乐设施后去到的地方,所以来这里参观要早点到。發表日期:2019年1月17日
- Richard W0 篇投稿迪斯尼出人意料的好地方当你到国外旅行时,你需要看看那里当地人最爱的地方。这里的迪斯尼和我去过的任何一个迪斯尼公园都完全不同。乘车和表演的体验非常好。食品质量也很高,我们去玩了海盗船,还去了罗斯福酒廊。这是在东京不能错过的景点。發表日期:2018年10月14日
- Alexandra D0 篇投稿正如评论所说,这真的很棒!组织的很好,司机很早就准备好了,会在8:30之前在你的酒店等你,上面会有你的名字作为标志。我们到达迪士尼乐园后,司机向我们解释了如何使用门票以及怎么搭乘地铁回去!非常有帮助,而且很有趣。發表日期:2018年9月18日
- Gregory H0 篇投稿员工服务周到,旅程很顺畅员工服务周到,旅程很顺畅。發表日期:2018年2月17日
- Marilyn S0 篇投稿迪士尼海洋我们很喜欢在迪士尼海洋的入住。排队不长,所以我们可以享受过山车。员工非常友好,总是面带微笑。發表日期:2018年2月14日
- Ben B0 篇投稿非常真实的居酒屋体验我和我的兄弟们都对日本有些了解,但是发现在传统的居酒屋里点菜还是很难。既然我们已经在日本呆了几个月,已经体验过很多不同的食物和饮品,但我们很犹豫是否要去一次居酒屋,因为担心会有更多的事情发生。但是最后我们决定还是去试试,期待些新的东西。Taka并没有令我们失望!非常棒的一间酒吧!新的食物,很多小的位置甚至都坐不下。Taka甚至接受满足需求点菜!我们尝了一些以前根本没吃过的烤鸡肉串。最重要的是,这里有很多喝的,和这里的工作人员聊天都非常有趣!谢谢Taka!發表日期:2017年8月2日
- Thomas C0 篇投稿令人惊叹的! 我旅程中的亮点之一...令人惊叹的! 我旅程中的亮点之一...發表日期:2017年7月12日
- sjb2980 篇投稿逛逛酒吧Taka带我们去了3个很棒的隐蔽的小酒吧…不是英国的那种风格!在地下,很小,我们品尝了当地的美食…是那种当地人回家途中顺道吃个晚饭的酒吧。他让我们在每个地方都感到轻松自在。很棒的食物,很棒的公司。谢谢你Taka!發表日期:2017年6月19日
- surachart20170 篇投稿Badaas酒吧的主人我没有从酒吧的事情抱太大的希望,一开始以为这会是另一个旅游陷阱之类的。但度过了非常难忘的日子,尤其是在东京和Taka的酒吧主人。我们在东京有点迷路了,他对我们很友好,等待我们,酒吧主人是来自泰国的丈夫和妻子。他能讲流利的英语,能与你交谈,从喝酒到世界经济问题,他不断地倒饮料,直到你没饮料,方式非常不错。干杯!發表日期:2017年6月13日
- NX2110 篇投稿强烈推荐我们和Taka有过一段很好的时光,并体验到一种真正的当地体验,去看看我们永远不会自己发现的地方。Taka回答了我们关于日本人的生活和文化的很多问题,他说的英语比我好!这是我们此次日本之行的亮点之一。發表日期:2017年5月31日
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9 則評論
新加坡新加坡379 則投稿
We rented a car for 4 hours as it’s easier to get around the island with a party of 3. Prices are reasonable too. Bicycles many people cycle on the roads instead of footpaths.
The island has a really laid back, chilled out vibe to it and I think it might be worth an overnight stay the next time we visit. Either that or spend 2 days looking through all the museums (and stay at uno port)
Definitely worth a visit!!
The island has a really laid back, chilled out vibe to it and I think it might be worth an overnight stay the next time we visit. Either that or spend 2 days looking through all the museums (and stay at uno port)
Definitely worth a visit!!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
加州Corte Madera8 則投稿
The Art Island is a bit spread out so having guide made our day far more enjoyable than it would have been without. To make it even better, our guide Yoji studied art and gave us information that made everything much more relatable and fun. If you like contemporary art at all you will love this tour.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
日本東京30 則投稿
Wear comfortable shoes because you will be walking a lot. Yugi is an expert and also a local. He himself is an artist and very passionate and knowledgeable about all of houses and museums he took us to. We were able to see more in less time because it is private. He picked us up at UNO port at 0910AM and drove us back to Naoshima port to catch the last ferry back to UNO port at 5:35 PM. Thank you Yuji!
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear Katt-san for a great review.
Yoji-san also tole me that he had a great day with you two on the day.
He is the best master guide we ever have, and we are glad that you enjoyed his company and the tour!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
法國巴黎527 則投稿
Excellente journée à visiter l Ile et ses principaux musées :
Chichu, Benesse House, Seaside Gallery, LeeUfan et the House Project
Navettes gratuites faciles a utiliser pour faire le tour d Ouest en Est
Nombreux lieu pour louer des vélos et voir les œuvres d art près des plages
Le trajet en train d okayama est de 50mn
Chichu, Benesse House, Seaside Gallery, LeeUfan et the House Project
Navettes gratuites faciles a utiliser pour faire le tour d Ouest en Est
Nombreux lieu pour louer des vélos et voir les œuvres d art près des plages
Le trajet en train d okayama est de 50mn
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Arigato and thank you for your review!
Yoji-san is the best guide we ever had....he is a Naoshima local, and an art teacher, and a kind human being! Many believe that an art lover like you should join the tour!
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
Jason R.
哥倫比亞特區華盛頓 (哥倫比亞特區)3 則投稿
We had an amazing day with Yoshiko in Naoshima. From the very beginning, she was extremely helpful and thoughtful, and even called us the night before the tour to discuss our travel plans from Okayama when we were concerned about arriving on time. We wanted to hit all of the major museums (Bennesse House, Chichu, and Lee Ufan, plus the art house project and the Yayoi Kusama pumpkins), which she told us not everyone is able to do in one day. But she kept us on schedule so that we were able to do it all, which was exactly what we wanted.
Visiting Naoshima was made so much better by having her guide us, as we were not wasting time looking up directions or waiting for buses - she knew the best way to structure the itinerary, the best/fastest way to get around, including the exact bus and ferry timetables, and she navigated us expertly around the island while explaining the history of the projects and other interesting facts about the island. Going with her allowed us to experience the art and the island in full, and to effectively outsource some of the logistical work so that we could focus on maximizing our enjoyment.
Yoshiko has lived in and around Naoshima all of her life and she brings her knowledge and experience as a retired teacher to bear as a guide. She is attuned to the way of life on the island and the development of art islands in Japan and art projects on Naoshima. Her flexibility and ease with which she navigated the island made our lives easier. It was very easy to put ourselves in her hands, and she gave us ample time and space to be at peace with and behold the art. As a result, it was a moving and relaxing experience.
For those interested in visiting Naoshima, this is an excellent way to do so and well worth the cost.
Visiting Naoshima was made so much better by having her guide us, as we were not wasting time looking up directions or waiting for buses - she knew the best way to structure the itinerary, the best/fastest way to get around, including the exact bus and ferry timetables, and she navigated us expertly around the island while explaining the history of the projects and other interesting facts about the island. Going with her allowed us to experience the art and the island in full, and to effectively outsource some of the logistical work so that we could focus on maximizing our enjoyment.
Yoshiko has lived in and around Naoshima all of her life and she brings her knowledge and experience as a retired teacher to bear as a guide. She is attuned to the way of life on the island and the development of art islands in Japan and art projects on Naoshima. Her flexibility and ease with which she navigated the island made our lives easier. It was very easy to put ourselves in her hands, and she gave us ample time and space to be at peace with and behold the art. As a result, it was a moving and relaxing experience.
For those interested in visiting Naoshima, this is an excellent way to do so and well worth the cost.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Dear customer,
Thank you for review us.
We are looking forward to seeing you again.
這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。
1 則投稿
I really enjoyed my day on Naoshima, made all the better by your guide Yoji. So much to see in one day and I was expertly taken round, it would have been very difficult to see everything if I was doing all the museums and art installations on my own as things are spread out over the island, and require various tickets etc. Yoji also explained so much about the various exhibits, buildings, history of the island and more that it brought it all life, making things interesting, memorable and understandable.
Thank you, well worth the fee, i would encourage anyone to use your guide.
Thank you, well worth the fee, i would encourage anyone to use your guide.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Bryan L
2 則投稿
Naoshima is an unforgettable experience into art of modern Japan, but most importantly, it reveals the evolution of the traditional Zen gardens centered in Kyoto into the architectural Zen gardens throughout Naoshima. The spirit is the same although the context is different. You cannot appreciate this powerful and fundamental growth without visiting the art centers themselves.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Michael H
伊利諾州芝加哥128 則投稿
2018年11月 • 好友旅行
A tour guide is essential if you want to experience Naoshima in any kind of depth. To navigate it by yourself is largely impossible. Our tour guide, Yoji, met us at the ferry and saw us across to Naoshima giving us an overview of the history of the islands as we travelled. When we docked he took us to his car and drove us around the major exhibits, the immersive installations and the three major art museums. His itinerary was thoughtful and well paced. He took us to a terrific local cafe for a first rate lunch and stayed with us until the last ferry when we returned to the mainland and back to Okayama. Yoji and his wife are themselves artists so he had a wonderful and fresh perspective on the art and he shared his thoughts with us from both a historical and cultural perspective as well as from an esoteric and aesthetic point of view. The tour was worth every cent we spent and we couldn't recommend Yoji any more highly.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Paul Robert F
瑞士蘇黎世184 則投稿
2018年10月 • 好友旅行
DIE KUNSTWELT! Naoshima ist eine kleine Insel, die seit Mitte der 90er Jahre als Museum für moderne Kunst verwendet wird. Der Besuch ist ein absolutes Muss für jeden Japan-Besucher. Fast jeder weltweit bekannte, moderne Künstler ist vertreten. Die übergrossen und kleinen Kustwerke werden über die Insel verteilt ausgestellt. Die Museen können mit dem öffentlichen Bus oder sehr einfach mit dem Fahrrad besucht werden. Ich war leider nur einen Tag dort, werde jedoch bald wieder hinreisen.
這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
Hello, 4 of my friends want to go to Naoshima from Takamatsu. Is it possible to have a car and a guide ?
Are the museum admissions included in the cost? And what kind of transport is provided around the island? Apologies if this is already stated and I missed it.
Our tour guide had a museum pass and was able to get us in to all the exhibits without charge. He also provided transportation. You will need transportation to successfully navigate the island. Many tours ask that you purchase your admission to the museums separately.
My daughter and I will be arriving on Naoshima Island May 29 in the evening and have all day May 30 to explore the island. We would like a guide who is familiar with the art and museums to guide us for a full day on May 30. We are staying at the Benesse House. Can you find a knowlegable guide for us? RL
Hi, my husband and I are planning to go to Japan in May and we would like to visit Naoshima in the end of May. We would like to receive information on where to stay in Naoshima or if we should stay in a place nearby. If so, how to go to Naoshima e information about this tour.
Thank you very much.
Four of us are on a windstar cruise . We will be arriving at Takamatsu on April 7th at 7 AM. We would like to go to Naoshima Art Island for a 6-7 Hour tour and return to Takamatsu by 4 PM. Send us if you can arrange a guide.
On the initial page offering the tour, it says "from $142, then when trying to book...jumped to over $400. What's up with that?
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